DeathWatch Squad (RP)

Bassus runs over and evicerates several gaunts with his power sword and then fights against a tyranid warrior, one arm slack to his side. "Belay that drop, we are pulling back to the ship. Keep him alive apothecary." Bassus kills the warrior then looks at the tank and calls into the vox. "Vlirono, we need the beacons up again, we are porting out of here." Bassus sheaths the sword and pulls out his bolter and fires it one handed into the sea of aliens.

Vlirono acknowledges the order and stops the tank in the middle of the space marine before jumping out. He runs around, setting up the beacons as fast as he can.
Dilos unleashed another blast from his melta, an entire warrior group disappeared as the blast hit them. Hot chunks of meat dropped all around Dilos, he looked back to the apothecary, he was working diligently to keep Castor alive. Fifteen gaunts erupted in a display of gore as the predator fires its cannon. Spectacular as it was, Dilos was no fool, it mattered not in the end, for every one they were to slay a million more were ready to fill the gape. Suddenly Dilos was on his back, when he looked up a ravener roared in his face, Dilos instinctively melted its face off with his weapon and rolled back onto his feet. When he looked around, Dilos was twenty feet away from his original spot. Within a moment he realized he was out in the open, the ravener had dragged him away and apparently had a reason. Seconds later warriors surrounded the aide, Dilos blasted away a large portion but it didn't stop the advance of the others. He ducked as on lashed out with its claws, melta raised, Dilos unleashed quick death upon the creature. Drawing his knife, Dilos sank the blade into the head of the next charging warrior. It took a moment for Dilos to learn his knife had done nothing, except maybe piss off the warrior. The creature twisted around, flinging Dilos back onto the ground without his weapon. His adrenaline was up and his movements were a blur, two frag grenades bounced on the ground between the warriors, Dilos jumped back a second before they detonated. Flames and shrapnel engulfed the creatures, send their bodies to oblivion. Dilos ran back and grabbed his melta then full sprinted back to his masters side. He wouldn't move this time, not a foot, not an inch, not a centimeter. Dilos would defend his master until help arrived, which was closer than he'd expected.
As Apollo watched the awesome fleet that Dilos performed and was surprised to see a simple Guardsmen do such a thing. Apollo was finished re-bandaging Castor's leg and stood up and begain to fire with the bitter remorse the he felt from what the savage xenos did to his battle brother and unleashed unrelenting fire on the enemy. Apollo ran up to a guant and smashed its head with his boot. He dropped his bolter and unleashed the furry of his power axe and smites many guants. Apollo saw a warrior that was behind Dilos and Apollo through his power axe and the axe sliced through the enemies throat andgoes over to retrieve his weapons and continues to fire his bolter into the crowd of incoming tyranids. "Bassus when will the thunderhawk be here I'm running dry on bolter and i need to get a bionic leg for Castor."As soon as he said that a huge force of gaunts and warriors alike came rushing towards Dilos and Castor,he ran to Castor slung him over his shoulder and told Dilos one thing, RUN.
"Everyone, pull into the circle of beacons. We are leaving this forsaken planet, but we will return to purify it of alien taint." Bassus fires at more tyranids as he watches the dreadnought, apothecary, aid, and the other brothers move within the beacons that Vlirono has just finished setting up. When everyone is safe inside, he opens the encoded vox channel that connects him the his ship. "Bane of Aliens, lock onto our signal and get us out of here." Recieving confirmation, he kills all turanids that attempt to enter the circle. Just as they are teleported up to the ship, two lictors appear and jump inside the range of the beacons and are teleported up to the ship.

Vlirono looks around the room of the ship after his vision clears. "Captain!" Near the middle of the room, Bassus is out cold and bleeding from a hole in his chest with a lictor dead beside him. The other lictor is locked in the dreadnought's powerclaw, being evicerated then incenerated. "Apothecary, the Brother-Captain needs your assistance." Vlirono runs over to one of the walls and activates on of the ship's comms. "We need medical aid in the teleporter room. The captain and his second are both down."
Dilos watched the bulky space marines carry his master to the medical center of the ship. One outstreched his hand and indicated him to stop.

"Stop right there human, only astartes have authorization to enter the medical wing," his voice boomed off the walls.

"But thats my master in there, and what of the brother captain, how bad are his wounds?," Dilos pleaded.

"No," he said firmly,"You may walk among us but know this, we will never be equal. Now get out of here and let the apothecary work, go on, go!," the space marine yelled the medical wings doors closed.

