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    Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

    Jazzabell sighed. Mr. Stein is mad. No, the other kind of mad. The one where people get punished. She ran a hand through her light colored hair, removing her hat only for a second before putting it back into place. "Hey, Al." Allen looked at her. "What's up Jazz?" Jazzabell blinked a few times...
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    Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

    Jazzabell watched with wide eyes at the outfit that the other boy changed into. "A-Ah..." She was rendered speechless as she was able to see the outline of the boy's torso due to his tight shirt, along with the ears. Quickly, she squeezed her nose and sighed. "Oh gosh..." Possible nosebleed for...
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    Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

    Jazzabell looked at Allen with a large blush when the boy that she called "Ash" asked for a kiss. Allen only chuckled and shrugged. Jazz thought "complicated relationship, much?" before giggling. As the two left the classroom, Jazz rested on Allen and closed her eyes. "Hey Jazz, how come they...
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    Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

    The female covered her mouth, letting something close to a "Pfft..." sound release from her lips. Then, full out laughter. Allen stood, stunned.. "How the hell do total strangers make her laugh, but I can't?" He grumbled silently, pursing his bottom lip. She let go of the girl and continued...
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    Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

    Jazzabell giggled and faced Allen before raising an eyebrow. "A protective weapon. That's cute." Allen nodded and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Jazz. Because absolutely no weapons have the duty to protect their meisters." The younger flicked her weapon on his forehead before looking up at the two as...
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    Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

    Allen chuckled at the tone of voice from whomever. "As you wish." He said cockily before raising his hands above his head in defeat and sitting back down. Jazzabell rolled her eyes. "I apologize for my flirtatious, idiotic weapon." Allen opened his mouth to say something, but Jazz looked at him...
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    Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

    (First paragraph is boring. If you just want to skip to when they get to class, that's the second paragraph.) Jazzabell walked into the large symmetrical building which was the DWMA. A girl who stood at 4'10" was Jazzabell Yaamamoto. She wore black combat boots, black and purple striped...
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    Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)

    Meister : Name : Jazzabell Yamamoto Nickname : Jazz, Bella Gender : Female Age : 14 Looks : ♡ Petite. ♡ Medium-Size bust ♡ Grayish hair that's cut short, only reaching her shoulders. Layered, with two purple streaks on either side of her face ♡ Bangs covering her left eye...
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    ~Life on the Streets~

    Daichi chuckled at the girl who introduced herself as "Steph". He grabbed the other half of the sandwich and looked at her. "Daichi. Nice to meet you." The younger bit into his sandwich and blinked, not understanding why this girl was so... frail. She was too young to be starv.. nevermind. "Why...
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    Life's hard isn't it ? [ ACCEPTING ]

    Name : Akira Yamamoto Age : 18 Job : Hostess Gender : Female History : Akira Yamamoto. A young woman. Kind to others. Friend. Who would've guessed this girl would be a hostess in one of the most popular joints in Okinawa? Though, she wasn't always like this. Akira was a young, normal...
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    ~Life on the Streets~

    Daichi blinked as he looked up at her. She seemed... troubled? No. That wasn't it. Weak.. maybe. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and ran his thumb across the covering of one of his sandwiches. "I can't get more" He thought, his own stomach churning in discomfort. After looking at the girl, he...
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    ~Life on the Streets~

    Daichi turned the corner in the alley. A black hoodie covered his unruly brown hair, and a frown was plastered on his face. Baggy, dark blue jeans hang loosely on his waist and simple black shoes are laced on his feet. Now, what someone as young as him doing on the streets? That's a long story...
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    1x1 looking for seme~

    I'm open for anything. Seme. Uke. I'm flexible.
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    ~Life on the Streets~

    Name: Daichi Jun Yamamoto Age: 14 Gender: Male Personality: Daichi isn't a loner, nor is he one to depend on others. He is the kind of boy that would help others in their time of need, but he would most likely disappear after that. He has trust issues. Strangers and people he doesn't know...
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    Hetalia [Yaoi/Hetro/Yuri]

    The countries are fighting more and more. Wars are starting once again. The world is going into ruin. What do the managers of these nations do? Try to make an agreement, of course! It seems that what they came up with, however... is... well... The countries have to get married...
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    Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

    Akira lay twisted and turned on her bed. The teen wasn't in the mood to get out of bed today, and she certainly wasn't ready for the late shift. The girl groaned and sat up, running her fingers through her unruly hair. It was naturally curly, making the ends of her short strands stick up at the...
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    Lucerne, The City of Life ~Characters and Info~

    @Makira Kaiser Either/or. I don't really mind Which. What would you prefer?
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    Lucerne, The City of Life ~Characters and Info~

    Name: Akira Jane Yamamoto Age: (early) 17 Gender: Female Job: Works part-time at a anime store. Student; Fourth Year of High School. Personality: Akira is a very laid-back character. She may get a bit temperamental at times, though it's easy to cool that hot head of hers. She's a bit...
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    Chitchat Something i thought might be funny to know :p

    Mine was just kinda a ramble of my mom speaking nonsense of spanish. mira que linda mi nushaha. Maybe she was thinking of the lion king? Haha. Mufasa.
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    What are your favorite types of roleplays?

    I enjoy... Slave/Master Roleplays High School Roleplays Family Roleplays Mafia Roleplays Fantasy Roleplays Yaoi Roleplays and to be completely specific what kind of fan roleplays Alice in Wonderland