DeathWatch Squad (RP)


The lurking Lone Wolf
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Staring out into space as the space marine cruiser, Bane of Aliens, enters the orbit of the primary planet of the Specificus system, Captian Bassus is checking for any signs of Tyranid hive ships or any other clue that could comfirm the sightings that his team have been sent to investigate. Having encountered the bug like race before, Bassus and his team are fully armored and armed in case of a surprise attack. Resting a hand on the pommel of his powersword, Tyrant Stinger, he turns to leave the command deck of the ship and heads for the hanger bay where the thunderhawk, Death's Notice, is preparing for takeoff. On his way there, he runs into his second in command of the squad, Brother Castor. "Come brother, we must meet the others on the gunship so we can get this over with as soon as possible. I hate rumors, they usually have no merit to them." He leads the way and climbs into the gunship when they arrive. Taking his place near the cockpit, his team strap themselves into their respective positions in the hold. "Pilot, take us down." The gunship takes off and carries the team down to the planet.
Castor looked down at the planet slowly approaching in the cockpit, a slight feeling of nervousness started to creep up on him. Without a doubt Castor knew he was fear incarnate but if the rumors were true then they'd face any enemy that knew no fear and he had very little experience when it came to the 'nids. Castor checked his trusty bolted, fully loaded with kraken rounds and recently refurbished, this weapon had helped him slay thousands of xenos and heretics alike in his life.

Castor then turned to his Brother Captain, Bassus,"I'm sure the rumors are false sir but if they aren't, then we will annihilate every last one of them."

Dilos appeared at Castors side, melta gun slung over his shoulder, he looked up at his master,"Of course sir, those damn 'nids won't know what hit 'em. And I'm quite sure you'll personally the frak out of a couple sir" Dilos looked down the check his melt bombs.

"Glad to hear you're confident about fighting world eating monsters Dilos" Castor returned his gaze back to the cockpit window.

"Of course sire, to be honest I'm not that all that frightened by 'nids" Dilos said.

Castor looked down at his aid in confusion.

"You're not?" Castor asked.

"Not at all. We've faced so many horrors that the tryanids really can't stack up, now necrons, necrons scare the shit out of me" Dilos replied.

"Good to know Dilos" Castor said.
Bassus shakes his head at his second in command and his aid. "Necrons scare all but those who are fools. However, we must not show fear for we are fear incarnate." Seeing the ground rapidly approching he turns to his team and checks their status. "All right men, get ready to jump." Bassus walks to the back hatch and straps on a jump pack. They were not risking one of their few thunderhawks in a possible scam or trap so they were going to assult jump the rest of the way. Opening the hatch as the gunship slows and levels off, he looks to his men, "See you on the ground or by the Emperor's side brothers." Bassus jumps and is lost from sight as he plummets to the ground, controling his fall with the jump pack.
Castor grabbed his jump pack and turned towards the thunderhawks downed ramp.

"Ugh sir, how am I suppose to get down?" Dilos asked.

"Wait here on the thunderhawk, we'll met up again once we touch down" Castor then jumped from the thunderhawk.

Activating his jumpack, Castor quickly caught up to Bassus.

"I am with you sire" Castor said over vox.
As static turned to voice, a faint communication was heard. "Brother Bassus can you hear me... can you hear blast it... huuu if you can hear this ny name is Apollo, I'm an Apothecary, I shall be acompaning you on you missions against the Tyranid forces. I have been here already for a few hours waiting for you arival... blast why can't I reach him. If you can hear this I'am at location A2-OD6-9EG in a small cave. Huu i hope the brother can hear me." Turning around to see the baron land that was upon him. Slowly looking at the caves structure and looking back out to the god for saken hell hole that this plant was. "Not a single thing out here no animals no Tyranid no nothing." In a slow and almost deathly state he slowly and repetedly removes and loads a single bolter round. looking at the texture of the round in amaze that this bullet will help the Imperium purge the unclean out of this planet. Apollo stands up primes his bolter and waits for Brother Bassus.
Bassus hears the apothecary on the vox and changes his projectory. "Brothers, follow me to our companion," he commands through his vox unit into the helmets of his team. Just then a spore mine appears suddenly and explodes a few feet to the right of Bassus. "Incoming fire, take evasive maneuvers!" Following the first spore mine, many more darken the sky as they are launched, probably fired by biovores, and attempt to take down the space marines. Bassus speaks into the vox, "Apothecary, if you can hear me, you better prepare to work on some of our brothers. We have come under fire. Repeat, We have come under fire. Watch yourself till we arrive. Bassus out." Setting the jump pack to full burn, Bassus dives towards the ground at dangerous speeds, heading for the cave's location while trying to avoid the Tyranid barrage.
As Apollo looks out of the cave he sees the tyranids attacking them. "Damn thats going to draw a lot of attention to our location" as Apollo takes no less that 5 steps out of the cave a pack of 30 Gaunt saw Apollo "BLAST" he takes his bolter and takes short controled bursts taking out around 7 of the tyranids. As they aproched Apollo he weilds his power axe and cut through the rest. "This is going to a fight for damn sure."
Castor landed hard, the ground beneath him cracked and gave way as his mighty boots touched down. Almost immediately he was rushed, ten gaunts ran at him with practiced speed. Castor quickly drew his chainsword and swung in a wide arch, foul liquid covered his armor as he cut through xenos flesh. Bolter fire brought his attention to the west, a lone apothecary was battling a large group of gaunts. Castor detached his jump pack and ran to assist his battle brother, swinging his chinsword, Castor cut through dozens of gaunts before reaching the apothecary. A lone gaunt went to jump on his back but was evicerated by Castors holy blade before it even came close. By now the Space Marine had taken notice to Castors presence.

"Looks as though you are in need of help brother" Castor said.
"Iam Fine thanks for the concern though" as Apollo wipes the blood off of his visor. " Were is brother Bassus I must report in to him as soon as posable"
Just then, Bassus lands with a crunch as the ground gives way under his mighty bulk. "I'm right here apothecary, what is your report?" He pulls out his power sword and plasma pistol and fires a few shots, each one killing a gaunt. "And it seems the rumors where true after all brother," Bassus directs at Castor. Swinging the sword, Bassus kills 5 gaunts and then turns back to Apollo. "While we are still alive, if you don't mind apothecary."
More Gaunts charged, Castor leveled his bolter and let off a volley of rounds. The Kraken bolts evicerated there bodies in a gory mess and sprayed more foul liquid on his armor. Much as he hated the thought, Castor silently wished his aid was by his side, after all they have been through Castor was used to his presence. He easily shrugged off the thoughts as more xenon approached, this the time a warrior accompanied the gaunts as they charged him. It mattered very little to him, Castor opened fire once again. His rounds torn the gaunts apart but he some how missed the warrior, Castor pulled the trigger again but his clip was empty. Quickly he reached the another while the warrior drew closer, Castor grabbed a fresh clip, ejected the used one and slammed the new clip home. The warrior was within reach, its head erupted as Castors kraken bolts obliterated the creatures body. Suddenly a large creature moved in the distance, is sheer size was terrifying with jagged teeth and long claws running along its arm.

"Holy Terra," Castor had his gaze locked on the terrible monster.

A Carnifex was on the move.
"Sir, for the short amount of time I have been here I have come across only a few packs of Guants nothing more, but from your landing I believe we may have gathered the attention of wandering Tyranids in the sector. I think that it would be a good ideal if we move Sir, but it is all up to you." As Apollo turns around and picks up his power axe that was leaning among a pile of rocks. "what ever your command is I shall follow." While inserting in the last of his bolted rounds into his magazine.
Having finally landed on the surface, Vlirono moves around and set up several teleport beacons in a big circle and starts them up. "Captain, the surprise will be arriving soon. Need a few minutes of cover fire."

Bassus turns and nods at the techmarine. "You will have it." Turning to the marines on the ground, he commands, "Give him all the time he needs brothers. And don't engage the carnifex, I have a different surprise in store for it." Bassus has a wicked smile that is hidden by his helmet. He attacks the gaunts that gets in his way as he moves to engage two tyranid warriors.
Tiberus had landed with the others. Scraping his Heavy plasma gun up into his hands he found a nice spot of rocks. Crouched down and unleashed his barrage at the gaunts. He fired until one came up to him. He smashed his plasma gun into its face. The blood spraying onto his visor. Causing him to step back and wipe it off. Before returning fire again. "Could you some help here!" He shouted. He fired at a group of warriors this time. One falling instantly the other two falling abit after. He smiled behind his helmet before throwing a krak grenade into the group of gaunts moving up onto their postions.
Another group charged them, and once again Castor sent them to oblivion. Warriors and gaunts formed up and made another attempt at taking down the squad. Castor detached two frak grenades, armed them, then threw the explosive into the monsterous group. A few seconds later it engulfed the tyranids in a flames, but a moment later more xenos replaced the fallen.

