Remember Our Name


A Ghost of RpN's Past
Fall submitted a new role play. @Fall, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Here's the easy part.

Personality shall be defined in RP.





Powers, or lack thereof:


Weapons, or lack thereof:

Brief History:

Name: Naomi Juniper Katiah Monroe

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Looks: Naomi has dark purple hair, normally put up in a pony tail. She's beautiful with wide green eyes. She's pale. Thin lips, and the like. She's also thin, despite that she'd actually pretty muscular. Naomi wears a leather jacket, a white tank top, blue jeans, and black combat boots. The jacket weighs 50 pounds, and the boots both weigh 25.

Powers, or lack thereof: Naomi has powers, they just haven't shown yet. The same powers as James.

Skills: Leadership, yelling, hand to hand, staff, medical.

Weapons, or lack thereof: A staff.

Brief History: Naomi is the eldest of her branch of the Monroe family, there are two others. Her and Tiera are the first set of twins to her mother. At a young age, she and her sibling befriended a girl by the name of Raven Divine. As time went on, Raven become as family to them. Raven was orphaned at a young age, and eventually moved in. Jack and James eventually became too rowdy, causing the group of five to have to leave from their home, leaving their mother behind. Raven was the most daring and most bold of the five, and was their "leader." Eventually, she thought to create the Short Change Gang, named after her own causes. In time, she developed a romantic interest with James. But disaster struck. The group had angered the wrong person, and they went after them. A rifle was aimed at James, and Raven jumped in the way. It left a mark on James from then on, and now Naomi's stepped up to the plate that Raven left.

Her favorite food is pizza.

Name: Tiera Maria Monroe

Gender: Female.

Age: 15

Looks: Tiera has light red hair, pale skin like her sister, and is thinner. She dresses in a red hoodie, jeans, and shoes. Her eyes are grey.

Powers, or lack thereof: She has none.

Skills: Medical.

Weapons, or lack thereof: None.

Brief History: Same as Naomi's.

Her favorite food is anything James cooks.

Name: Jack Marshall Monroe

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Looks: Jack has dirty blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin. He dresses in a white tank top and jeans.

Powers, or lack thereof: None He has a brown jacket.

Skills: Engineering, knives, guns.

Weapons, or lack thereof: A switchblade he stole.

Brief History: Same as Naomi's.

His favorite food is steak.

Name: James Johnathon Monroe

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Looks: Sky blue hair, pale skin, dark yet bright blue eyes. He's a thin kind of muscular. He dresses in a long black shirt, blue jeans, and converse shoes.

Powers, or lack thereof:

Telekinesis: The ability to lift objects with his mind. He's not able to lift much, but he can "force push" his foes, or allies. Though not too far.

Telepathy: The ability to read others minds. As time goes on, he'll be able to talk to his allies through their minds, as well as feel emotions and send emotions.

Electricity Control: The ability to harvest the electrical current within his own body, and the air around him to use against his opponents, to start something electrical, or maybe be a human defib. At the moment, he can have electricity dance upon his swords, having a slight shock to the slicing of the blades.

Flight: Simple levitation.

Skills: Decent with his swords. Skilled in hand to hand. AMAZING COOK.

Weapons, or lack thereof: Nothing

Brief History: Same as Naomi's.

His favorite food is tuna noodle.
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Name: Nerin Vyrion

Gender: Male

Age: 16



Powers, or lack thereof: Nerin's family are descendants of a long line of magical practitioners. Specifically, his family are hemophages, meaning their powers focus on the control and manipulation of blood. Able to physically manipulate the substance has allowed, in previous cases, great destructive power in combat, but also the propensity for saving the lives of the wounded. Hemophages traditionally were scorned however, hence why Nerin's family never truly flaunted their gift.

As for Nerin himself, only a few of the hemophages' techniques were ever taught to him before he was forced to strike out on his own. His current abilities only allow for the physical manipulation of his own blood, allowing him to harden and thin it at will, and spill it to a certain extent without repercussion as well. Nerin has yet to unlock the bulk of the more complicated abilities his genetics allow, hence he is still weak in combat for the time being.

Nerin's preferred fighting form allows him to use two long tendrils of his own blood like whips, which he can harden and soften at will. While he is fast, and trained to use them in a devastating, cyclonic dance, Nerin's greatest weakness is any form of extreme heat application to his own blood. If raised to too high a temperature, his blood could cause him not only agonizing pain, but terrible physical damage as well.


Nerin's aforementioned technique is especially deadly in close combat, but besides his blood manipulation, Nerin is is an expert of first aid, carrying a host of tonics and bandages with him in case of an emergency. Moreover, Nerin hardly ever uses his own medicine on himself due to his ability to naturally heal certain minor wounds at a rapid rate.

In terms of other combat skills, Nerin is not a slouch with most sidearms, and more proficient than one might expect with a blade. He is not particularly large however, and so has no formal experience with big guns, or explosive weapons.

Weapons, or lack thereof:

1. One old-fashioned shaving razor.

2. A simple six inch, stainless steel knife with a black rubber grip.

Brief History:

Nerin has always lived in isolation. His parents were avid country-side fans, and during his youth, Nerin desperately wanted to escape the emptiness of rural living and find other people. In particular, he wanted to see what a 'city' looked like, as all he had in terms of likeness was the words of the various authors he read during his free time. While he had been indoctrinated at a young age to fear the outside world, his own curiosity eventually drove him to pester his family for some sort of release. His mother and father, both fearful--yet loving--eventually complied. What their son was aware of, however, was that the two had both secretly inherited the ability to perform blood magic, and had lived the life they had with the knowledge that they were likely to be persecuted if anyone ever found out.

During their family trip, the Vyrions' slowly became re-acclimated to society, watching their son (who had met few outsiders before) effortlessly mingle with total strangers as if it were normal to do so. In fact, their sheltered lifestyle prevented him from ever developing any filter which, in turn, caused him to be extremely open with every new friend he made. Eventually, the trips became more constant until the Vyrion parents were lulled into a sense of almost comfort. It was then they made the grave error of moving back to the great city in order to allow their child a freedom he would never have had alone.

Their love was unconditional, and both parents, who had long ago renounced their own powers, were elated that their son showed no sign of developing a similar trait. Months passed, and normal life in society resumed for the lot of them, with never once a conflict arising. Nerin eagerly attended school, meeting and socializing with many people whom he considered his friends, but in his careless attitude and joyous personality, he became to gracious to those around him. One friend, whom he considered to be his closest, began to entreat him with social outings to movies, restaurants, and parks, appealing to his sense of wonder at all the civilized world had to offer. This friend was named Daon, and was almost comically different in personality and size to Verin. All the same, the two boys became fast friends, often defending one another from bullies and aggressors at their school and around the city when necessary. Both hailed from rural beginnings, but both also brought their families into the city on their own whims. It was in this strong bond of friendship that Verin broke his parents only rule against the outsiders, and brought Daon to his home.

Verin heard the screams first. They were agonizing to his ears, but reverberated in his very bones with a chilling feeling of dread. He rushed to his foyer to find Daon standing over the crumpled bodies of his mother and father, long black threads snaking from their bodies and into the air around Daon. The boy looked visibly different too; his hair had turned from rustic brown to a obsidian black, and his skin grew webbed with underlying veins which Verin could almost see pulsing beneath his skin. His parents bodies were almost emaciated as well, as though they had been drained of fluid (which Verin later learned they had been). Daon met Verin's horrified gaze, and flicked his fingers, sending the black threads rippling into the corpses of his parents. Their bodies were animate all at once, rising with soulless eyes and outstretched talons. Behind them, Daon's face was plastered with a sadistic grin: his intent was no doubt to do the same to Verin.

In his horror, Verin could only utter the single word, "Why?" Daon, unmoved, cocked his head in mock surprise. "They were hemophages, like you. That's why. I can smell it on you, you see. I am the puppet-master of this city I am afraid, and that means there can only be one person with my talents. One day when I suck this world dry, I'm going to be the only one pulling the strings." Verin, shocked and confused tried to move his legs to run, but could not. In resolute horror, he watched his Daon manipulate his parents' bodies with his fingers as though he was playing with marionettes. With startling speed, his mother's had came flying towards him, severing the flesh underneath his right eye, and causing a single droplet of blood to run down his face. Verin didn't remember what happened then, only that a deep red aura enveloped him, and when he next awoke it was in an adjacent alley-way, surrounded by sirens. Scampering off, the lost youth learned to strike out on the streets, always fearful that Daon would find him again. Shortly afterwards he discovered his abilities, and swore to one day track down and kill Daon for what he had done.

Favorite Food:

Ham and cheese omelets with salsa on top.
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Name: Poet Vitaly

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Looks: Poet stands at 5'7 and 110 pounds. She has pale skin and her hair is colored black with blue undertones that ends a little below the base of her neck. She wears unremarkable sneakers, black jeans, and a plain white jacket, sleeves rolled up to her elbows, with a black undershirt.

Powers: She can control smoke and embers, though if she starts using and taking in too much, she can pass out temporarily.

