[Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord

Lol, when I looked it up online it said that people of the water tribes either have very light or very dark hair. I didn't want her too be modeled too much like Katara, so I went with the lighter choice. I can make it a darker color if it bothers you, I just know that the "appearance" section of the site said they sometimes have light hair :3

Or I can incorporate some moon spirit ;3
Ohh light brown. Gotcha. I must have misread it. I'll just change it, makes everything less of a hassle.
I would like to join as an earthbender, possibly the teacher in the future. I'm thinking my character will be an earth bending teacher in Omashu. He loves his country and is very loyal. Hearing that the earthkingdom killed the avatar destroyed him and he is having trouble believing it. He decides to leave his home and family to uncover the truth. Ideally he would find a peaceful way to end the war or find the avatar, teach him earthbending and help him find a peaceful way.

I will make a character sheet soon. My problem with rping is that I don't have Internet at my house until November:( I can only post once or twice a day and I am living in England so my time zone is different. I am thinking that, if you will have me, my character will journey alne in search of the truth(not that he will find it) for a long while. Perhaps I will cross paths with the avatar in the future, as a fried or a foe.

I see that there a two of three teachers taken already. I know one is the fire teacher and I assume the second is the water teacher. The earthkingdom is the only earthbender so far. Being the earthking I asumed he was not the teacher.
Actually, I was thinking of making the Earth King the earthbending teacher. He would see the Avatar's connection to the spirit world as a way to clear his family and kingdom's name, and would offer to be a teacher in return for the Avatar speaking to Mizu, Charan, and Tanzi. There would be a lot to go on with this idea, as it would drive the force of the plot; namely, that another group is trying to dethrone the Earth King and weakening the other nations for some unknown reason.

As for the firebending teacher, there is none yet. Progeny has not approved Sanhi, and in order for a character to be approved the both of us need to agree.
That is ok. My character is not suited for an earthbending teacher anyways. Perhaps a fighting teacher instead. He doesn't even need to join the avatar. I am pretty open, if you would prefer I could change the History to make him an antagonist. I did some last minute editing to the history so the age might be off by a year.

Name: Jai Rong

Age: 58

Gender: Male

Nation: Earth

Bender: Yes

Level of elemental mastery: Advanced

Hair: Black

Eye color: Brown

Height: 6' 3"

Weight: 211 lb

Skin color and abnormalities: Tan skin. Many scars from war. A burn mark on his left cheek bone.

Body build: Muscular

Clothing: Brown travelers cloak that is not nation suggestive.

History: Jai was born in Senlin village on the out skirts of the Earth Kingdom. He was part of a farmers family. Both parents were earthbenders, they taught him how to bend at a young age. Together the family tilled the soil, irrigated the fields, and built their houses with earthbending. To them and many others in the area, earthbending was a way of life, not just a device used for war. Jai was taught to live with the earth not off the earth.

During Jai's childhood the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation were at ends with each other. Being close to the border Senlin village was host to many Fire Nation traders and merchants. It was not common for fights to break out in town. One day, when Jai was 15, a group of five rowdy firebending sailors came by the farm looking for a fight. They demanded produce from Jai's father, Li, and refused to pay. When Li said no and told them to bug off they responded by incinerating a field. Li bent a wave of earth beneath their feet and threw them to the ground, hoping that they would be scared away. They responded by attacking him. Jai, who at the time was pounding in a stake post with a large hammer (Jai used a six foot hammer with the aid of earthbending), saw this and started pounding boulder sized rocks with his hammer at the firebenders. Between him and his father they drove off the firebenders. After this encounter Jai's weapon of choice became the hammer.

These fights became more and more common in the out skirts of both the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom. Jai, being a rowdy teen was involved in quite a few of these. Eventually fights turned to brawls, brawls to skirmishes, and skirmishes to small battles. Jai was one of the leading activists in these mock wars. During the last of these battles Jai's farm, and many other farms, were burned to the ground. Jai and his family moved to the city of Omashu and got jobs as stone masons. By this time Jai, age 18, had become more of a fighter then a laborer. He joined the police academy and soon joined the Omashu police force. By the age of 25 he was promoted to Chief of Police. Ba Sing Se soon recognized Jai's ability to earthbend and recruited him to the Dai Li at the age of 27. Jai was honored to serve them, but eventually began to doubt the ethics that the Dai Li held. Jai was beginning to see the level of corruption a city the size of Ba Sing Se held. Rather then despise the corruption he learned to use it so as not to sink.

