The Untouched World


She's alone





Appearance: Anime & description


Magic Type:

Regular Clothes:








Race: See overview


Appearance: Anime and/or Description





Usual Attire:


With your CS you must have some detail to it. That means no one liners if it can be helped.
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Alec 'Cika' Dream

"I always wondered why my parents chose Alec."



"Ugh. Do I sound any bit feminine to you? I might maybe sound a little bit."



"I'm 16, I'm not immortal."



"And so, I can do stuff..."



"You'll understand, it'll be better after this."


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Alec is smart and manipulative, like his power, he implants false statements. He lies too much and will over think something too hard, he just wants to show what he knows. Alec is a little nice, more like just hating everyone and he's very antisocial but will do anything to get anything done.

"That's just me."


Aiming, dodging, quick and fast. He's good at Lockpicking and breaking and entering.

"Up, down, left, right, I'm going to kill you in your sleep tonight when nobodies watching!"


Alec carries whatever he can find, whether it be a stick or a sword.

"I'll use anything, really."


Aside from using his Saliva and Blood to poison anything, he can implant, change or remove memories from a person's brain, but depending on the memory, it'll take a while to remove, change or implant it.

"Memory time, time to remember."

Usual Attire:

Often wears neutral clothing, usually something that defines not rich nor poor.

"Well. Neutrality is all that is."





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Fae Folk of Frayca


Name: Kyomi

"Be careful what you wish for"

Age: Appears to be sixteen or seventeen, however she's much older than that. True age is unknown.

Gender: Female

Nickname: Kyo

Race: Kitsune

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/IMG_2944.JPG.efb84a8d1286c2191cc5f5a159fe842c.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52394" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/IMG_2944.JPG.efb84a8d1286c2191cc5f5a159fe842c.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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"Remember that I'm a wild animal and I do in fact, bite if threatened"


Talents: Kyomi is very light and quick on her feet which means she can go very fast doing pretty much anything and can do flips, rolls, and other tricks with ease. This makes it easy for her to run through the tree tops of forest, simply bouncing easily off and through the trees. Kyomi can't do anything really remarkable other than creating small creatures out of her dark magic or playing beautiful music. She is a bad dancer, so during festivals she's either entertaining the children or providing good music.

Weapon(s): Knives, swords, her claws, fangs, throwing stars, poison darts. These are the main things that Kyomi uses to fight if she feels threatened. Due to her lack in strength she cannot overpower someone, however she can defeat someone by using beautiful and precise attacks that will render them defenseless. If Kyomi knows that she can't kill someone on her own she will use her quick fox reflexes and get out of there if need be. This is usually only when in her human form. Once she is in her true form she's much harder to deal with and she delivers one nasty bite.

Magic: Cursed magic is what this young kitsune uses. This is a type of magic that has rarely been seen or taught in the kitsune culture as it's rather dangerous if used the wrong way. When Kyomi uses her magic her eyes turn red and her hair becomes black. These aren't the only changes to her as it also effects her true form as well. Her fangs and claws become poisoned and therefore fighting against her makes things difficult. Rarely does Kyomi actually use her powers to their full extent. Mainly she will just make it so her reflexes are faster, her attacks are better, and her teeth and claws become poisoned. Kyomi can create things such as butterflies or other small objects by using her magic, but without using it dangerously. The reason she doesn't use her full power is because she doesn't find the need to use a dark magic. Whether or not her magic is actually powerful is up to her opponents to decide.

Usual Attire: Usually she'll be seen in traditional shrine maiden robes with a slight twist to them. Why she wears these clothes is unknown because nobody else in her village wears them. Maybe it's due to the fact that for most of her life she was at the large shrine, praying for Alys knows what. Or maybe it's the fact that she has been alive longer than most and therefore has no family.


"Oh please, like you understand the curse of living a thousand lifetimes"



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Name: Kara

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Race: Changeling


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/1431567990861.jpg.78e5343a21243f3f40529bd3cad70eca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52445" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/1431567990861.jpg.78e5343a21243f3f40529bd3cad70eca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She is shy and quiet, though nice. She might be a little bit spoiled but always dreams of adventure. She was never popular. Now, since she is adopted, she is beginning to wonder who her real parents were.

Talents: She loves interacting with animals, and is good at making crafts. She also has a pretty voice, but she never let's anyone hear her.

Weapon(s): She has a small knife, which belonged to her real mother, though she has never actually tried to weild it.