Skills: She has some skill in long range combat. Poet is also capable of melee combat.

Weapons: She carries a chain wrapped around her wrist. She heats the chain and swings it around.

Brief History: Poet was born and raised in big cities her whole life. She was an only child of a poor family. When she was 4 years old, her parents paid off a random man to take their child somewhere to live her life. The man ended up leaving the child in the care of a small, local gang's care. They were in short supply of members and they were desperate. They took her in, raised her like everybody's little sister. They shielded her from the real world, feeding her lies about the world, having her participate in gang shoot outs or robberies when she was of age. According to her "family", they were in the right.

At the age of 14, Poet was starting to question the leader's motives, she had managed to eavesdrop on the leader one night as he was executing random civilians that Poet herself had taken off the streets. She was told that the civilians were being inducted into the gang but the leader only meant to kill them and string them up in public as a message to the police. Horrified at what she caused she snuck away in a hurry but was confronted anyways for making noise in her getaway. The leader soothed her and let her go with a warning, of course he was lying and he felt that she was getting too smart for the gang, so one night he had a friendly gang come in one night to take her by surprise and kill her. She was in an abandoned building, her own room, separate from the others. Her door was kicked in and 10 guys spilled in, conventional and unconventional weapons at the ready. She was roughly grabbed, hit, and thrown around. She saw her leader's face and betrayal hit her in the face like a bus. Time slowed. Rage and disbelief boiled inside her body. Her fingertips felt hot and she felt something flowing around them. She was too scared to look. Her blood felt hot. Her head felt light and she turned dizzy, she felt like she was trapped in a room of a hellish inferno, smoke and flames engulfing her body, then...nothing. She woke up, the sun was shining. Wait. Shining? The room was completely destroyed, she was alone and smoke snaked around her body, not dispersing into the air. Some 15 minutes later she had enough strength to walk, she had no home, no family, she went into the real world, she had a twinge of anger, a twinge of adrenaline, but nothing of regret.

Whatever had happened made her feel alive and she wanted more. Over the course of two years she honed her "powers", hunting down criminals but she always felt yearning in the back of her mind. She was practically raised in gangs and she needed that feeling so she tried to find a gang to be a part of, she couldn't join a gang of criminals but if there was one of heroes, well...that'd be a miracle...unlikely but a miracle.

Favorite Food: Rice
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Name: Nocte Necis ( Night of Death )

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Looks:the scar over his eye is also on his eye and he is blind on that side.


Powers, or lack thereof: Nocte is capable of simply seems o be magic but what happens is that he turns into a shadow. While in shadow form he is intangible and super-humanly fast. He cannot however touch anything solid. He can shift parts of his body and move through walls and such but lights burn him like fire if they directly hit him.

Skills: A free-runner of no great note he is capable of moving through Urban areas with some skills. He is also a capable unarmed fighter with one on group styles. He has also learned how to use his shifting to throw off enemies if they fight in a dark area.

Weapons, or lack thereof: The only weapons he uses are lightly armored lower body gear and and first wraps. He uses his own body as a weapon as well as the speed that he can generate from shifting rapidly from shadow to physical. His physical form is at his best for his ability to free run. He has trained extensively to use the pressure points on opponents and also good at disruption tactics.

Brief History: As a child of the streets he has a distrust of people. He looks to work with the Loose Chang Gang as he has been trying to clean the streets he was raised on for years. He likes Pizza a lot. His powers mean that he has often been in trouble with the police. While they know a Shadow has often left people at the doorsteps they have tried to catch him for suspicion about his actions.

His blindness in his left side is the price of his powers. He was attacked at the age of 6 months old by a scientist. He was the only survivor of the experiments. The blind eye he has sees into the reality of shadows. When he is a shadow he sees from his Left eye as he is now seeing the persons soul instead of the body. The claw marks where left by a rogue soul that was harnessed by the lab. He was let loose to cause chaos but was picked up by a older woman who lived in a subway tunnel. She taught him how to tell the difference Good and Right. He also learned how to fight by watching and learning street fighters day after day for a year. His entire goal growing up was to enforce good, no matter the methods he was forced to use. When he was 15 he returned to the lab where the old man experimented on the children that he could get his hands on. Like a avenging daemon he tore the lab apart before trapping the old man in a test chamber. He left the computers open and lead the police to the labs, deep in the sewer complex. He then set up a intricate system of tracking and would avenge whatever he took as a wrong in that area. This lead him to where he is now, wandering the various cities of the country looking for other places where kids are thrown for a loop.
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Name: Seamus Young

Alias: The Thief of Time

Sex: Male

Age: 16


Stands five foot nine inches,and weighs 173 pounds. His skin is completely unmarked,likely due solely to his quick head and his powers. The gauntlet on his left arm houses a smartphone.


Seamus Young has powers,which indirectly afford him absolute control over his surroundings.

-Time Thief. The source of his alias. Most see time as a straight,unbroken thread,while Seamus sees it as a branching river,with him standing in it. He's able to reach short distances forward and back in time,and steal time itself,be it from the cosmos,or from individuals or objects. After taking his time,so to speak,he may elect to place it elsewhere in the timestream within his reach,or simply...Keep it,effectively erasing all occurrences within that moment. Possible evolutions include being able to reach further through time,taking longer stretches of time,manipulation of the time he steals,or even travel through time himself and taking objects from their proper place,without disrupting history. Conceivably,it can even be used as a cosmic reset button.

-Images. Seamus is capable of leaving behind a perfect image of himself for a few seconds. It cannot move,it cannot make sound,and it is completely incorporeal,and it assumes the position Seamus was in at the moment of creation. Excellent if you need a decoy for a second.

-Hyperfocus. Seamus can enter a state of ABSOLUTE focus. To his perceptions,nothing but himself,the object his focus,and anything between,simply do not exist. Time seems to STOP. During this time,he takes in the facts at hand,and formulates a plan,or angle. Then,he acts. Outwardly,he seems to focus on one thing,and acts seemingly faster than the mind can compute.


Seamus Young,like any other human being,has some skills at his disposal.

-Flow. Seamus has learned to observe the flow of all things,and guess how things will proceed. With only the smallest of hints,he can identify how a fighter will swing,or how an object will fall,at least to an extent. There's nothing supernatural about it,he's simply developed an eye for cause/effect.

-Disarming. A skill he naturally developed with assistance from his powers. When faced with an armed thread,he rapidly learned how to equalize the scenario.

-Staves & Polearms. Well,it's a stretch,but he can use a stafflike or polearmlike weapon far better than most other people. Comes with using plenty of improvised bludgeons.

-Athletics: His trade necessitates being fit,and so he is able to run fast and far,seemingly without effort.

-Sleight of Hand. A good thief knows how to redirect someone's attentions and filch things from seemingly impossible angles at unreal speeds. The hand is quicker than the eye,indeed.


Seamus doesn't keep any weapons on hand.

Brief History: Seamus was born onto the street. From day one,his family had to fight,tooth an nail,to see the next day. Early on,his mother died to the winter. As he grew up,Seamus learned the values of pragmatism and adaptability. They begged,they stole,they did everything they could to survive.

On the streets,he developed a sort of empire. He quickly became one of the best thieves around,yet he insisted on doing as little damage as possible. Instead of smashing a window,he'd find a way to get it open from outside. Instead of striking a person for a handbag,he'd deftly cut off the bag. Over time,people began to adopt his techniques,to varying success.

He stole for food,and,maybe,to get a roof over his head. However,he knew he'd never be able to get a paying job. He didn't have an education. And he likely never will. However,a few years ago,his father fell ill,and died to his sickness,Seamus powerless to help. He sank into a bit of a depression afterwards,but he knew he couldn't afford to dwell on it. Survive or die. The law of the street.

So,he threw himself into thievery full-time. No one was safe from his deft fingers. Watches,phones,purses,wallets,even jewelry,though rings took work,and usually ended with a dislocated shoulder. Eventually,he stole a pocket watch. It was made of platinum,with a floral engraving,filled with gold. However,there was something...Peculiar about it.

Some evenings,he heard...Voices. Unfamiliar voices. He was beginning to think he was going insane. One evening,the cacophony voices coalesced into one. The watch,it seemed,was alive,and it could grant Seamus the power to defend it from death. The watch was now the soul vessel of some great sorcerer of ages past,and promised Seamus dominion over time.

As a thief,and someone raised on pragmatism,Seamus agreed. The power to manipulate time would make his work much easier. And it did. Seamus' efforts were met with success far more often,now. And with success came money,which he used to feed himself,and even rent out a small room in an apartment complex.

Now,at first snow,Seamus has finally settled himself into a routine. Steal stuff. Pawn stuff. Buy groceries. Save for rent. And,with his unique talents,he was certain that everything would go off without a hitch...

Favourite Food: He has a certain love for pasta with creamy sauces.
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Name: Kai Metsuda

Gender: Male

Age: 16


Powers, or lack thereof: Has no powers.

Skills: Has a natural intuition of fighting, quickly learning and adapting fighting styles he observes. Could be considered a natural fighting genius. He will use any mix of fighting techniques, as long as it brings him victory. His body has been conditioned through countless fighting and training, giving him high durability, strength and speed.

