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  1. StealthNinja115

    [Death's Hotel] Death's Hotel: The Entrance.

    Albert realized a bit too late that he had come off a bit hostile, so once Vlad threw his hands up, he gave a look as if to say 'I didn't mean anything by it,' just to clear things up. Everyone that was on board was ready to go, but everyone else was obviously half-assing it, still trying to...
  2. StealthNinja115

    [Level 7: [Escape]] Characters

    Your character has a name, which will be what you are referenced as during the game. Your fear meter goes from 1 to 8, getting higher and lower both have their pros and cons. Fear meter: 8.) +1 Agility, +1 Strength, :Zombie Warning: 7.) +1 Agility, +1 Strength, :Zombie Warning: 6.) +1...
  3. StealthNinja115

    [Level 7: [Escape]]Game Basics

    As you explore Subterra Bravo, you will unlock view of tiles that represent what you see. As more of the facility comes into your view, you will come face-to-face with dangers and challenges from voracious aliens that want to feast on your adrenal glands as well as from the well-armed guards...
  4. StealthNinja115

    [Level 7: [Escape]]A New Level of Fear

    Level 7 [Escape] is a desperate game of survival against the human and inhuman denizens of the government-funded Subterra Bravo facility, a labyrinthine structure hidden beneath the earth. After you awaken deep in the facility, your chances of escape depend on how well you manage your greatest...
  5. StealthNinja115

    [Death's Hotel] Death's Hotel: The Entrance.

    Sara was half-walking and half being dragged along by Naomi. She, however, would have went with her close friend anyways. She looked back a few times at her older brother while they were walking, as he seemed content with not going. Albert just sat there for a second, then he cursed under his...
  6. StealthNinja115

    [Death's Hotel] Death's Hotel: The Entrance.

    Albert picked the card up swiftly, pushing it into a seemingly random spot in the middle of the deck, but he picked this spot out with his thumb while he was talking. He then shuffled the deck and cut it, all meanwhile mentally noting what he was doing with the value card. Once finished with...
  7. StealthNinja115

    [Death's Hotel] Death's Hotel: The Entrance.

    Albert shuffled through the deck, throwing cards on the table face-down at what seemed like random, until he flipped a card over to be face-up. He looked at the card, then up to Darzi questioningly. "I don't have to ask the obvious, do I? I know that has to be your card," he said with a smirk...
  8. StealthNinja115

    [Death's Hotel] Sara Schultz

    Name: Sara Elena Schultz Age: 14 Nationality: German Gender: Female Looks:
  9. StealthNinja115

    [Death's Hotel] Albert Schultz

    Name: Albert Lukas Schultz (Goes by "Al" to his family, "Lukas" to anyone else) Age: 17 Nationality: Germany Gender: Male Looks:
  10. StealthNinja115

    Realistic or Modern Remember Our Name

    Taylor Parker Amusement Park, Roan Taylor closed her eyes and began to listen to her surroundings. Which at first she only found silence and the occasional sound of an animal scurrying or attempting to chew on things that, under other circumstances, would likely electrocute them to death...
  11. StealthNinja115

    Realistic or Modern Remember Our Name

    Taylor Parker Amusement Park Taylor shivered, rubbing her hands on her arms. "It's so damn cold..." She whispered, being used to a fire at all times she wasn't moving. Uncomfortable, she stood up a little bit to get situated, fixated her situation, and sat back down, still shivering. More...
  12. StealthNinja115

    Realistic or Modern Remember Our Name

    Taylor Parker Roan Amusement Park Upon entering the abandoned amusement park, it seemed rather... Abandoned, as she had expected. There were no signs of people living here for any amount of time. Well, at least, no obvious signs. She admitted that if anyone that lived here wanted to stay...
  13. StealthNinja115

    Realistic or Modern Remember Our Name

    Taylor Parker Northern Roan Taylor opened her eyes from her much-needed nap, though directly after waking she wished it had lasted longer. She sighed, her breath visible in the sharp, cold air. She stood, and rummaged through her various items she's obtained since arriving in Roan...
  14. StealthNinja115

    Realistic or Modern Remember Our Name

    The Siblings Samara, Russia (Kirk)/Streets of Northern Roan (Taylor) The heat from the small fire relaxed Kirk's muscles, which had been tensed for days. He sat, visibly agitated, his sister in his thoughts. "You better hurry up with your fit and get back here soon," he said to the dark...
  15. StealthNinja115

    Remember Our Name

    Name: Kirk Scott Parker Gender: Male Age: 16 Looks: Kirk has jet black hair that comes down to about half way down his ear, chin-length in the back.His eyes are blue, with flecks of gold scattered throughout the iris. He has an above-average build, but doesn't have muscles on his muscles...
  16. StealthNinja115

    This isn't a Bug Hunt(IC)

    Zachary Koontz (Marine) Ssg Koontz didn’t roar like the rest, though he did let out a loud “Hoorah!” before going completely silent. He was one of the first to leave the mess hall to fetch his equipment, narrowly behind Alpha Squad in their entirety. It didn’t take long for him to find his...
  17. StealthNinja115

    This isn't a Bug Hunt(IC)

    SSG Zachary Koontz (Marine) ( I'm going to refer to my characters by <rank> <last name> or just <last name> from now on for marines, as I have 2. ) Ssg Koontz, having gathered up his squad and gathered around Bravo Squad table and began eating, observed as the remaining numbers of the...
  18. StealthNinja115

    This isn't a Bug Aliens VS Predator RP.

    Name: Demitri Leiht Age: 24 Gender: Male Rank: Corporal Appearance (Photo or describe):
  19. StealthNinja115

    This isn't a Bug Hunt(IC)

    Counter (Predator) Counter stood at the entrance to the scout ship, looking at the two brothers that would be accompannying him. He received a nod from the one whom was named Slark, and he returned the gesture. Assuming that both of his brothers were ready, he stepped onto the scout ship...
  20. StealthNinja115

    This isn't a Bug Hunt(IC)

    SSG Zachary Koontz (Marine) Zachary sat up from his cryo-sleep chamber. He really had wished he could have gotten into the shower before the other marines, but apparently that right is reserved for Colonel Mako. He stood up, determined to be one of the first in the showers, and the first...