Magic: She has found that she can summon small animals such as squirrels, frogs, and small birds by singing to them.

Usual Attire: Kara usually wears a T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She always wears her leather jacket, even in the summer, because itbis the last thing that she has from her father.

Other: She has a birthmark of a butterfly in her left palm, and it glows when she sings.




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Calliope37 said:
Name: Kara
Gender: Female

Age: 13

Race: Changeling

Nickname: none


View attachment 120066

Personality: shy, quiet, though nice. A little bit spoiled but always dreamed of adventure.

Talents: interacting with animals, crafts, singing

Weapon(s): a small knife, though isn't too good with it

Magic: animal summoning (only small animals now)

Usual Attire: t-shirt, jeans, leather coat, sneakers

Other: has a birthmark of a butterfly in her left palm, which flows when she sings (nothing like Rapunzel, I promise)

Can you add some detail to your CS? Like make things into paragraphs and whatnot

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    Elice Ravenmore








    Elice has a slender body with the height of 5'5"(167.6cm) and fair skin. Her hair is a mixture of blue and black, reaching just below her waist. She usually dons it in two ponytail braids while her eyes are aqua in color.

    Regular Clothes:

    Elice would always have her white and teal leg band on her right thigh and wears a small black pouch on her hips. Her favorite outfit consists of a short white lacy dress with a white hoodie that has some floral fractal patterns. She also wears white boots with two colors of shoelaces that are yellow and teal along with black pantyhose. Variously, she would wear clothes which are lightweight and breezy.
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Name: Umbra Sine Pari

In the tongue of the humans it means "Shadow without Equal"

Gender: Male

Age: Around ten thousand years, give or take a couple decades.

Race: Vashta

Nickname: The Mistake, Empty Shadow, Blank Lord. All are meant to be derogatory. He simply prefers the name Umbra.

Appearance: Umbra has two forms, a more human appearance, though even this form seems to have some otherworldly quality. The other form is much more monstrous, a form designed to kill.



Personality: Umbra is a...unique...individual among his people. He is kind and considerate, inquisitive to a fault, and easily amused. He seeks to improve his knowledge and has had many, many years to do it, though his ability to gain knowledge was hindered by his imprisonment.

Because of his inquisitive nature, he is also surprisingly forgetful. He can get so wrapped up in whatever he is focusing on, he can even forget to eat or bathe.

Talents: He is very good at parlor tricks and can speed read most books. His intelligence is off the charts, though most of his knowledge is outdated, he can learn something extremely quickly.

Weapon(s): He carries a single knife in his human form. This is not to be used as a weapon, but as a reminder of the people he killed in the past and of his final kill before he was imprisoned.

Magic: Shadow and Illusory magic. Umbra can freely manipulate the shadows around him, turning them into weapons and objects of defense. His true magic is his ability to trick both the mind and the senses. He can make you believe you are standing completely naked in a blizzard even if you are covered in fur and standing in the desert.

He also knows some simple magic such as making lights where there are none.

Usual Attire: A blue and green robe over simple loose fitting clothing.

Other: Umbra is one of the Vashta, a warlike species created by mingling shadows, magic, and human rage. They were created for one purpose, to kill. During the War ten thousand years ago, humans were experimenting with magic and needed soldiers. That is where the Vashta came from. Each was made with the dying regret and rage from humans who'd been wounded fatally.

They were monsters only supposed to kill and follow the orders of their masters.

Umbra was the same as the rest of his kindred. He followed orders and slew creatures as he was told to. However, there was a slight change during his creation. A child, unspoiled and not corrupted by the trials of war, unknowingly became part of the ritual that created a Vashta.

Unknown to his creators, hidden deep within the hatred and lust for blood, was the innocent soul of that child, and the longer he lived, the more Umbra became aware of new emotions. Remorse, sadness, and a new thirst for knowledge. He wanted to know more than himself.

Some of the humans noticed this, and even more, were appalled that he would take a form similar to their own. Unable to refuse his creators, he was dragged deep into the forest and into a cave. It was deemed that a quick death would be to easy a punishment for him.

Using all that they knew, they crafted chains of magic and bound him to the cave. Invisible chains wrapped around his arms and legs, making it hard for him to move. They made sure he would die a slow death.

Then he was alone. His species could go years without food or water, especially in their shadow form. However, he was unable to take that form, being bound with magic. In his human form, he was more susceptible to the feelings of hunger and thirst.

