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  1. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    ((I apologize for being absent—issues came up IRL, and I've been dealing with them as best I can, but it's left me with little time to get online. I've been able to keep up with posts, though, so at least there's that.)) Iseul remained where she was when the fighting ended, beside a dying...
  2. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    Iseul got to her feet and headed for the causeway, each step taken as if someone else was moving her. She hated the idea of having to fight off the Earth Army—no, she loathed it—but she couldn't just stand by and remain an observer. There were a lot of innocent people whose lives were ruined or...
  3. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    ~Northern Air Temple~ The temple rumbled beneath Iseul before she could respond to the water tribesman, and the ensuing flurry of activity prevented any further conversation. A sinking feeling filled her as she gathered up her sketches, and though two of the papers fell from her hands and slid...
  4. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    The Earth Kingdom isn't corrupt, either. The war was started by the deaths of Mizu, Charan, and Tanzi. The Earth Kingdom got blamed by the Fire Nation, but in reality it was an unknown group that did the assassinations, with the intention of getting the Earth Kingdom blamed. This unknown group...
  5. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    "Are you from the North or the South?" Iseul spoke to the man in water tribe garb, her curiosity having been piqued by the array of blue. It was an odd thing to catch her attention, but it made the man stick out quite plainly among the sea of browns and yellows that made up the majority of...
  6. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    The thing with the antagonists is that I wanted to keep who they are and what their goals are a bit of a secret for a while, thus making it rather hard to create antagonist characters. I wanted to keep it a secret because I didn't want RPers to have their OCs intuitively 'know' not to trust the...
  7. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    Jai is definitely a very well thought out character. As far as teacher roles go, though, the need for a firebending teacher takes precedence; it feels odd to add in more teacher roles while that one remains empty.
  8. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    "There's a lot of work to be done, I'm sure. Still, it was very kind of you and the other monks to open the temple up to refugees. So many villages have ended up in the middle of war zones as of late." Iseul's smile faltered as she thought of some of the places she had passed through; they had...
  9. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    Actually, I was thinking of making the Earth King the earthbending teacher. He would see the Avatar's connection to the spirit world as a way to clear his family and kingdom's name, and would offer to be a teacher in return for the Avatar speaking to Mizu, Charan, and Tanzi. There would be a lot...
  10. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    A moment passed before Iseul realized that the monk was talking to her, and when she did her head snapped up to look at her, an embarrassed laugh passing through her lips. It was hard for her to notice the world when she was working so intently, an experience so vastly different from the...
  11. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    ~Northern Air Temple: Present Day~ Refugees milled about the lower areas of the temple, walking to and fro in attempts to quell their own worries and doubts. From the corner of the main room, Iseul sat with her few belongings piled about her, watching the monks and refugees during pauses from...
  12. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    Alright, everything's good. Kaumei is approved, and the RP thread is up. c:
  13. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    The Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation had been at odds over small things for close to a century, but things came to a head with the deaths of the Earth Prince and the Fire Princess. With Prince Charan already married and Princess Tanzi engaged, the affair lead to ripples of discontent within both...
  14. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    The wiki says light brown or dark brown, so you could always go with light brown. It's up to you, though.
  15. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    Don't worry about it, Kait! I didn't mention it earlier because I didn't want to rush anyone. As for your character, everything looks good. The only thing I have a question about is her hair color. In the show, Princess Yue's hair was white because she was healed by the moon spirit; other than...
  16. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    Hopefully Kait will finish their character application soon, because that's what we're waiting on. c: (I thought it would be a bit unfair to start while they were still working.) After that, RP ahoy!
  17. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    [Deleted] Progeny beat me to the punch, damn.
  18. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    I should mention, after talking with Progeny a bit it's been decided that the RP will begin in the Northern Air Temple. The monks there will be accepting refugees, so if there are concerns over how your character would get there, it could be for refuge.
  19. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    If you want to have Kuka with Avatar, you're more than welcome to. There isn't a limit on how many characters a person can have. (I trust that people will have the sense to not bite off more than they can chew.)
  20. AngelOfPerdition

    [Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

    Congradulations, Robin, your character is approved. I have to ask, though, what your plans are with his companions since the RP will most likely start in the southernmost part of the Fire Nation. Unless, of course, you didn't mean companion as in traveling companion, in which case forget I...