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  1. R

    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    Dilos watched the bulky space marines carry his master to the medical center of the ship. One outstreched his hand and indicated him to stop. "Stop right there human, only astartes have authorization to enter the medical wing," his voice boomed off the walls. "But thats my master in there...
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    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    Dilos unleashed another blast from his melta, an entire warrior group disappeared as the blast hit them. Hot chunks of meat dropped all around Dilos, he looked back to the apothecary, he was working diligently to keep Castor alive. Fifteen gaunts erupted in a display of gore as the predator...
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    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    A warrior came after Apollo, turning, Dilos washed it away in a blast of molten air. "Another group incoming!," Dilos yelled to Apollo. A large group of gaunts, spearheaded by warriors, headed straight for them. Together Apollo and Dilos fired on the tyranids, bolter rounds torn open their...
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    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    "Sire we have lost contact with the Bane of Aliens, I'm currently trying to re-establish contact but at the moment we're in the dark," the thunderhawk jerked violently, nearly being hit by a blast from the tyranids. Dilos strapped on his parachute and walked toward the ramp,"Pilot lower the...
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    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    Dilos quickly looked to his masters vitals, it was amber. "What the hell is happening down there?," Dilos said to himself. The space marine pilot sighed, how clueless this human is he thought. Dilos started to bite his finger nails, what had happened to lord Castor he thought. Thoughts...
  6. R

    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    Castor tried his best to stay awake, even with his blood clotting up he had already lost a substantial amount. It took every ounce of strength to keep his eyes open, he saw his brothers fighting, it truly was a glorious sight to behold. Never before had Castor been so inspired, a gaunt charged...
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    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    Another group charged them, and once again Castor sent them to oblivion. Warriors and gaunts formed up and made another attempt at taking down the squad. Castor detached two frak grenades, armed them, then threw the explosive into the monsterous group. A few seconds later it engulfed the...
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    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    More Gaunts charged, Castor leveled his bolter and let off a volley of rounds. The Kraken bolts evicerated there bodies in a gory mess and sprayed more foul liquid on his armor. Much as he hated the thought, Castor silently wished his aid was by his side, after all they have been through Castor...
  9. R

    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    Castor landed hard, the ground beneath him cracked and gave way as his mighty boots touched down. Almost immediately he was rushed, ten gaunts ran at him with practiced speed. Castor quickly drew his chainsword and swung in a wide arch, foul liquid covered his armor as he cut through xenos...
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    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    Castor grabbed his jump pack and turned towards the thunderhawks downed ramp. "Ugh sir, how am I suppose to get down?" Dilos asked. "Wait here on the thunderhawk, we'll met up again once we touch down" Castor then jumped from the thunderhawk. Activating his jumpack, Castor quickly caught...
  11. R

    Warhammer 40K DeathWatch Squad

    Name: Dilos Gender: Male Type: Kasrkin Troper/ Currently the aid of Castor Weapons/Equipment: Melta gun, bolt pistol, krak grenades, melta bombs, auspex scanner Age:31 Armor: Carapace armor, gas mask Other: Once a trooper who served in the 264th Krieg infantry battalion, Dilos was...
  12. R

    DeathWatch Squad (RP)

    Castor looked down at the planet slowly approaching in the cockpit, a slight feeling of nervousness started to creep up on him. Without a doubt Castor knew he was fear incarnate but if the rumors were true then they'd face any enemy that knew no fear and he had very little experience when it...
  13. R

    Warhammer 40K DeathWatch Squad

    Name: Castor Gender: Male Marine type: Brother Sergeant /Tactical Marine Age: 250 Chapter: Black Templars Armor: Mk.8 power armor Weapons: Bolter with kraken rounds, Chainsword, krak grenades, melt bombs. Other: Earned dozens of commendations during the Invasion of Erdenvelt by...