"Damnit," Castor cursed.

For each one he killed, a thousand moved to take its place. It was a realization that was overwhelming but he quickly discarded the thought. A warrior to his left made an attempt at his Captains life but was slain in a volley of bolts by Castors bolter, two more approached and they to were annihilated. One gaunt jumped onto Castors back, cursing loudly, he tried his best to rip the creature from his armor. Its claws sank into his left cauldron, pain shot up Castors arm as the creature penetrated his skin.

"Get off me xenos!," Castor roared as his fist crushed the beasts skull.

As the gaunts body hit the ground, more of its kind charged.

"I swear by Dorns name I shall kill you all!," Castor unleashed the full fury of his bolter, fealing righteous fury as each creature fell.

Castor turned to his endangered brother and ran full speed to his aid. A warrior flanked him, drawing his chainsword, Castor decapitated the creature and landed by Tiberus' side.

"No brother of mine shall fall this day," Castor extended his hand to Tiberus.
Apollo start firing at the enemy guants with his bolter causing their bodes to fall to the ground like rag doll. "More guants incoming continue firing, don't let up." As the guants came closer and closer Apollo continues to fire into the crowd of the xenos scum. Captain how much longer are we to provide covering fire and what is this surprise that you speak of Brother."
In a flash of warp distortion, a Predator Destructor appears in the circle. "The surprise is here captain." Vlirono climbs into the driver seat and starts up the tank. The tank is equipped with a main auto cannon and side heavy bolters with dozer blades on the front. The cannon turns and fires, destroying several warriors in one shot as the heavy bolters shoot down dozens of gaunts.

Bassus smiles. "There is one surprise." He looks up and watches what looks like a falling star. "And here comes the other one." Dispatching the last two warriors surrounding him, he watches the 'star' crash into the carnifex, pulping it immediately. The dust clears and a drop pod is visible. The ramps lower and out walks a dreadnought. "Hello my old friend. Glad you could join us." Bassus is shooting at some more gaunts when a ravener launches itself out of the ground beneath Castor and tears off one of his legs before being opliterated by a plasma shot from Bassus's pistol. "Apothecary, Castor needs your assistance. I will cover you."
As Apollo drags the almost lifeless body of his comrade out of the area he says one thing to Castor" Every thing is going to be fine brother." Then more guants a good 100 of them Bassus i need help fire upon the xenon enemy. As Apollo drags Castor behind a rock he stands and fires the power if his might bolter and lobs a frag in to in coming Guants he stagers back to the ground and starts to stop the blood loss from Castors leg. " Brother Bassus i have stopped the bleeding and Castor well be fine." Apollo runs in to the incoming guants picks up Castors bolted and runs back to hand it to him. "protect yourself brother we can get you an implant." And Apollo continues to fire in the incoming swarm of tyranids.
Bassus looks down and see Castor's leg. Picking it up and holstering his pistol, Bassus charges to their defence and goes about killing gaunts with his power sword and the leg. "Your leg is still useful brother." Just then the leg gets hit with bio-acid and e has to throw the dissolving limb away. "Damn tyranids, you shall pay for spitting at me." He charges the carnifex on his own and stabs the sword through it at the same time the carnifex brings one of his scythe arms down on his back, knocking him to the feet of three tyranid warriors.
Castor tried his best to stay awake, even with his blood clotting up he had already lost a substantial amount. It took every ounce of strength to keep his eyes open, he saw his brothers fighting, it truly was a glorious sight to behold. Never before had Castor been so inspired, a gaunt charged him. Even though wounded Castor was still a space marine, his bolter dispatched it in a gory explosion. His attention was brought back to his brothers, Apollo had just cleaved two warriors and the predator's cannon annihilated another large group of warriors.

"If I pass.....I hope to see you all by the emperors side," Castor said silently to himelf before slipping into unconsciousness.
Dilos quickly looked to his masters vitals, it was amber.

"What the hell is happening down there?," Dilos said to himself.

The space marine pilot sighed, how clueless this human is he thought. Dilos started to bite his finger nails, what had happened to lord Castor he thought. Thoughts turned to panic as the idea of him being killed crept into Dilos' mind. He quickly turned and made his way to the cockpit, the pilot was looking at a bunch of red runes popping up on screen.

"Whats going on," Dilos asked curiously.

"I'm getting interference, comms are dead and I've lost contact with the Bane of Aliens," replied the pilot, working frantically to re-establish contact.

"Whats causing the interference?," asked Dilos, a couple of space marines moved toward the cockpit when they heard "lost contact".

"Unknown, but whatever is doing it is highly potent," the pilot jerked the thunderhawk back towards the ground teams position.

Dilos stubbled and fell, hitting the hard metal, he quickly regained his footing.

"What the hell are you doing?," Dilos asked frantically.

"We need to alert the captain, if we've completely lost contact with our ship, then this mission does not bode well," the pilot said.

Dilos returned back to his previous spot, checking his melta and grabbing the rest of his equipment, he strapped on his helmet and readied himself for what was to come. Personally he couldn't of cared less if they were stuck on this planet, all that mattered was he was on his way toward his master, Dilos just hoped he'd get there in time.
Bassus looks up and sees the thunderhawk approach. "Report your situation, why are you still on the planet?!" As he yells into the vox, he dodges the blades of the warriors although one gets him along his left arm and cuts deep. "Damn them all to the warp. Bothers, retreat to a more defensible position. Vlirono, you cover our backs with the tank." He runs and recovers his power sword from the corpse of the carnifex as he escapes.

Vlirono turns all the weapons on a huge cluster of gaunts and warriors. "Confirmed captain." All the guns fire at the same moment, rocking the tank back a few feet while the targeted group is incinerated. Firing constantly at the horde, Vlirono puts the tank in reverse and follows the other marines to their new position.
"Sire we have lost contact with the Bane of Aliens, I'm currently trying to re-establish contact but at the moment we're in the dark," the thunderhawk jerked violently, nearly being hit by a blast from the tyranids.

Dilos strapped on his parachute and walked toward the ramp,"Pilot lower the ramp," Dilos said.

"Excuse me, did you just give me an order?," asked the pilot, an edge in his voice.

"Yes, yes I did. My lord is down their, wounded, and if I don't get to him he might perish," Dilos replied.

"Forget it human. You'll get to die once we land until then you'll have to wait-," Dilos hit the activation rune on the pilots display.

"What the warp!?!," yelled the pilot as he watched Dilos run back to the ramp.

"Sorry I can't wait that long to die, if you're gonna shoot me do it later," Dilos looked down at the ground, it was like looking into a sea except the seas was a bunch of world eating nightmares.

"Fine, go. Doesn't bother me if some human gets turned into bio-mass," the pilot returned his attention back to the controls.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Dilos jumped and descended toward the ground.

Immediately he had to move left as enemy fire filled the sky, Dilos dodged the fire and continued his decent. Dilos released his chute and floated down toward the marines, only to fall as tyranid blasts puntured his chute. Dilos tumbled twenty feet before hitting the ground hard, dazzed, he tried to regain his senses. A roar in his right ear did the job, Dilos rolled around to see a warrior charging him, raising his melta, Dilos eradicated the horror from exsistance. Turning toward the group, Dilos sprinted to Castors side. Dilos gasped at the site of his masters missing leg and checked his vitals. They were faint, but Castor was still there.
Apollo get to the ground and starts to insert medicine into the the stub that use to be his leg and begin to call for an implant drop form the ship and trys to keep Castor awake and alive. Apollo stands back up and shoots a few guants and goes back down to continue to keep Castor awake. " Brother Bassus i need you over here to keep pressure on the thigh so i can replace the bone to put in the implant." Apollo takes off the bandages that were on his thigh and starts to put pressure on it. He released that 7 guants were coming Apollo stood up releasing the pressure on the thigh kills the guants and puts more pressure on the thigh. "Bassus I need you to keep pressure on the leg."
A warrior came after Apollo, turning, Dilos washed it away in a blast of molten air.

"Another group incoming!," Dilos yelled to Apollo.

A large group of gaunts, spearheaded by warriors, headed straight for them. Together Apollo and Dilos fired on the
tyranids, bolter rounds torn open their flesh and melta blasts reduced the creatures to ash.

"Theres so many," Dilos looked out at the sea of xenos on the horizon.

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