By no means a cook, but is knowledgeable in dieting and exercising for good fighting health.

Weapons, or lack thereof: Owns no weapons, he uses his body.

Brief History: Japanese born. Since he was a child, Kai lived in the shadow of his father, who was known as the The Ogre. A man with back muscles so developed, they looked like the face of a demon and was said to have killed large Elephants and wiped out militaries with his power. Kai hated his father, for he was a cruel man, but gained the life goal to attempt to become stronger than him.

Since he was a young child, he was put through programs by his rich mother to give him a strong body and study fighting technique. He was also occasionally taught by his father in a forest, but his methods were cruel to say the least. However until the age of 12 he kept at it, becoming at that age already strong enough to beat down 50 normal men.

It changed at that age though. His father killed his mother, when she tried to protect Kai from his father as he tested Kai's skills and nearly killed Kai. Since then Kai had wished him dead and left the house to become even stronger.

Since then he roamed the lands for strong fighters to fight and to train in various martial arts. He learnt in various ways at breakneck pace, naturally grasping nearly all techniques. He even among professional fighters became reputed as the man who ate up martial arts. He would learn it in a 1/5 of the time you had, then beat you in your own game. It scared people, rightly too.

Kai however has recently found out that his father has died. The government deemed him too dangerous and used military high explosives to kill his father and has been since confirmed dead. With his life goal now lost, Kai is unsure how to live his life, roaming the world and still fighting, as its the only thing he knows how to do.
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Name: Megan Gwynn

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Her irises are grey unlike blue as featured in the picture here.

She doesn't have this uniform/costume.

Powers, or lack thereof: She can generate "pixie dust" which appears as glowing pink dust. Inhallation causes hallucinations such as someone seeing themselves in a room of giant-sized stuffed animals. She cannot direct where the dust goes, but can generate it from any part of her skin. She doesn't know what hallucinations people see, they are different to everyone.

Her pixie wings allow her to fly, albeit at slow speeds and low altitudes at present. She has very, very little training with her wings.

Skills: She is a natural diplomat and gets along with everyone. She has some training in hand to hand combat, but still needs more practice.

Weapons, or lack thereof: She has a small dagger inherited from her father.

Brief History: Megan grew up a relatively normal life. She had a father and mother and no siblings.

When she was young, only two, her father struck out to make his own riches in the world, leaving her mother and her to fend for themselves. As she grew up, she began to discover that she was different. The most obvious was her pixie wings and pointed ears. Still, the small town she had always lived at was accepting of her. Granted, there was still the occasional rumor or person that thought she was odd, but most of the town found her to be extremely friendly and nice. That all changed when she was 15.

There was a boy in the town, Mark Thurso, who made repeated advances towards Megan. One day, he attempted to corner Megan, angry at her for denying him for so long. It was then that Megan hit him with her pixie dust. He ran away from her in terror, screaming about how there was gold at the bottom of the rainbow. The next day, Megan learned Mark was dead. He had jumped from the top of the school and died from the fall. A local convenience store's security camera had captured the encounter between Mark and her, without audio, leading many to suspect that she had murdered Mark. Ostracized by the town and filled with regret over, she believed, causing Mark's death, she left for the city.

When she arrived at the city, she realized she had no money and no skills in which she could find a job. So she was swept up with the homeless of the city. In the slums and streets of the city, she learned to fend for herself, living off the garbage the wealthy tossed away while sleeping in an abandoned warehouse. She was trying to save up any money she could scrounge up and maybe one day head out to find her father.

Favorite Food: Megan has a deep love for tacos.
Seeing as everyone is making really drastic and disastrous histories and stuffs, it's time to break out the normalizer:

The Normal One

Name: Charlotte Wong

Gender: Female

Age: 16


Charlotte hit her growth spurt early, and as such, her physique more resembles an 18 year old, with quite a well-endowed physique. Coupled with her rather fit body, she is quite the looker. She stands at 5'9", though probably won't go any taller than 5'11" in the future. She has honed her body in her years in the practice of martial arts and is incredibly fit and well-toned though she would more likely hide that under her loose t-shirts. Most of her friends joke about her being a female Bruce Lee, something that she is not comfortable about. Her faded red hair colour, which clashes with her natural ethnicity, comes from her mother's side, who is a natural redhead.

Powers, or lack thereof:

●Australian Blood


●Close-ranged combatant: Charlotte first started her martial arts career at Wing Chun, due to her having a very diminutive height when she was younger. As she got older, her growth spurt hit early, and she switched over to Jeet Kune Do, Wing Chun's much more brutal cousin. Though not an expert, she is well-versed in both styles of JKD and Wing Chun. The latter is less useful to her due to her current size, which dampens the effect of said martial art. She capitalises on defence, disarming and swift, crippling blows, following the bread and butter of JKD.

●Fire-arms user: Though not as proficient, Charlotte has experience with fire arms. With her upper torso strength, she can handle the recoil of various fire arms without much problem. She visits shooting ranges once in a while with her father and is still getting the hang of hitting targets. Her favourite fire-arm is, of course, the shotgun.

●Runner: A free-runner, not a parkour expert, to be exact. She does all she can to minimise travel time, but tries to avoid the more dangerous stunts that actual parkour experts pull. She can scale walls and leap over obstacles at hip height, but is otherwise limited to running, and boy, can she run. While she doesn't beat most by speed, she can outlast a lot of people with her pure amount of stamina.

Weapons, or lack thereof: She owns a 9" bowie knife. Her house has a number of fire-arms in the emergency closet which are loaded but owned by her pops. Other than fire arms, she prefers to level the playing ground by disarming her opponents.

Brief History:

Charlotte Wong, full name, in Mandarin, Huang Mei Qing, was born to an Australian Chinese family, between a Chinese father and an Australian mother, in Sydney. She was born a rather petite and fragile child, but her mother, an avid thrillseeker, apparently passed the adventuruous genes to her, and she often dared herself to do the worst of things that befit a girl like her. She was often seen in her preschool covered in bandaids and bandages from all her daredevil recklessness.

At 6, Charlotte enrolled into a Wing Chun school out of her father's wishes and because she was really interested in it after watching several Chinese martial arts movies. A primarily defensive style that focused on blocking and redirecting which could still open up to become one of the hardest martial arts to defend against, given its rapid motions. At an age of 11, Charlotte's family had to move to America, due to her father's line of work, where she continued her Wing Chun practice. Around then, she met with the Siyuan family, with whom their children, Jian and Li became close friends with her. Well, it was more of a one-sided thing with Jian. She never really cared if he didn't like her. The Siyuan family were like her own, just less...risk-seeking. Charlotte saw the two as her own younger siblings, and treated them as such.

At 14, she hit her growth spurt, and shot up to 5'8". As a result, it put her practice in Wing Chun less effective due to her size. She was introduced to its more brutal and pragmatic cousin, Jeet Kune Do, a martial art focusing entirely on swift strikes to the throat, groin or any vital region that would cause immense pain, while possessing some of Wing Chun's defensive aspects.

When she was 15, her meimei, Li, wanted to go to London to study. Charlotte was pestered by her family to follow her as a chaperone. After all, she did look the part to be an adult, having grown in more than height in the past year. Charlotte arranged to complete her work and examinations online and followed Li, without much argument. She didn't mind, of course. Charlotte only realised what was Li's true intention of coming to London during breakfast one morning, over a plate of steak (for her) and the usual bacon and eggs for Li. As Charlotte was taking a bite off her steak, which was impaled on her hunting knife, Li blurted out that she intended to go for the anime convention. Charlotte, again, didn't mind. She didn't really much care for what Li wanted to do, as long as it wasn't something stupid.

At the convention, Charlotte and Li met a young man, Axel Mercer. While Charlotte was more interested in challenging the Street Fighter cosplayers to a mock fight, she can't help but notice that Li was interested in the Axel boy. Even when they returned to their rooms, and then back home to America, Li had that look of longing, always remembering that day in the convention.

Today, Charlotte is one of the top students in her JKD class, though she regards that as a reward of training than something to brag about, and finds it embarassing when people talk about it. She has dedicated most of her time to training more, though, as she still feels she hasn't perfected her form yet.

Favourite food: Steak 'rarer than an abbo with a job'.
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Name: Lucy Oxford

Alias: Thw Western Disturbance

Gender: Genderless. Appears male.

Age: Physically: 16 Chronologically: 4.5 Billion


Lucy takes the form of an 16 year old male teen ever since he gained consciousness and has remained in this form ever since. The body stands at 5'11 and is more of a shell than an actual human body. It does not require basic human needs, nor does it perform normal biological functions. Lucy has been able to make small modifications to the body at his whim, but has still not been able to alter anything other than superficial factors, like hair length or eye width. It remains to be seen whether the body will alter itself over time.

Powers, or lack thereof:

Lucy is essentially the very winds of the earth given a physical form and sentience, granting him power over it.