Dilos turned and left, he felt defeated. His master was wounded and very well may die, Dilos wondered if it was his fault. Should he have joined him in the initial drop? Maybe, if he had he would've been there to stop the ravener........maybe.

Once he looked up Dilos noticed he had reached the firing cages, after a moments thought he decided to do some training, after all sharping a blade only makes it deadlier. Dilos reached his storage unit, inside were his heavy storm trooper armor, melta and hellgun. Dilos grabbed the hellgun seeing as he had gotten plenty of practised on the planet, as he started to fire on the set targets, his mind continued to wonder. Even his master did survive would he be the warrior the used to be? Would a biotic limb replace the one he had lost? Would he punish Dilos for not being there? Would Dilos be executed for making an unauthorized drop into the combat zone? All these questions and no answers make the mans head hurt. A loud crack made him jump, a space marine was next to him firing his bolter, pretty effectively to. His bolts hit all the kill points without missing a. But that was standard for a space marine, they were made for war so it was no suprise to see how accurate they are. Dilos returned his weapon and slumped against the hallway wall. A loud clanking told him another space marine was approaching, it stopped a few feet from him. When Dilos looked up he saw the mighty warrior looking down on him.

"Dare I ask what troubles you human?," the space marine asked.

"What would you care astartes," Dilos replied.

The space marine kneeled down, trying to meet his eye level.

"You give us very little credit, some of us have a lot more charisma than you'd think. True most of my brothers would look at you and just move on. Me.....I take an interest. So what is troubling you're mind?," the space marine said.

Dilos was unsure how to take this, besides Castor Dilos hadn't so much as had another conversation with another astartes. Which was why this struck him as something odd.

"My master was wounded on the planet, part of me is to blame for not being there when it happened, if I had maybe I could've done something to stop it," Dilos said wearily.

"Ahh the question of what could have been. Let me tell you something, its farely simple, you didn't and you can't," the space marine developed a stern voice,"Don't dwell on something you can't do anything to change, it is pointless and a waste of time. What you can do is insure it never happens again in the future, hone your skills and look the the emperor for answers," the space marine stood up.

"...........Thank you, I know what to do," Dilos stood up and headed to the monastery, a weight lifted from his shoulders and now he felt a burning desire to improve.

The walk was lengthy but he finally arrived, as he strolled into the long hall, Dilos looked to the stain glass art depicting past victories and crusades. It was inspiring to say the least, he finally stopped at the art work depiction of the emperor, kneeling down, Dilos said a silent prayer.

"Emperor guide me in the dark, emperor protect me from the ruinious powers, emperor shield my master from the horrors of the galaxy," Dilos looked up at the artwork and uttered one final phrase," The Emperor Protects."

Dilos stood up and headed back to the medical wing, dead or alive he was going to get in, he hoped it would be alive.
As Apollo moves to aid the captain he talks to the space marine out side the door and commands him let the guards men to enter the medical room. As Apollo did extensive work on the hole in the captains chest he released something catastrophic may happen. He stops the bleeding from the chest and starts to calends the wound and keep him on life support. Apollo walks over to Brother Castor and begins the work to put on the new bionic leg. "Brother Castor I think that the captain may need more work the inevitable may happen and he shall ether die or be worked on to be a dreadnout, all done test your new leg, don't lose it this time." Apollo hands Castor his helmet and walks over to the table that Bassus is on and starts to inject more painkillers into the limp lifeless body of the captain. "Great just wonderful how in the name of the emperor shall i do this." Apollo takes a small scalpel and cuts off all the skin around the wound and puts pressure on the wound and waits and starts again. Apollo stops the bleeding from his chest and prays.
Vlirono is in the armory, repairing and rearming all of the armor and weapons of the space marines that had gone down to the planet, cleaning and calming the machine spirit of the Predator Destructor he had controlled, and checking on Axis's Dreadnought body as he slept till the next engagment with the Tyranids. "That did not go as plan. Too many marines wounded and possibly lost." Vlirono is muttering to himself as he works.

Bassus opens his eyes slowly and looks at the Apothecary, having heard what he said. "You sentence me to be entombed in a Dreadnought, I will make sure the rest of your life is unpleasent." The look Bassus gives would make even a veteran space marine shrink back and submit to his command. "Now it would help me heal if we put some stitches and synthi-flesh on wound."

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