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welian remembers how to draw


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I haven't drawn in a LONG time, I sorta stopped being interested in illustration a couple years back. But every so often I get the itch to draw, and tonight I decided to plug in my tablet and see if I still had the magic.

I think I do. And now to slowly work on redesigning some of my OCs...

Thanks! It's a skill that takes a while to pick up, so no shame in fugly drawings.
That's both charming and unfortunate and I'm not sure how to respond. xD
Git gud, Squall.

Round 2, with dark hair instead. This was SUPPOSED to be a full-body picture but I didn't save, and couldn't go far back enough in the history... Fffff... I don't wanna redraw the entire body... Gais you don't even kno the anatomy was spot on and the proportions were perfect.

-weeps for what is lost-

Anyways, yeah, part 2.

I... Draw weapons. Poorly. Still,though,epic work,Weli! Keep at it! Be magnificent! Powerful! Fierce!
But Alad, you actually KNOW about weapons! I can't draw them at all, because I don't know what they're supposed to look like or the differences between them. I draw people 99% of the time, because that's what I'm best at.
Thank you! When I get home, I'll have to clear off my desk and draw a few more things. I haven't drawn any anthro characters in a long time, working with paws andd ears again might be a lot of fun.
Gorgeous style! ♥ Didn't know you draw! I'm glad you came back to it, can never have too many artists!

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