Lucy possesses the power to bend the surrounding air, or the air that he is comprised of to his whims, examples include creating tendrils of wind to lash out at an opponent, or sending high velocity waves of wind to slice through objects. He can also control the density of the air, allowing him to make various simple "objects" out of air like a blade, or a wall. It also grants him aerokinetic flight, and levitation.

Currently, Lucy's powers are hindered by his inexperience and immaturity. His usage of his powers is very heavy-handed and he cannot perform large scale and complex feats, however, his powers and skill will only increase with time. Possible evolutions include pin-point manipulation of air, more varied constructs, vacuum creation and the creation of large scale air movements, like tornadoes and hurricanes.


Being the manifestation of air, Lucy is almost impervious to physical harm and a number of other hazards like electricity or poison. Though his physical body can be damaged, it'd be akin to stabbing a paper bag. He feels no pain, and will regenerate missing parts over time or by absorbing the surrounding air. However, he can be scattered by harsh winds or physical attacks that cover a large area. Should he better scattered over too great a distance, he immediately loses his conciousness and will return to being one with the wind, never to return.

Air Form

Lucy can switch between his corporeal form and his wind form at will, and can also individiually transform each part of his body seperately. His wind form grants him intangibility, controlled flight and enhanced speed, but leaves him vulnerable to being scattered.


Enhanced senses

Being one with the winds of the wild, Lucy can detect disrutions in the airflow, as well as amplify the vibrations through air molecules for enhanced hearing. This skill however, is still limited due to Lucy's inexperience, and his senses only cover a rather small radius around him.


Lucy is by no means a skilled fighter, preferring to rely on his powers in sticky situations, however he does possess very basic knowledge of self-defense and disarming tactics, which he picked up from copious amounts of tv watching.

Weapons, or lack thereof: Lucy doesn't carry any weapons on hand, but he does however create crude weapons using his powers every so often to bludgeon people with.

Brief History:

How Lucy came to be is a mystery that remains unknown to himself till this very day, all anybody knows is that on a particularly stormy tuesday night in the City of Wesminster, the howling winds seemed to converge on a spot in the middle of Oxford street. It was there, that Lucy came into existence.

At first, Lucy didn't understand his sentience, knocking benches aside and breaking windows as he stumbled about in his newfound body trying to comprehend his situation. As he stumbled past an electronics shop, he glanced around to look at the row of TVs, blaring reruns of a 50s love comedy. As he peered into the glass, the moving pictures seemed to resonate with him, and he stood there enthralled for a good ten minutes until a man in the TV blurted out a name...


Something about the name struck a chord within him, and for a few minutes, he paced up and down the street, muttering the name over and over. When he came to a stop, he peered up at a signpost that stood in the way of his ramblings.


"Lucy? Oxford?"

And then it clicked.

Lucy Oxford since then, has been roaming the earth for the past sixteen years, eager to learn more about the earth that he'd always been around, but never experienced. Lucy's many appearances around the world have been reported on the news many times, but none have ever come close to identifying what he is. During his travels, Lucy has picked up on English and a few other languages, but he's never really understood what it means to be human. And so his travels continue, as his thirst for answers grows ever larger.

Lucy doesn't need to eat, howver he does have a fondness for mints, and how fresh they make his body feel.
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A little rushed in the end, but I'm finished. Hoorah.

"I want pizza. And potato chips. And steak. Make sure that it's well done but...I'm not picky.
Siopao is delicious though." (Jian Siyuan)


Jian Siyuan




Fourteen, turning fifteen January 23rd.


Jian's naturally light toned skin has been tanned by the sun over the years to a somewhat sun kissed tone. His mother, however, often tells him to put on sunscreen and stay out of the sun as much as possible. His face is slightly paler than the rest of his body since his mother has been forcing him to use a few Asian products to lighten the pigment of the skin.

Like the rest of his family, Jian has dark hair which could be considered black but his time in the sun has naturally bleached it to an extremely dark brown. His hair is neatly cut short to neck length. Then again, Jian often gets lazy and allows his hair to grow to pull it back in a low ponytail. Until his mother tells him to cut it, of course.

Similar to his younger sister, Jian has dark eyes heavily framed with long eyelashes. Unlike Ah-Li, Jian's eyes are more narrow and sharp. Masculine, if you could describe them as such. He has small, nude coloured lips and a what you would call a "K-Pop Star" nose.

Jian's rather average for his ethnicity, but has grown taller thanks to his athleticism. He stands around 5'6 and expects to grow taller. With a lean and muscular build due to martial arts, Jian's fighting style is more of a quick and powerful strike rather than tank-like fighting. He's what Asian parents would consider attractive considering he holds a rather dignified and honorable aura.

Powers, or lack thereof:

No one is aware of the fact that Jian has a power except himself. He'd like to keep his ability secret.

1. Mediumship; the power to perceive and communicate with spirits and those who are in the afterlife. Because of this ability, Jian is often surrounded by spirits who have matters in the world of the living that have still yet to be sorted out. Because of this one power, Jian has access to a few others.​

  • Enhanced Senses; his natural five senses are well above an average human's abilities. This contributes to his amazing memory but Jian is more of a "in the moment" kind of person and relies on his reflexes most of the time. He's quick and his senses make him quicker.
  • Power Detection; although it is not Jian himself with the ability to sense powers, the spirits are able to point out the people who have a certain aura about them that usually means that they have a special ability. However, sometimes they don't tell Jian.


He's got a few skills and has groomed them to a fine point.

1. Memorization; Jian's excellent memory is not only in his mind, but in his muscles as well. His body can remember the moves of martial arts and use them when the time requires it. He can remember such moves naturally and easily. However, when it comes to the mind, Jian must manually memorize something to remember it for quite a long time.

2. Martial Arts; as a young child, Jian was enrolled in kung fu to preserve the Chinese culture along with his younger sister, Ah-Li. However, unlike Ah-Li, Jian was almost considered a prodigy. With his ability to memorize the movements to perfection, Jian was a natural at kung fu and continued to explore the many different martial arts in the world. Now, he competes in amateur mixed martial arts competitions.

Weapons, or lack thereof:

At the moment, Jian does not carry any weapons around with him.

Brief History:

Twelve years ago, the Siyuan family immigrated to America from the country of China. Transferring over to work in the American branch of their family's car part manufacturing business, the Siyuans knew the consequences of their decision. If they wanted money, they would've stayed in China due to the country's bustling economy and their status in the business. However, since they wanted to provide their two children with a proper lifestyle rather than the harsh education of China, they came to America.

Ah-Li and Jian were only mere infants when they came to America. Memories of their homeland faded away over time, even with their unusual memory skill. While they were in America, the Siyuan family became very good friends with the Wong family, who had a daughter by the name of Charlotte. Jian didn't give a fuck about Charlotte. She was just another competitor in martial arts, only a year older. He noticed that Ah-Li liked Charlotte very much and even began calling her jiejie. Jian didn't really enjoy the company of Charlotte. She was taller than him.

When Jian turned four years old, his parents enrolled both him and his little sister into kung fu. Jian thrived in the oriental environment of respect and honour. Due to his excellent muscle memory, Jian was almost considered a prodigy and quickly rose up the steps of martial arts. Soon, Jian began to enroll in other martial arts such as taekwondo, judo, and aikido. By the age of twelve, Jian was starting muay thai and when he turned thirteen, he began training for amateur mixed martial arts competitions.

Jian's life wasn't full of many large and shocking events. But, the small details of it were quite interesting. As a child who grew up with the ability to speak with spirits, Jian learned that he should never mention his power to anyone. Not his sister, not his parents, not even talk about it with himself in a private room. Jian kept the whole thing secret. He kept it a secret for his whole life.

"Sometimes I sneak downstairs and eat sesame cookies." (Ah-Li Siyuan)


Ah-Li Siyuan




Thirteen, turning fourteen on August 11th.


Ah-Li was naturally "blessed" with a pale complexion considering both her parents had such genetics. She does not burn easily but fears the sun due to the risk of tanning and becoming an Asian culture wreck. Her dark-as-night black hair contrasts her light skin, the long waist-length locks are usually pulled up into a neat bun if not left down. Ah-Li's heavy bangs are straight across her forehead, just covering her eyebrows and touching the upper eyelid. Ah-Li's dark eyes are heavily framed with long eyelashes and are rather large. She has a small and dainty nose and petite pink lips.

Standing at the stereotypical 4'10 ft height, Ah-Li has a small build but an unusually strong bone structure. She weighs 108 lbs and it is clear that Ah-Li probably won't be growing any taller than 5'1. The Asian was an early bloomer in puberty and has a small waist complimented by somewhat wide hips. She's somewhat chubby due to her eating habits but all the weight goes to her lower body since she's still, stereo-typically, "flat as a board".

Powers, or lack thereof:

Ah-Li's powers are strictly mental, her physical body is as capable as the next average person.

1. Clairvoyance; the ability to gain direct information from an object, person, location or physical event through the means other than the user's physical senses. Ah-Li is only considered a skilled beginner at this, often using her power to study and "cheat" on tests. Such an ability requires intense concentration but it varies on the circumstances.

2. Retrocognition; the power to discern events of the past. Ah-Li has no control over this power and often "zones out" due to this power. There are many limitations to this ability which are very mentally straining on Ah-Li. She often falls prey to the visions and cannot escape from them until what is shown has been shown. Sometimes the vision will suddenly stop in the middle, causing many questions to be unanswered. Ah-Li's inability to control her retrocognition is extremely bad.

3. Precognition; the opposite of retrocognition, the power to learn future events before they happen. Unlike retrocognition, Ah-Li has a little control on it, or so she thinks. Visions of the future are less since the future is always changing. Ah-Li is unaware of the fact that she has this power and thinks that they are only dreams, fantasies of her own mind. Her use of precognition is extremely weak and only shows seconds of the future, but uncontrolled visions can last up to hours. Usually occurs while sleeping and the conscious is at a low.


Due to her upbringing, Ah-Li isn't as skilled in street fighting. However, she does have a few abilities up her sleeve.

1. All Nighters; due to the fact that Ah-Li has secretly stayed up at night reading manwa or watching anime, she can go for quite a long time without sleep until she collapses from fatigue. Don't know if this is a skill or not, but it's something worth noting.

2. Memorization; Ah-Li can remember almost everything and has an extremely good memory. Be it answers to a test or the first nine numbers of pi, she can remember it for quite a long time. Sometimes Ah-Li doesn't even have to try to memorize it, it's just immediately stored in her head. However, her memory can sometimes be a curse since, contributing to her all nighter skill, it can keep her up late into the night.

Weapons, or lack thereof:

At the moment, Ah-Li does not carry any weapons around with her.

Brief History:

Twelve years ago, the Siyuan family immigrated to America from the country of China. Transferring over to work in the American branch of their family's car part manufacturing business, the Siyuans knew the consequences of their decision. If they wanted money, they would've stayed in China due to the country's bustling economy and their status in the business. However, since they wanted to provide their two children with a proper lifestyle rather than the harsh education of China, they came to America.

Ah-Li and Jian were only mere infants when they came to America. Memories of their homeland faded away over time, even with their unusual memory skill. While they were in America, the Siyuan family became very good friends with the Wong family, who had a daughter by the name of Charlotte. Charlotte was two years older than Ah-Li, the younger girl thought of Charlotte as her older sister. Ah-Li would always call Charlotte "jiejie", meaning "elder sister" in Mandarin.

When Ah-Li was three years old, her parents enrolled her in martial arts along with her older brother, Jian. You see, Ah-Li was never the most athletic person, she didn't have amazing muscle memory like Jian. She was a simple little girl doing kung fu. She wasn't a prodigy like Jian or her jiejie. So, two years later, Ah-Li dropped out of kung fu after mustering up enough courage to tell her parents.

Since then, Ah-Li has spent most of her time in her room, watching anime and reading manga. Ah-Li became immersed in the world of the Japanese culture. From Pokemon to Sailor Moon, from J-Pop to J-Rock, Ah-Li loved it all. Instead of studying like she was supposed to, Ah-Li would hide manga between her textbooks and read them. Even so, Ah-Li did her best to hide her love for anime and manga.

When Ah-Li was thirteen years old, just before entering high school as an eighth grader, she was given the chance to go to England to study abroad and get ahead of the American curriculum. Of course, Ah-Li wasn't allowed to go by herself, her jiejie, Charlotte, had to come with her. Ah-Li didn't have any objections, she just wanted to go to an anime convention in London and didn't know how she was going to do it with Charlotte around.

Even so, when July came around and the two girls were setting up their rooms, Ah-Li continued to plan how she was going to get there. She had bought the ticket online and really wanted to go but... The days went by and Ah-Li continued to study, but the stress about the anime convention kept her from really doing her best. So, when there was only a day left until the convention, Ah-Li blurted it out during breakfast, begging Charlotte to let her go.

And so, Charlotte let her go. Except Ah-Li's jiejie came along with her. During the convention, the two met many people, but only one person was able to stand out in their minds; Axel Mercer. A young British boy who seemed to be very intriguing. Ah-Li found Axel to be extremely entertaining and for the first time in forever, she was able to express her true interests in anime and manga!

However, all things must come to an end and Ah-Li and Charlotte soon had to head back home to America as the summer vacation was beginning to end. Making sure to keep in contact by email and all other digital means, Ah-Li and Charlotte bid their adieus to Axel and made their way back home.

A year later, Ah-Li can't help but miss London. Not only was her first friend there (Charlotte didn't count. She was Ah-Li's jiejie.), but that was the only place she could really be herself without the judgmental looks and words of her family. Ah-Li couldn't help but dream about a time where she could be herself and just run away from her life.
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Name: Serena Williams

Gender: Female

Age: 16


Powers, or lack thereof: She does not know that she has the power of controling water in any way, shape, or form. So this will be a fun adventure for her.



This girl can cook from pancakes to a fancy dish with fish or some other type of food. The people who have tasted her food had said that she should go and become a Chef and make money off her amazing dishes. But she rejects and says "The people who taste my food are those who shall treasure it." because she might not make the same dish for the same people again.

~Motherly Figure~

Towards children, she is the most sweetest girl you could meet, she treats kids in parks or in orphanages or daycares as if they are her children. Most dont want her to go half of the time. Even one time she had a child call her mom! What an Amazing skill? When she gets older, she knows that being this way towards her own children would be perfect in every way.

~Hand To Hand~

Watch out because under the looks lies a part inside her where she kicks your ass in. This is mostly for self defence. Sure she may look like she's defenceless but as soon as you hit her or if someone plans to take her, better watch out because she's going to beat you to a pulp. She uses this also to protect those close to her.

~Running(Stamina workout)~

This girl wakes up at like 8am just to go jogging for the hour, this increases her stamina to help her get away from chases or to manage to beat people in races. As far as she has noticed, she has been getting faster and faster only little by little. I'm not saying she's like sonic who runs over 100mph.


Not only does she Run to increase Stamina, she also does Gymnastics to make her more flexible in some cases. Serena does the flips and the climbing. This increases her strength in legs and in her arms. You can say she is in pretty good shape and rarely gets sick. Just because she keeps herself healthy.


Serena loves to sing more then anything. Most people never heard her sing or most likely never will unless you catch her where she doesnt catch you. She is shy to sing in front of others because she knows how people are and how much they judge people when they sing. Serena only sings when she's alone or when she's cooking. If you're lucky, you can be in the same room with her as she sings.

Oh and Also, she likes to Eat Chocolate Chip cookies and loves to eat Salmon with a side of rice and a nice cup of wine or water.

Weapons, or lack thereof: The only weapons she has is the ocean, river, or lake. Or well...any water source really.

Brief History: Well, as you know, Serena was born of a proud mother and father. Her mother had long silver hair and her father had a beautiful set of purple eyes. Creating Serena's purple eye color and Serena's silver hair. Her parents adored her more then anything and spoiled her rotten and raised her a way where she wasnt so fussy and so bad. Her father worked as a Banker and her mother used to work as a Librarian due to her love for books such as Fiction, Anime and as well as Fantasy and Mideval.

When Serena was 2 years old, her mother took her to the Library and read all these books to her, ones that included princesses and princes, giving Serena the ultimate imagination and saying she would one day find a prince of her own and marry him and have tons and tons of balls. Her mother would always love her daughters creativity. Her father loved her imagination because half of the time he didnt know how to keep up but he still kept going no matter how lost he was when it came to Serena.

As Serena grew and grew, her parents took her to Zoos, parks, Amusement parks, pools, and all that fun stuff. Serena loved her parents dearly, always being a surpise in the morning for them. On mothers day, she would cook breakfast with her father and bring it to her mother and surpise her every time. She did the same thing with her father and cooked breakfast with her mom. When they got sick, she helped with whatever they needed. Being a child that wasnt such a fuss pot got you a long way.

As she hit 13, Her parents tought her how to cook and clean as well as do landry. Her mother tought her the cooking and thats how she got her amazing skill at cooking. Her father tought her how to clean and do the landry when there was just too many piled up. She learned quickly and was already doing the things she had to. School was easy and her parents always encouraged her. Even when it came to school plays. But as talent shows came around, She was scared to even tell her parents about her voice that she had recently found out about. So no one knew that she sang.

And now here she is,16 and still going strong with the help of her parents!(You shall wait on this.)
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Name: Aria Eledia Wallace

Gender: Female

Age: 15 turning 16 on 12/15

Appearance: Aria has midback-length, well-groomed, strawberry pink hair that is typically adorned with a magnificent red rose. She has bleak, grey eyes, round and innocent looking. All her features make her appear very small and delicate. She is short, just barely breaking 5'2" and she has a small frame weighing only 87 lbs. She has little blemishes on her skin, due to excessive skin care and staying out of trouble. She has soft skin like porcelain, and rosy red cheeks. The only thing that seems to ruin Aria's perfect appearance is her constant scowl, plastered on her face. It's always there, and no one can seem to make it go away, so people have decided to just let it be. She often wears cute, frilly dresses and accessories.

