[Death's Hotel] Death's Hotel: The Entrance.

Albert realized a bit too late that he had come off a bit hostile, so once Vlad threw his hands up, he gave a look as if to say 'I didn't mean anything by it,' just to clear things up. Everyone that was on board was ready to go, but everyone else was obviously half-assing it, still trying to turn the group around. Albert had been with them enough, as well as everyone else, to know that there was no changing their mind.

"Okay, so can we just, go to the nightmare house so we can get back before too long?" He asked, assuming that, knowing the group, they would turn around somewhere in between leaving and getting too far into the mansion.
Marcus had finally reached the entrance to the mansion, a smile on his face as he looked over it with his camera. It certainly was old, as it looked like no one had been inside of the place for years. The two front doors weren't even on right, as they were hanging off the handle sideways. The glass windows were all shattered, the paint was worn off, the place did look old, and Marcus had to give it that.

"Well, this is it. The ever so scary mansion at the edge of Merryweather that everyone is so afraid of, but not I, nor my friends here with me," Marcus made the bold statement, turning the camera to see himself, and then turning it to show all of his friends who were coming, "We're going to show everyone in Merryweather that the place is not haunted, and that none need be afraid of the place!"

And so he waited, looking back at his friends as they all eventually joined him. Surprisingly, Akio was the last one to get there, and Naomi and Sara were second to Marcus. Marcus simply smiled, and pointed towards the door.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, the door shall not open on it's own!" Marcus shouted out, only for one of the doors to fall to the floor, though Marcus acted as if he had expected that, and went on, "Well, we all know what we're here for, so, come on in!"

And with that, he was the first one in, followed by Naomi, who had let go of Sara's hand at this point.

By now, it was too late for Akio to manage to stop any of this, so, defeated, he stood towards the back, hands in his pockets and looking at the ground. He should have listened to Dani, now she was pissed at him, and he himself started to get a really bad feeling about the place the closer he got to it. He almost felt, terrified, like he was walking towards his own death, knowing he'd die, but being unable to stop it. And he had no idea why he felt this way, he just did. Though if anyone had that feeling, they were damned good at hiding it.
Hana kept up with the group as they approached the abandned building and soon enough, they were at the front doors. Where they hung off the hinges and only to fall once Marcus opened his mouth about the door opening on its own. By the looks of the building, it seems to be dying out and fading away. Kinda like those pieces of stone randomly in the woods that would look like partly a wall or a fireplace. Looking at this place reminded her of it, only, it was where people can see it. And not hidden away in the trees.

Her eyes looked over at Akio who seemed to be alittle shaken up. Was he really that scared of a building that was abandoned and old looking? The only things to be scared of was rodents and falling floors, celings or beams. And possibly worn out stairs that could break once stepped on and trap your foot as if the step is eating your foot. She followed after Naomi and Marcus. Looking around the inside of the abandoned home.
|Darzi__________:. The amount of emotion skittering through the

air was like tiny electrical pulses running through my veins, running their needle-like finger tips across my tender flesh in an irritating matter. They were all rather strong; fear, anxiety, excitement... it was extremely distracting and I found myself focusing on that more than the actual group itself. I kind of figured that we would be going; there was too much energy for the group to just wind down at the snap of a finger. And, I had to admit, I happened to be quite curious as to what was in the mansion. In all honestly, I wouldn't be scared of the structure at all if it wasn't for the fact that Dani seemed to be rather disturbed about the very idea of walking towards the mansion. I decided that, before I was left behind, I would sort of place myself on the outskirts of the group, standing near Dani. In another lapse of tension, I found myself wondering just how bad it would have to be in there to offset her. I shrugged internally, guessing it was pretty bad, but then again, I couldn't sense any 'supernatural' threat. Just reading body language. Huffing, I realized that the group had kind of taken off without me and I trotted after, slipping my ear buds into my ears, being careful to avoid tender piercings, and turned up my music.
Aleksander got a really dark feeling in the pit of his stomach, and he a cold chill down his spine. Something about this place was more than just creepy, it was down right sinister. Aleksander, of course, couldn't leave the other defenseless, no matter how terrifying the house may be. Aleksander wasn't afraid for himself. He was concerned for the others; Naomi, and Akio, and Dani, and even those that he didn't know very well. This house was, for lack of a better phrase, a fucking deathtrap as far as he could tell. But Naomi and Marcus were already in, as well as a few others, so Aleksander pushed his way to the front and walked in after them, concerned they had no way to defend themselves in case of an emergency.
Kris rolled his eyes. It was always like this with this bunch of idiots. Go and mingle, his father said. You'll make friends, he said. Yeah, shit, he would. He would make friends with the kids with the least common sense. Who was he to complain about it, though? After all, he was the one tailing after them, hands shoved in his pockets and craving for a candy to crush in his mouth, to savour at least something sweet in this whole predicament of his. It was just a sour taste of foolishness and the bitter feeling of, oh, I don't know, being bloody feckin' ignored throughout? He wondered if the ones who left were the smarter ones of the group as he tailed behind them. The door creaked open ahead of him as Marcus cheerily, and far too loudly, announced his presence. Was that a quiver in his voice? Kris trudged behind the group glumly, and started up another comment.

"You ever remember the time some guy said he wanted to stick his tongue on a metal post during sub-zero temperatures, and then proceeds to do so and the story ends with a painful rip? Yeah, this is just lik--" Kris halted as his foot stepped over the threshold, in both words and movement. The chill ran through his body was unmistakable. His nerves shut down almost instantaneously and the numbness spread through his thin physique. He felt like emptying his lunch right there and right now. The whole feeling was simply...sickening. he removed his foot from the threshold and stepped back outside.

His face switched from his usual scowl of acidity to one of a more serious tone. Instead of simple hatred seething behind his eyes, a sort of intensity settled there instead. "....You guys are always going on and on about protecting each other, but you leap into a well of darkness with those you want to protect being dragged along with you before you even look. You'll be the death of them, quite literally. Please think this through." He took a few more steps back and tugged at his scarf. "I am scared, and I will admit it. There's no point hiding behind a mask of courage if it will kill you. I don't honestly really care what happens to all of you, and I really hope you'll be minced and chopped into bits and pieces, but your parents don't. Think it through."

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