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  1. Squall

    Acquainted With The Night

    I'll try and get it up in my next class, it's a 30 min class and we don't do work in it, in case your worried I'm blowing class off. =p
  2. Squall

    Acquainted With The Night

    I'm interested in the police officer.
  3. Squall

    Fantasy OniKami Agency

    Miyoshi jumps up "Yeah,we'll trick him if he even thinks about trying to trick us!" Miyo puts his fist out towards Kiyo's "Wonder twin powers activate!" He said laughing "Nothing can get past us brother!"
  4. Squall


    Yay, you're kind of back!
  5. Squall


    Yay, you're back =3
  6. Squall

    Pokemon! Who's your favorite?

    My favorite I'd say is Cyndaquil, but I have a huge list of favorites like Absol, Umbreon (especially shiny), Cubone, it's a long list.
  7. Squall

    Fantasy OniKami Agency

    Miyoshi jumps with joy of being able to team up with his brother. He looks through all of the features of his cellphone showing it to Kiyo "Look Kiyo, isn't it so cool, well, if you look past the pink." Miyo says playfully.
  8. Squall

    Realistic or Modern Frostbite

    Walking around the store, Harry found a crowbar, a few rolls of duct tape, and a flashlight, he emptied his backpack and put a tool box in it "Hopefully somebody knows how to actually use these, if I can find anybody else in this hell hole." Harry looks out the store and looks down the street...
  9. Squall

    Fantasy OniKami Agency

    "Kiyo!" Miyoshi screamed running up and hugging his twin brother nearly knocking his twin brother to the floor "What's up brother, when's the leader gonna be here?" Kiyo said taking some sweets.
  10. Squall

    welian remembers how to draw

    Nobody does to the pictures as well, so you're alright =p
  11. Squall

    welian remembers how to draw

    I actually laugh at how bad my drawings are.
  12. Squall

    welian remembers how to draw

    Awesome, I can't draw at all sadly.
  13. Squall

    OniKami Agency

    Name: Miyoshi Inoe Age: 12 Race of Yokai: Kitsune Personality: Miyo is very playful, bubbly and friendly. His optimistic attitude is very apparent from the moment you meet him. He loves sweets and has a major tooth for one. He always seems to be happy though he can be a bit...
  14. Squall

    Fandom Pokemon: RLYKEWLTITLE

    Still in yo!
  15. Squall

    Yeah, really =p

    Yeah, really =p
  16. Squall

    Second post

    Second post
  17. Squall


    I figured like, a full out war with the police and the monsters going on while I'm in the city.
  18. Squall


    Is this RP getting steamy?
  19. Squall


    Sugars post made it out to be running, so I was just a bit confused...
  20. Squall


    Are they walking or running zombies?