Powers, or lack thereof: The element of Aria's powers are dependent on her feelings. If she's on the excited, energetic, or happy side she gets the ability of pyromancy. This includes emotions like romantic, passionate and angry. On the other side of the spectrum is her cryomancy abilities. If she is feeling sad, calm, or even maternal she will have ice and water powers. Other emotions on this side include depressed, embarrassed, or jealous/envious.

Her other ability is teleportation. A bit cliche, but it is useful and helps her get around. Although she would like to share this power with others, she is afraid it'll make her an outcast from society.


1. Aria pays attention to detail very well due to countless hours of scrutinizing clothing and people.

2. Since she comes from a long line of singers she has a gorgeous singing voice. It is what she was named for after all. Her parents knew she's blossom to become an amazing singer.

3. Aria can run quite fast, due to her small frame.

4. Aria can play the flute.

Weapons, or lack thereof: Aria carries a lovely parasol with her that could be used as a weapon. She also has a can of mace in her purse just in case.

Brief History: Aria was raised in a very loud, boisterous household. Her parents were famous opera singers and were always singing along with Aria's five older siblings. You'd think she'd be just like them and join in on the fun, but Aria didn't like it. She would always find secluded places to sit and read or play flute. She had little contact with other humans after the first four years of her life because she spent so much time getting away from them.

She never went to a real school. Her parents were always traveling all over due to shows, so they figured it'd be more practical to hire a tutor. This was one of the few people Aria liked. She was soft, intelligent, and kind unlike her family who were loud, brash, and frankly kinda stupid. Aria and the tutor shared a very close bond, but soon her parents' careers fell apart and they could no longer afford a tutor. They moved back to Washington, their original home, and enrolled all their children in public school.

Aria thought this was even worse than being at home. Everyone was loud, and on top of that all the boys seemed to have crushes on her. Due to her delicate and fragile body, and her standoffish demeanor they thought she would be an amazing girlfriend. Someone they could really protect. Unfortunately, Aria really disliked this idea. She would open her locker to find several not-so-secret admirers had written letters to her.

She started to grow used to breaking people's hearts and started to lose most of her emotion and love for others. She rejects companionship of another person and prefers to be alone. Sure, it may be a sad life, but it fits how she wants to live, and that's fine with her.

"Really, a-alfredo pasta...? U-Um, thank you very much for making this for me...." *blushes*

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Name: Axel Mercer

Gender: Male

Age: 16


View attachment 62093

Powers, or lack thereof: To start of, Axel has 9 lives. Every time he dies, he will regenerate. However, there are limitations to this. His body must be in no more than three pieces, his brain cannot have been crushed, cut appart, etc, and there must be some part of his body undamaged. The more undamaged area there is, the faster he will regenerate. In addition he has two other powers. The first is elementally based, the second is randomized. Currently he can manipulate earth, such as metals and rocks and dirt, and he can also grow different things on his body, such as wings, an extra pair of arms, etc. The reason I say currently is, when he dies and regenerates, his powers change, however one is always elementally based, the other is random

Skills: It's not so much a skill as a disability, but he breaks any technology he can get his hands on. Any machinery, even simple levers or pulleys will break if he touches them. It's not a power, technology just really hates him. He's also rather athletic, and an incredible midfielder in soccer. He was actually invited to play for a minor league in Manchester a few months before he moved here.

Weapons, or lack thereof: He is not very offensive in tactics, he prefers to protect.

Brief History: Axel was born in London, England, exactly 16 years ago to the day. Although, in his opinion, every day is like his birthday, because it's another day he gets to live. Axel's philosophy about life actually branches from a deep rooted fear of death that began when he was young.

Axel was born in an old hospital, one without the proper supplies to save his mother, and she died in child birth. As a result, Axel's father spiraled into a deep depression, and began drinking heavily. At two years old, Axel's father died of alcohol poisoning. He watched his father writhe on the floor in agony as he died, his organs shutting down. Axel was then taken in by his grandparents on his father's side, as those on his mother's side saw him as the reason their daughter died.

They cared for him for a few years, but Axel's grandfather had stage four brain cancer, and died when Axel was 7. Axel ran away soon after his grandfather's funeral, and was eventually found outside a boarding school, huddled under a tree, soaking wet. He was brought inside and taken care of, at least until the man came in with the gun and shot up the school killing people who had become his friends. Axel became a wanderer again, now nine years old, until he was picked up off the street by a police officer.

The officer asked him where his family was, and Axel quietly responded "Dead." The cop took him to the police station, and when the officer's wife saw Axel, the two adopted him within the week. Axel finally had a family for a while.

During his time with his new family, he got into manga and anime, and attended a london convention, where he met a girl named Ah-Li, a very nice girl, but younger than him by a couple years. They kept in contact almost constantly.

Six years later, Axel's adopted father was killed in the line of duty. However, his adopted mother remained strong, and she and Axel took care of eachother until recently, when they were mugged. The man had a gun, and he took Axel's mother's purse, then shot her. He then turned the gun on Axel, who simply closed his eyes. The gun went off, but the bullet never hit Axel. Instead, it had hit the stone wall that has risen up between them, and the mugger was trapped under a mound of rubble, not moving. That's when Axel first discovered he had powers at all.

Since that day, Axel decided to leave for America, leave all the pain of London behind. He sees every day as a gift, due to all the death and pain he's lived through.
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  • Name: Terrence Leslie Orthom

    Gender: Female

    Age: 16

    Fav Food:


  • Name: Leyla Rayan Arabelle Thames - Leyla 'Ray' Thames

    Gender: Female

    Age: 14

    Fav Food: Cheesecake

    Quick Fact; Ray = Weaponless


  • Name: Greg Jonathan Arthur Raphael Leonado Thames - Greg 'Artie' Thames

    Gender: Male

    Age: 16

    Fav Food: Bread with filling [Melon bread, fish bread, Jam bread etc.]

    Quick Fact; Artie = Powerless

@Fall - Tweaked Terrence's powers a bit.​
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Name: Chaucer O'Ley

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Looks: A blonde, stout guy with a bit of handsome under his chubby face. His hair's wavy, soft blonde curls in a cherub-like face. His arms are lean with muscle, and his stomach thin and despite his boyish appearance, he's shown ample strength during physical challenges. Long lashes coat his soft green eyes, and his thin nose and full lips complete the angelic look.

Powers: Lack thereof

Skills: Swordsmanship, (Feudal) Tactics know-how, Poetic Construction, and an Angelic singing voice (sometimes his friends question if he's even male when he bursts out into a ballad)

Weapons: An elegant rapier and dagger, his weapons of choice

Brief History:

Chaucer was born in the wrong time period.

In the medieval era is where he belongs, and this desire was well-funded by his parental unit. He seemed to walk right towards his namesake, and consumed himself with every writer on his parents' bookshelf as soon as he could read them. All the 'ye'"s and 'ole'"s alit his very being with a want to know more. It was not slaying dragons that had so gathered his young attention, but the beauty of honor, chivalry, giving oneself to a cause that seemed good and right simply because it seemed good and right. And for so many men to rush towards it, laughing, justified in togetherness brought a grin to Chaucer's face at the very thought. His study circled on knights, but spread out to medieval martial arts, and it was at a little shack in the far north of the city that Chaucer from a very young age pursued the art of the blade. In a city that had long forgotten the ways of old, he flourished in them because of passion and dedication. School was second-place to it all, and so long as a C average was maintained, his mother and stepfather allowed it. They wanted to see their son happy, after all.

So what happened to his father? Chaucer asked without caring much for an answer. He'd been born into a life of comfort and he didn't want to disrupt it. So when his mother gave an evasive reply, he took it.

"Your father's gone. He's not with us. Not anymore."

Favorite Food: Filet Mignon


Name: Melvin Wright

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Looks: A thin, sickly boy with a thin face and short stature. Italian and Scottish mix awkwardly into the small boy, and he has a nose that seems to permanently drip either blood or snot. Freckles mar a pale face, and thick dark hair falls over his eyes as the sprouting of peach fuzz coats his chin. Heavy glasses sit on his nose, and it's a very large nose, and dark eyes stare quietly out his thin face.

Powers: Lack thereof

Skills: Engineering, Computer Programming, Stalking

Weapons: His smartphone

Brief History:

So far as Melvin's concerned, Chaucer's his archenemy and truest foe. Melvin believes that Chaucer is a bully.

The fact of the matter is, Melvin is a stalker.

And his victim of choice is Charlotte.

Chaucer isn't too happy about this, but the small, reedy boy means no one harm. He's too physically incapable to do any harm. No, he merely wishes to know everything about Charity... without asking her.

And he has faced all manner of abuse to that end. Chaucer has taken him to swordplay lessons, beat him, pushed him down a hole, and Melvin has gotten up and stalked some more.

The stalking hasn't been anything nefarious; and that's why a kind of "tolerance so long as you do what I ask and show no real danger" has arisen between them. Melvin will hack Charity's cellphone with his own, stalk through her emails, lurk behind her as she wanders home. Just the sight of her makes him happy, and very little things do.