At the age of 34 the Avatar was assassinated and war broke out with the three other nations. Being an able and loyal warrior Jai was sent to battle as a lieutenant. The Avatar was always a role model to Jai and he did not want to believe that his country killed her. All the warriors were told that the assassination was a ploy set up by the Fire Nation to drive the countries to war. Jai had trouble believing that too.

After surviving the war for 6 years Jai was promoted to a general. Eight years later Jai had grown tired of fighting. War he learned was a horrible thing, not something where honor and glory could be gained. Jai was still confused on who killed the avatar. He could not believe that the Fire Nation would do it just to start a war. Neither did he wish to believe that the Earth King would condone such a foolish act. However, the corruption of Ba Sing Se had taught him that the Earth King was not the pinnacle of power in the Earth Kingdom. The only reason Jai kept fighting was to protect his people. Besides, what could he, a single person, do about it?

By this time Jai, age 48, had become an icon to Earth Kingdom worriers. In battle Jai used either a giant stone hammer, a giant stone broad sword, or a giant stone Ax. Sometimes he even combined al three into one weapon. He used a unique style of fighting, utilizing his prowess with weapons together with his bending. Gracefully he changed from hammer to ax to sword in order to adapt to any situation. He used his bending not to overcome his enemy but instead to put them off balance or increase his weapon power. Using his bending to wield multiple stone weapons Jai was given the title of a weapon bender. On the field he was feared by his foe, praised by his allies, and despised by himself. Jai no longer wanted to fight, but he could not let down his people or his nation. He fell into depression and grew more reckless.

One battle Jai found himself and his troops severely outnumbered. He knew that victory was impossible and retreat unlikely. ordering his troops to retreat Jai stayed himself to give them time to escape. Jai chose a narrow valley to hold the enemy at. He fought relentlessly and killed many men. He disliked taking so many live and found himself crying as he cut through and crushed his foes and fellow humans. "Why must people fight?" he wondered. Jai's troops were at a safe distance and Jai himself was severely injured. With the last of his strength he collapsed the valley walls, while simultaneously opening a hole beneath himself and closing it. He hid under ground for a few hours while recovering his strength then borrowed his way back to camp.

Jai, age 49, was sent home to recover both physically and mentally. Before could be sent back Jai was deemed mentally unfit for war and given an honorable discharge. Jai was offered the opportunity to command the Dai Li, but he refused saying he could no handle it at the moment. He retired to Omashu and opened an earthbending academy. He found a wife and had three children all of whom were earthbenders. Jai spent his days teaching in the academy and trying to live a normal life. However, he could not forget the horrible war and was tormented constantly by his uncertainty of why it was started. To calm himself he meditated daily, trying to be in harmony with the earth once more. With the help of his family and meditation he eventually started to recover. Soon Jai was stable enough to lead the Omashu police force once more, and dedicated himself to upholding the peace so that he might forgive himself.

By the time Jai was 58 he had almost fully recovered. He had gone from being chief of police to a city council member and was leading a good life. Unfortunately not knowing the truth to the previous avatars death still plagued him. Jai became determined to learn the truth behind the avatars death. He left the city of Omashu and traveled to Ba Sing Se in hopes of learning something. People in Ba Sing Se were so brain washed and corrupt that it was almost impossible to learn anything of such an old deed. Through years of corruption this city had learned to hide it's tracks well. The entire city, officials included seemed to believe that the war was set up by the Fire Nation, yet there was no solid proof of anything.

Jai needed to know the truth so that the could do everything in his power to help end the war. Deciding he had nothing left to learn in Ba Sing Se he left the city and journeyed to the Northern Air Temple to see what could be learned there. He needed to be careful though, the other nations would treat him as a monster if they knew his identity.

"I was only protecting my people." He thought as he left for the north. "Kyoshi help me." Jai prayed.

Personality: Jai is a bit gruff, hardened by his years of war. However, he can be very eloquent, a trait necessary for a politician to hold. Over all he is kind man searching for both external and internal forgiveness and peace.

Weapons: Giant stone hammer, ax, and sword.

Weaknesses: Plagued by his past. Would be seen as an infamous war criminal to the other three nations if they knew his identity

Strengths: Good with weapons and exceptional at combining his bending with his weapon ship. An able politician.

Other: His family was sad to see him leave, but were very understanding. He promises to return one day.