Yet he never called for help or prayed to either human god nor Frayca's goddess. He believed that this was merely a fraction of the punishment he deserved for the numerous creatures he'd killed. It was because of this he didn't want to die. He got the occasional reprieve from thirst when it rained and water dripped from the cave's ceiling.

Food came from the minor amounts of fruit and vegetables he was able to reach with his shadow manipulation. Time past, days became weeks, weeks became months, and months became years.

Bound to his cave, he was separated from the outside world and to him a every day was as long as the ten thousand years he spent in it.

Name: Ferri Terenther

Gender: Male

Age: looks 19, but has lived over 12 000 years

Race: Sulis

Nickname: Dragon


"You should respect your elders~... is my life lesson"

Personality: Ferri is really aggressive and arrogant. His mood is really inconsistent. Sometimes he is calm as water then suddenly fierce as fire. Even though he is like that. He can be sometimes really cunning. Then other times really selfish. He sleeps most of time unless something interesting is happening.

Talents: He has vast amount of knowledge due to living over 12 000 years. He always loved books, even though it doesn't fit his personality. He is really good with his hands.

He is too arrogant to have any weapon. He thinks he can defeat anyone who comes in his way with elemental power he resides with.

He has mastered fire elemental magic. When you master fire elemental magic, your flames should be blue. But for some reason Ferris flames are disgusting black.

Usual Attire:

He usually wears a robe like this which is most comfortable for him. He wears 2 rings on his index and ring finger on his left arm.

Other: "There is NOT room for weakness"

He loathes weak-willed Fae folks. Until something interesting happens... he is just going to nap all day.
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Overrated said:
Name: Ferri Terenther
Gender: Male

Age: looks 19, but has lived over 12 000 years

Race: Sulis

Nickname: Elemental God, because he's the only sulis who is known to use 3 elements.


"You should respect your elders~... is my life lesson"

Personality: Ferri is really aggressive and arrogant. His mood is really inconsistent. Sometimes he is calm as water then suddenly fierce as fire. Even though he is like that. He can be sometimes really cunning. Then other times really selfish. He sleeps most of time unless something interesting is happening.

Talents: He has vast amount of knowledge due to living over 12 000 years. He always loved books, even though it doesn't fit his personality. He is really good with his hands which resulted a little hobby. He creates figures with the help of earth elemental power

He is too arrogant to have any weapon. He thinks he can defeat anyone who comes in his way with elemental power he resides with. But one of techniques is fire bow which he uses rarely.

He has mastered fire elemental magic. When you master fire elemental magic, your flames should be blue. But for some reason Ferris flames are disgusting black. He can use earth and ice elemental power too. But it's told that he can't use control them properly which is really odd.

Even though he can use 3 elemental powers. He gets tired and sleepy really fast, so he tend to be swift on his fights.

(i wanted to make sure, so sulis only control one elemental power or all of them? or does some sulis 1 while others use 3 or 4, i understood that sulis can only control one elemental power is this right? )

Usual Attire:

He usually wears a robe like this which is most comfortable for him. He wears 2 rings on his index and ring finger on his left arm.

Other: "There is NOT room for weakness"

He loathes weak-willed Fae folks. Until something interesting happens... he is just going to nap all day.
Each sulis can only control one element each.
Name: Tristitia

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Race: Samsarsran

Nickname: N/A

Appearance: Aura color changes depending on the mood. Light Blue- bliss (rare), Blue-sorrow (common), Red-anger, Green-envy, yellowish-happiness (rare), purple-confused, Orange-Disgust, White-fear, Black-none.

Personality: Tristitia is nothing if not spiteful. She is s being burdened with the memories of hundreds of lives. She can not seem to take an identity as she will seem to have multiple personalities. Though she may not have one set personality, a common trait is bitterness, longing for love, and is prone to violent outburst of rage and sorrow. Without a home, she wonders around,aimlessly and lost without a sense of purpose or self. When faced with familiarity, Tristitia obsessively tries to put one of her lives back together only to fail in the end causing more damage and strife. When it comes to killing, She will seem torn sometimes though other times she may randomly and violently take a life without remorse. Though when she finds a still living lover, she will cling on to him/her with total disregard of the current situation or others feelings, and will often force the ex-lover to pick up where they had left off. From years of experience and life, she is extremely proficient in magical combat buffed by her ghostly state. She particularly enjoys staring into the sun and/or sky and singing/humming, but also when she starts and activity tends to get lost in it until something stops her or distracts her (be internal or external).

Talents: singing, Magic, making clothes.