Melvin's home is right at the brink of divorce. His father and mother have developed a fighting system that involves ignoring one another and passing passive-aggressive messages through their son. You know the saying 'don't shoot the messenger'? Well, Melvin is that messenger, and he gets shot a lot. There was a time, sure, when his parents were united, when they loved him, when there was peace in the one place he feels there should always be peace, but now he only remembers that kind of comfort when he's watching Charity.

And so watching her has become a kind of addiction.

Favorite Food: Fetuccini Alfredo


Name: Orlando "Oreo" Tevaratti

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Looks: A boy of half-african descent, half-spanish. Tatoos lace up his right arm, and he's quite muscular for his age -- an outward cause of his athletic achievements, being a football athlete. His hair clings close to his scalp in thick curls, and his milky brown skin is smoothed over by tan and scratched by bruises and scars. Bandaids cover most of them, but he always gets more than Charity can cover. Large eyebrows and a big mouth add to his nickname, and he takes abuse with a straight face, never complaining when faced with a burden and entirely focused on getting a job done when he has one to do.

Powers: Lack thereof

Skills: He's fast, he's strong, he's small, but he can dodge his way through a huge field of aggressive high schoolers. Besides that, he's always seeking the highest ground, earning him the secondary nickname 'monkey' for all the strange maneuvers he pulls off to reach it. Be it telephone pole, streetlamp, or rooftop, he'll want to, and probably will, climb it.

Weapons: A gun his parents have him keep in his backpack for safety's sake.

Brief History: He grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Young Oreo was raised in the ghetto, surrounded by drugs and crime. He's only got one mother, and she's currently 33 years of age, and he's the child born from the crime committed against her when she was merely 17. And she never let him forget it. He was the snake that slithered out from under her, that made her life the mess that it is, that crippled her, stripped her of her wings, of her freedom, of her right to choose. She hadn't wanted to have him. She didn't even plan on being a mother. But her careless drinking and flagrant partying ended up throwing her into a situation that she would never really recover from.

The abuse she suffered that day was meted out in excess upon her child. She didn't want to feed him unless he laughed or pleased her. She didn't want to touch him unless she was drunk. She didn't want to smile at him, and so she didn't, not ever.

As a baby, things were different. His mother, Brittney, wanted him to grow up well. She was caught up in the whims of pregnancy, in the beauty of future, but as soon as the baby came out and her friends left, and reality came crashing down, Brittney slowly chafed down to a woman abused and abusing.

Much of Oreo's past is remembered to have taken place in a very small room, with clothing and discarded wine bottles strewn throughout. Sometimes he would hear voices, and the door would open a crack, and a glance into the room beyond set in him a fear that paralyzed. Food came on a small plate and was eaten with his bare hands. When his mother let him out, the mess and stink was familiar, and even set the toddler Oreo at ease. And when he was 5 the hitting started. His mother would scream at him, throw her hands wildly around, and strike him for blame of every tragedy that ever beset her life. A good mood grew rarer every day, and Oreo eventually stopped hoping. He never went to school, never knew anything else until an angry girlfriend of some man his mother had taken to bed called Child Protective Services on his mother. Oreo was taken away, a small 8 year old boy with nothing but a blankie and a box of Cap'n Crunch to his name. Foster care became a way of life, and a bad one. There was little love found in every family, and Oreo was left most of the time to his own devices, which suited him just fine. So long as he was fed, he was happy, so he went along with everything they said, and has developed a very long-suffering, resolutely quiet demeanor.

He met Chaucer when he was 13, before football became his passion in life. Chaucer and his three friends had built a snow fort and had been throwing ball after ball at each other. But what caught Oreo's attention was the layout and intricacy of the two forts, and the family dynamic of the group. He watched them for hours out in the cold, not even noticing his nose going numb and the shakiness of his body. By the time Chaucer and the others saw him, Oreo had practically passed out. They bought him a coffee for sport, and he's been bumming off them ever since.

Favorite Food: Macaroni and Cheese


Name: Rachel "Rae" Vem

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Looks: Wavy brown hair and a sprinkling of freckles cover a petulant face. Bangs dust the top of it, but she's got an upturned nose and a mouth grimacing like she's just eaten something very sour. Hazel eyes are almost permanently squinting on her oval face. While athletic, she's flat as a washboard, but is rather proud of her long, elegant, well-sculpted legs. She usually dresses in a worn t-shirt too big for her slim build and ripped blue jeans.

Powers: Lack thereof

Skills: Cooking, Cleaning, Farming, and a decent bit of swordplay.

Weapons: Her nails and teeth. She will use them.

Brief History: Rae doesn't do what she's told very well.

She's too busy trying to express her opinion than trust someone enough to do as they say. She thinks she knows how the world works, and everyone can either accept that or go away.

Her placating aunt is most likely to blame for her headstrong attitude. But it's not for lack of trying. She just loves her too much to tell her that her opinion doesn't matter, reality works like reality works. (It's arguable whether that's really love at all, but for the sake of this history, it shall be stated that love to her aunt is that positive feeling she has when around a person. It's being happy, but with someone else being happy too.)

Rae was born on a farm, with six elder brothers. They grew up in the mud, and wrestled and bit their way to adulthood. When Rae was 10 years old, and her brothers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, she was expelled from school for beating her closest brother in age against the sink for a number of minutes, ignoring the scolding and warnings from incompetent, uncertain teachers. With there being no other school in the area, Rae was sent to live with her aunt, an elderly lady that knew how to coddle but not how to discipline. Rae still goes back to her parents every summer, but no teaching there lasts long enough to last the school year.

Rae was in the same class as Chaucer, and was enamored by his talk of knights, chivalry, and, especially, swords. She begged her aunt to let her into the same martial arts school, and, after much prodding, Rae joined Chaucer's classes by her eleventh birthday. She and he have thusly been comrades, one never of higher authority than the other; though she's never been able to beat Chaucer at swordplay, her personality brooked either below or on equal footing, and so while she won't take orders, to Chaucer alone will she listen.

Favorite Food: Chicken Noodle Soup


Name: Charity O'Ley

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Looks: Small, petite, platinum blonde girl with doe eyes that could soften the heart of a hardened criminal. Charity has little white hands, and she's soft all over. She's always wearing dresses, floral print dresses that accompany the flowers she braids into her hair. A placid smile at times alights her face, and her clear, whispery voice charms most men with ease.

Powers: Lack thereof

Skills: Ballet dancing, Hiding; no one can ever find her in a game of hide and seek. She seems to understand well where people always look, and so she knows where best to hide.

Weapons: Lack thereof

Brief History: "Chaucer's little sister" has long been her identity to the group of six. She's the tagalong that they aren't sure they're ok with having around but nonetheless treat with friendly tolerance. Charity's worked hard to be wanted, but has nonetheless grown jealous of the friends that flocked her brother, a wound made the deeper by the fact that she's never been able to forge a deeper relationship than acquaintance. She's learned to flirt at friendship but not to keep it. Indeed, much of her life is made up from flirting. She's flirted with Chaucer, with Shakespeare, with Conan Doyle. She's danced with Tolkein, with Lewis, with Poe. And she's never gone in depth with any of them all. It's always been a surface feeling, because she's never learned to go any deeper.

While Chaucer dedicated himself to one area of study, Charity played with many, and chose not a one. A sense of purposeless possesses her, and jealousy at the sight of her brother. She's come to grind her pretty teeth at the sight of him, and there's no way for Chaucer to comprehend the mixed thoughts and layers of feeling going through his sister's mind. Below it all is the feeling of inadequacy, the fear that she's not as worthy as those that surround her. The sense of lonliness was made the sharper by the absence of both her parents. While they'd hand money over for all of Chaucer's pursuits, they'd dance off to the farthest foreign land they could, and spend months there, leaving the siblings home alone from a very young age. By 8 and 9, Chaucer and Charity were holding up a household, and have been excepting certain months of the year; December, for Christmas, and June and August respectively, for the birthdays of Chaucer and Charity. But now that her envy of Chaucer's way of life has arisen, Charity has begun secluding herself, and without the authority or stance of a parental unit, there's no one to force her back.

Favorite Food: Rainbow Sherbert

@Fall how is ittt @__@
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Put in place by Fall.​

Alexander Larson(Goes by Alex)

Gender: Male

Age: 15, His birthday is April 24th

Looks: Alex is 5'11, His family has no idea why he's so tall as nobody is taller than 5'5 in his family. He has short black hair and brown eyes,He has his mothers semi-long eyelashes which he hates because he feels that it makes him more feminine. His family thinks of him as a rebel because he has small plug gauges in his ear lobes and wants a couple tattoos. He doesn't like be classified but his style would have to "Hipster" like style, He is almost always wearing short sleeve shirts with tan or black jeans and a pair of vans. His family is all white including him but he likes to tan which makes him a little darker than his family.

Powers, or lack thereof:
Nobody knows about his powers as Alex is fairly independent therefore he only had a couple friends and preferred to keep things to himself.

