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  1. Lucille0765

    Grim's Manor RP |Demon's Angels Grim Reapers and Humans are welcome|

    Kalcyte: *smiles brightly* Oh you must be very literate just like Grim then... *he chuckles slightly as he opens the door to the library. The library is cluttered with books, there are so many books on the four shelves in the middle and the shelves that line the wall that there are books that...
  2. Lucille0765

    Grim's Manor RP |Demon's Angels Grim Reapers and Humans are welcome|

    Kalcyte: *smiles worried like as Alice's leaves* Erm...well I could show you around later... *turns to Rune* Well, looks like it's just us, most people in this house isn't as "open" as they trust me, I'm the one to go to...oh and my brother too *his expression gets brighter* He's a...
  3. Lucille0765

    Grim's Manor RP |Demon's Angels Grim Reapers and Humans are welcome|

    Kalcyte: *coughs* Heh...well um...I'm er...Kalcyte...and I'll show you around if you want? I mean...Gabriel wouldn't want to but that's okay...he needs his privacy~ *big grin*
  4. Lucille0765

    Grim's Manor RP |Demon's Angels Grim Reapers and Humans are welcome|

    Kalcyte: *throws a statue from outside through the window and climbs in* Gabriel: *walks through door* Must you break the window every time? Kalcyte: Wait...I thought *covers face* never mind-- *sees Rune* ...Oh! *bows* It's um...good to see are you um doing here? *slightly...
  5. Lucille0765

    Grim's Manor RP |Demon's Angels Grim Reapers and Humans are welcome|

    ((I have two other characters that I want to add to make things interesting, so here is their info Name: Kalcyte pronounced just like Calcite Gender: male Race: demon personality: happy go lucky, and a little bit slow, but equally funny Looks: black hair and glowing green eyes Age...
  6. Lucille0765

    Grim's Manor RP |Demon's Angels Grim Reapers and Humans are welcome|

    Grim: Well I won't question anything so, as I was saying...Lillian...if you would...I'm going to be in my study... *waves Lillian off and he appears to be "done" for today"* Lillian: *smiles weakly* anything you wish Grim... *stays quiet till she was sure he was gone* .....Well...I haven't...
  7. Lucille0765

    Grim's Manor RP |Demon's Angels Grim Reapers and Humans are welcome|

    Lillian: O-Oh! A-Alice! Are you okay! *trying to help her* Grim: Lillian...please *messages temples* Step back... Lillian: *nods* Of course... *backs away* Grim: I am assuming you *looks at Chesiree* are with Alice? Either way if your planning to stay, go on ahead...
  8. Lucille0765

    Grim's Manor RP |Demon's Angels Grim Reapers and Humans are welcome|

    Grim: *turns his attention to Alice and grins* Oh...well aren't we getting a lot of company huh Lillian? Lillian: *nods and smiles* I'm sure the others would be glad to meet the both of them... Grim and Lillian: *talk as if the Rune and Alice aren't there* Grim: Ahem, well anyway, you two...
  9. Lucille0765

    Grim's Manor RP |Demon's Angels Grim Reapers and Humans are welcome|

    (Yeah you may join, btw any style of RP is welcome, as long as we can understand what is going on, and I have multiple characters I am using Grim Male Grim reaper he is a creepy man who tends to lead people into tricks and traps just for the fun of it he has long white hair, although...
  10. Lucille0765

    Grim's Manor RP |Demon's Angels Grim Reapers and Humans are welcome|

    Great! Love it! you're accepted~!
  11. Lucille0765

    Grim's Manor RP |Demon's Angels Grim Reapers and Humans are welcome|

    The night was cold...and his door was always open for wandering travelers... Grim's Manor This RP is about the suspicious manor house down the street, the house is right next to a grave yard where fog tends to accumulate in. The owner of this fine home is named, Grim, he will leave his...
  12. Lucille0765

    School for the Unknown. [SU-OOC-Info]

    I'm sorry but I kind of don't want to RP the Roger's Academy. It was a splendid Idea, but always get writers block when I'm looking at it which makes me unable to post anything >.> I didn't put anything on the RP so it's easy to act like I wasn't there. Thank you for accepting me though~
  13. Lucille0765

    School for the Unknown. [SU-OOC-Info]

    This sounds interesting so I filled out a form~ Name: Rose age: (currently unknown) but looks around 15-17 Year: 2nd Unknown Type: Living doll Skills/powers: Can't feel physical pain (that doesn't mean she can't die) Increased strength, immortality and unnatural beauty Weakness: if...
  14. Lucille0765

    Hey everybody...I'm in need of some help~

    I just joined and I'm not very familiar with this format and how this RP site if anyone feels like helping I would truly appreciate it. Just general tips about how I should do things know, just to help me get started...thanks~! :kiss: