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  1. Sarah Kanade

    The Forgotten Past Of Legendary Heroes- The Seven Deadly Sins

    Adalynn Alfhiem Sin: N/A Side: Neutral Species: Elf Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: Weapon: As shown in photo above, it's a long sword with designs across it's hilt. Ability/Power: Light control - Allows her to create beams or bright light, that can blind, or in...
  2. Sarah Kanade

    Such creativity and such little connections.

    Hello! I'm post this because I'm kinda at a loss to be honest... My problem is that, I have ideas for RP, but I haven't been seriously RPing for about a year. So I don't quite feel like I'm up to the task to make a RP on my own, plus the fact is I barely know this site. So in a...
  3. Sarah Kanade

    Fandom DOGS: Bullets and Carnage RP?

    Good to have at least one on board for now.
  4. Sarah Kanade

    Fandom DOGS: Bullets and Carnage RP?

    Be wary of the spoilers. The series itself is set in a European city where violence, crime, genetic mutation and other scientific brutalities have become common. The story focuses on four people who, through a series of coincidences, meet as they search for a way down to "The Below", looking...
  5. Sarah Kanade

    Fandom DOGS: Bullets and Carnage RP?

    Well, the story is complex but simplistic. So, no. I could explain the world in a simple paragraph if needed.
  6. Sarah Kanade

    Oooohhh... I was clicking the wrong thing sorry ^-^ Thank you for all or help though, without...

    Oooohhh... I was clicking the wrong thing sorry ^-^ Thank you for all or help though, without your help my airhead self may of never saw my mistake.
  7. Sarah Kanade

    Thank you, but the problem I seem to be having is that when I look at RPs, there is several...

    Thank you, but the problem I seem to be having is that when I look at RPs, there is several tabs, sch as "Character sign-up" what I was wondering is when you go to post a thread, it doesn't have those? if it a later thing or?
  8. Sarah Kanade

    I was wondering, If I decided to start my own RP, how exactly do I go about that?

    I was wondering, If I decided to start my own RP, how exactly do I go about that?
  9. Sarah Kanade

    Actually I now have another question if you don't mind?

    Actually I now have another question if you don't mind?
  10. Sarah Kanade

    Fandom DOGS: Bullets and Carnage RP?

    Hello fellow RPers, I am in a bit of a predicament. So, I'm frankly a shadow of the huge Role-Player I used to be, so this site is a little intimidating to me. But, there is one thing I did come here looking for, a RP for the universe of my favorite manga, DOGS: Bullets and Carnage. I found...
  11. Sarah Kanade

    Thank you, I'll be sure to do so if I have any further questions.

    Thank you, I'll be sure to do so if I have any further questions.
  12. Sarah Kanade


  13. Sarah Kanade


    You're completely right. But I'm kind of a awkward person, the fact I joined and started actually talking to people is really out of character for me.
  14. Sarah Kanade


    Eheh... Being new is a bit weird, isn't it?
  15. Sarah Kanade


    Hello! I'm new too.
  16. Sarah Kanade

    New and doesn't know what to do.

    Hi! I'm, er, really new, and I have plenty of ideas and such. But I don't know much about the site or creating a RP of my own. I know I should join some other RPs, but I'm afraid I'll get bored or something, and I'll leave the others hanging. To be honest I have no clue what to do. So I guess...
  17. Sarah Kanade

    I promise I'm not a scrub

    Oh, Script is like one liners and such. And it's fine.
  18. Sarah Kanade

    I promise I'm not a scrub

    Yeah, because RP is so vast people come up with so many terms others have never heard of.
  19. Sarah Kanade

    I promise I'm not a scrub

    Well, in my land of roleplay it's a common term.
  20. Sarah Kanade

    I promise I'm not a scrub

    Ah. And hello people.