Weapon(s): Can materialize claw like fingers, knives and other such things, to a limit.

Magic :Singing-Has a beautiful alluring, hypnotizing effect. Magic- has non-elemental magic that tends to center around darkness,gravity and the mind. Can materialize any clothing from her being, but is white or bluish in color; sometimes black.

Usual Attire: a wedding dress from some unknown life, with stone like wings

Other: "Who am I? Where am I? Who are you?"


Age:20, but much older. Kinda sensitive about his age.








Usual Attire:



LadyOfSixVillages said:

Age:20, but much older. Kinda sensitive about his age.




Sorry accidently posted. Stupid phone.







20, but much older. Kinda sensitive about his age.

"Please kids don't call me Jiji-san. I'm not that old"






Human form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/c498f6e9143263ec15897a730cb0f121.jpg.18c339f07e0e2b92956c00b1a122e36e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53079" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/c498f6e9143263ec15897a730cb0f121.jpg.18c339f07e0e2b92956c00b1a122e36e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fox form

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Being one of the oldest of his kind Tomastu is a wise and serious individual.With his age he is not only endowed with wisdom but also great patience. He is understand of those outside his race, and compassionate to those around him. However just because his is old does not mean Tomastu doesn't know how to be fun. A hidden mischievous side makes its appearance from time to time if Tomastu has the time or energy. Mostly when he's bored. An older brother figure to many in his village. Many describe him as a hard working and dependent individual. Being a reliable individual many call on his skill but Tomastu hates social inteaction, and a bit socially retarded when interacting with other. He actually is clueless as to why the village children cling to him so much. Even though his life if filled with the duty to his village Tomastu has an underlying sadness to his eye and a deep hatred for humans due to the events during the human's time on Frayca.


Mostly believe he is stuck up and old however,Tomastu is a master in tricks and a great prankster. While his go to method for conflicts is his diplomatic skill and swift feet, he Kitsune magic is matched by no one in his village, and his accuracy in senbon needle throwing is unrivaled. He's also a great storyteller


His only weapon are a pouch of senbon needles he alway carries on hand. Not deadly but supremely accurate. They are great to strike acupuncture points, which can just as swiftly paralyzed someone as it can kill. Tomastu much prefers paralyze his opponent than kill them. In his fox form, well...claw and his fang will take care of his opponents.


Being one of the oldest Kitsunes has its perks in the long run. With eight out of the nine tails a kitsune can achieve, Tomastu is well-verse in the art of Kitsune magic. With so many tails he can create a powerful Fox Fire that for him floats around him in the form of two shiny white almost lantern-like balls. He can control them with his mind to severly burn his enemies with highly concentrated fire blasts or make them be just warm balls of energy for the village children to play with them and kick around. Tomastu can also make realistic illusions around his enemies and with deep concentration can possession his enemies for a short time. While he is not skilled in it Tomastu as a last resort can use celestial magic with him being the last of the Tenko or Heavenly kitsunes. But the only thing he can do is empower his fox fire, and heal. It is not much of a power improvement and he much rather run if it gets to that point that he needs to use that power.

Usual Attire:

His usual attire alternate between a black ninja outfit he wear during traveling and errands that he may do. The other is a

what he wears when he is in the village. It is made up of a yukata that is of high quality and a light blue outer robe along with preist necklace and accessories. Overall he hates this outfit because it make him look like a noble but he wears it because he more than often will assist the village elders.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/a_char1_r.jpg.90a3cebbdd8ebe0167571dfb3bda4e93.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53098" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/a_char1_r.jpg.90a3cebbdd8ebe0167571dfb3bda4e93.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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The only thing he is quiet terrible at is shapeshifting. You will often see his ears, tail, and his red clan marking because they are often to hard to contain. The children of the village thinks it is hilarious and ride on his tails, since they are so fluffy and he will usually let them chase his tails around.

"My life is not like others, it has seen too much dispair and evil. However see the smiling face of those I help numbs the pain"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/a_char1_r.jpg.6cc4224bace4cedfff7003a8e9fee3e4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53087" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/a_char1_r.jpg.6cc4224bace4cedfff7003a8e9fee3e4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/c43bc025c0cff00a417ed683853ddeb6.jpg.c3f1db4899e5499ac3a1c49be3570ac0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53091" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/c43bc025c0cff00a417ed683853ddeb6.jpg.c3f1db4899e5499ac3a1c49be3570ac0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

LadyOfSixVillages said:




Usual Attire:



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