Telepathy- Ability to reads minds, Once he learns how to he'll be able to speak to others thru his mind

Hydrokinesis- The psychic ability to influence, control, and even create the motion of groups of atoms in their liquid state,Once he knows how to use this power better he'll eventually be able to control any liquid(Blood,Lava,etc.)

Invisibility- He can make his whole body and clothes completely see through, The more he uses this the longer he remain this way

Agile and quick(He likes to do "Parkour" so he's good at moving quickly and going through obstacles), Memorization, and he's stubborn which helps him in certain situations.

Weapons, or lack thereof:
He loved skateboarding therefore that's all he has with him

Brief History:
Alexander Micheal Larson was born on April 24th 1999 at 5:06pm. He always had a pretty good life, His parents both worked and his family had an average amount of money. His father died in 2006 in a car wreck, Alex was in the passengers seat during this but wasn't hurt at all. After that Alex went independent, He preferred being alone or with 1 or 2 people. He had one best friend he met in kindergarten that he was friends with all of his life. His mom got remarried in 2013 and that's when he started rebelling you could say, He got plug gauges without his moms permission, talked about wanting tattoos, His grades started slipping.He talked back to every adult and was found rude at times for always speaking his mind.That's about when he found out he could read minds, That's why he liked being independent, He knew what everybody thought of him.He was bullied by a few guys because Alex isn't a "Sporty" guy, He always hid from them, That's where he discovered his invisibility and would mess with the guys when they couldn't see him.His mom just yelled at him to try harder and do better. What no one knew is that because of his new "family", He got depression. He was always sad but always hid his emotions.Alex is at his "rebelling stage" in life and loves to travel and go on adventures! He never thinks before he acts.. One night he wanted to go on the biggest adventure of his life. That was to go visit the world,Alone. He ran away that night due to his depression and just preferred to be alone. He wanted to go travel around and find adventures alone. On one of his adventures he was at some beach in who knows where, He loves the water and that's where he found out he could move water with his mind. Alex can be found on the streets now riding around on his skateboard.

Favorite Food- Burger with thick meat,tomatoes,lettuce,and cheese.
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Character has been deleted. I can't seem to find the delete button for the whole post... Hm...
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Name: Chief

Gender: Male

Age: 43

Looks: View attachment 62643

He has a long, dress coat. He also almost always has a cigar between his teeth.

Powers, or lack thereof: Lacking


  1. Marksmanship: Chief was a sniper in the military, and a damned accurate one. He is able to shoot almost any rifle, or pistol with pinpoint accuracy.
  2. Intimidation: Chief, despite his age, can be one scary son of a gun when he wants to be.
  3. Leadership: He's the head of the largest criminal organization in Roan for a reason.
  4. Anger: When he gets angry, he gets smarter, more manipulative. If you piss him off, he will find a way to kill you.

Weapons, or lack thereof: He was two 44. magnums and a single shot rifle.

Brief History: Chief was a normal man, and he wished to serve his country. So he did, and fought in Desert Storm.However, due to certain questionable actions, he was dishonorably discharged. That just started his decent into the world of crime. He moved to Roan, and climbed up the ladder of crime, to the point to where he pretty much owns the city, and he is very well connected.

Name: General Roderick Smith, "The Mad One"

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Looks: View attachment 62644

Powers, or lack thereof: Lacks any powers


  1. Lunacy: Roderick is mad, with his own brand of insanity. Pain? He doesn't feel it. Remorse? Doesn't know the meaning of the word.
  2. Anti-Recoil: Roderick is strong. His muscles alone negate most of the recoil on his LMG.

Weapons, or lack thereof: A Light Machine gun, A knife, a pistol, a baseball bat, a whip, all sorts of mean things.

Brief History: Like his father before him, he wanted to serve in the military. However, his entire unit, save for himself, were killed. Which sent him over the edge of insanity.

Name: General Andrew Harper. The One Who Killed Raven

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Looks: View attachment 62645

He also wears a mask like this on jobs.

Powers, or lack thereof: Lack


  1. Merciless: Andrew doesn't care for mercy. Andrew only does his job.
  2. Crack-shot: Just as it says.
  3. Stealth.
  4. Intimidation

Weapons, or lack thereof: Andrew has a silenced Colt 1911.

Brief History: No one knows, other than that he's served under Chief's command for years, and that he killed Raven.

Name: The Baron

Gender: Male

Age: 40

Looks: View attachment 62646

Powers, or lack thereof: Lacks

Skills: Leadership.

Weapons, or lack thereof: His hands.

Brief History: Born and raised in berlin, the Baron was in crime early, eventually leaving Germany, and coming to Roan. He fell in with Chief, and stayed with him ever since.

Name: Matrix Jackson

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Looks: View attachment 62647

Powers, or lack thereof: Lack

Skills: This guy can RUN. And he can throw damned good.

Weapons, or lack thereof: A throwing knife.

Brief History: Matrix played football in high school, and did some in college, until his friend took him on a robbery. His friend was shot, but Matrix wanted nothing to do with it. But soon afterwards, he was forced to be a criminal, and eventually joined up with Chief.​
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Name: Kirk Scott Parker

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Looks: Kirk has jet black hair that comes down to about half way down his ear, chin-length in the back.His eyes are blue, with flecks of gold scattered throughout the iris. He has an above-average build, but doesn't have muscles on his muscles. Kirk doesn't have any set-clothing that he likes to wear, but it mostly consists of black and white clothing, occasionally dress clothing, including his favorite suit vest. He's a tad taller than most, but not much.

Powers, or lack thereof: Upon powers not even Kirk has uncovered yet, he can create fire at will, and cannot be burned (this doesn't mean he can't get uncomfortable from it being "too hot"). He also has a strength that doesn't match his physical appearance.

Skills: He's good at at hand to hand, his strength is somewhat behind this, he also can step up to the role of leader if he needs to, though he prefers getting into the nasty, nitty-gritty fighting of war.

Weapons, or lack thereof: His fists are a deadly weapon at all times, though sometimes he uses a double fullered falchion


Brief History: Since a young age, Kirk's been blending in with the normal population. He discovered his powers at the age of 12, when he and his sister figured out their so-called father was nothing of the sort, and in a fit of rage, Kirk burned his house down. Afterwards, his father kicked him out of the house. His father moved to another home, far enough away from any city to be bothered by human life. Taylor went with Kirk, and they've lived in a small city since then, stealing for necessities of life. Recently, Kirk and Taylor got in a fight and Taylor ran away. The siblings haven't seen each other since.

He'll eat just about anything, but he prefers everything freshly cooked so it's still scalding hot.


Name: Taylor Marie Parker

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Looks: Taylor has jet black hair, same as her brother, which goes halfway down her back. She has green eyes, and she is slim. She's about half a head shorter than her brother.

Powers, or lack thereof: She can heal anyone she touches of any injury, on the side note that any injury she heals she inflicts upon herself. She also heals extremely quickly. She also won't die from fatal injuries she heals as long as she heals them before the inflicted dies.

Skills: She has medical capabilities beyond her age.

Weapons, or lack thereof: Her kamas are the only weapons she has.
with blue hilts

Brief History: She lived with her brother and father until she was 10. Her father was abusive to her, and Kirk was the only thing that got in the way of that. One day when she was in her room at the age of 10, she heard her father scream and when she went out to look, the house was on fire. After the entire house burnt down, her father kicked her brother out. Taylor went with her brother and cooked the food he stole to stay alive. She discovered her powers when she was 11 when Kirk came back to their shelter injured, and upon putting her hands on Kirk, the wound healed and was inflicted upon her. A gash about an inch deep and two inches across on her side healed within minutes, no scar. The rest of her backstory follows Kirk's.

Her favorite food is spaghetti.
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Aisha Corinna





Power: Energy Absorption and Manipulation

Aisha is able to absorb, manipulate and convert energy in all forms she is knows of. When absorbed she can apply the energy to herself in order to enhance her strength, speed, stamina and as a shield. Combined with her training she is able to apply her manipulation techniques to pressure points in order to stop their flow of energy. She is able to see and sense auras normally and if she is concentrating she can see the glow of an individual natural energy.

> Known Energy:

- Life/ Natural Energy

- Kinetic Energy


- Aisha is quick, agile and flexible

- She is skilled in close quarters combat, fights defensively

- Able to manipulate and block energy through pressure points

- Knows about herbal arts for both healing and harmful purposes


- Collapsible metal staff. retracted form is 1ft in length fully extended reaches up to 7ft

Brief Background

Aisha was raised in a Temple of monks, she never knew much of her parents other than they were killed before she was even a year old. From the time she would walk, was trained in the teachings and beliefs of the monks. She learned about energy and how it was in everything and one around her. She was taught Tai Chi as a form of moving meditation since she was too restless for any other form which required sitting still. She her life was very simple filled mostly with studying, meditations and exploring the nature which surrounded the temple. Aisha grew up for the most part sheltered from the world outside the temple only hearing tidbits of information for those who ventured past the walls. Once or twice she snuck out and explored the towns near the temple, but even they were more or less secluded from the advancements of normal society.


- Height: 5’8”

- Favorite Food: Salmon Onigiri (Rice Ball)

- Full Outfit:

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