Also I took a few liberties with the history between the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom. I was not trying to apply that the two nations were at war. More along the lines of "They shot my cow hippo so lets burn their farm down" sort of thing. I will certainly change it if you don't like anything....Since I don't really have any other choice.
Okay, wow. That was... long. Very, very long. I'm sorry to say that he's not really what we're looking for. He doesn't really seem to fit with the story we're doing. Not that he's a bad character, persay, we just don't think he'd be a good fit here. Your unavailability would be a problem besides.
Jai is definitely a very well thought out character. As far as teacher roles go, though, the need for a firebending teacher takes precedence; it feels odd to add in more teacher roles while that one remains empty.
You guy seem fun to rp with so I'm not giving up yet.


The frequency of my posts in this tread would be my frequency in the RP. Even when I post once in the morning/afternoon then check again in the evening no one has time to respond. You all must be asleep or at school during my free time. If my current posting amount is unsatisfactory then that settles it. If not I will try creating another character.


I see that there are no antagonist roles available in the RP. I bet you want to control those so you can push the plot in the direction you want. If not, would you accept Jai if I made him the general in charge of attacking the Northern Air Temple rather then a man seeking redemption? I don't mind scrapping Jai though. My next character would also be fun to role play as.

Thirdly: Here is a stab at a firebending teacher. (I'll try to keep this one shorter :P )

Name: Haruki Jing

Nick name: Haru or Uki. He intends to have the Avatar address him as Haruki Shi Fu, Haru Shi Fu, or Uki Shi Fu.

(Shi Fu is Chinese for teacher in the martial arts aspect. Like Sensei is for Japanese. Haruki is a Japanese name but now I'm getting to technical :P )

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Nation: Sun Warriors

Bender: Yes

Level of elemental mastery: Master

Hair: Black.

Eye color: Gold

Height: 6' 1"

Weight: 160 lb

Skin color and abnormalities: Light skin. No tattoos.

Body build: Lean. Well toned muscles.

Clothing: Traditional Fire Nation clothing: Red tunic with yellow and back embellishes. A Fire Nation is stitched on the back.

History: Haruki is a Sun Warrior native. The Sun Warriors have been observing recent history. The war that currently blights the world worries the Sun Warriors immensely. The Sun Warriors are concerned for the education of the new avatar. The Fire Nation has used firebending as a weapon for far too long. They have lost connection with the spiritual meaning of fire. To fufil their role of protecting the origin of firebending they have sent Haruki to find the Avatar and teach him firebending.

Before leaving Haru was taught much about the history of the modern world. Before making his was to the Northern Air Temple to search for the Avatar Haru spent two years living in Hama's village in order to get use to the outside world. He claimed that he was originally from a small village in the mountains. After this he moved to the Fire Nation Capitol and stayed there for a year to further his cultural studies. While there he studied in a firebending academy to learn a bit about modern corruption of firebending.

Personality: Haruki is a very level headed and patient man. He is an able firebender and near perfect stereotype of a Sun Warrior. In this sense Haruki is no different from any other Sun Warrior. The one thing that sets Haru apart from all the other Sun Warriors is his curiosity. The elders have noticed that he is in danger of becoming bored or unsatisfied with being confined within the Ancient City. For this reason Haru was chosen to leave in search of the Avatar

Weapons: None

Weaknesses: During his travels and interactions he must not reveal that he is a Sun Warrior.

Strengths: Learned firebending from original origin. His firebending is not fueled his emotions, but rather he love of life. The fire he creates is a reflection of the beauty of the burning soul found in every living thing.

Other: Haruki eats a lot. He can not get enough of all the new foods he is trying while seeing the rest of the world. Some feel he is in danger of getting fat. When Haruki deems the time right he may bring the avatar to the Ancient City in order to confront Ran and Shaw.
The thing with the antagonists is that I wanted to keep who they are and what their goals are a bit of a secret for a while, thus making it rather hard to create antagonist characters. I wanted to keep it a secret because I didn't want RPers to have their OCs intuitively 'know' not to trust the characters and NPCs that would eventually turn out to be behind everything. It is intended to be a huge shock to the characters, something that will really throw them off of their game.

As for posting, your frequency is good. I can't speak for everyone else, but my posting is only delayed because I had my wisdom teeth pulled and am thus on heavy pain medication. When I'm all healed up, the chances of me being on when you are will go up a great deal (I'm off for the semester in school, so my days are usually pretty free, and without pain meds wearing me down I'll actually be awake most of the day).

Now, on to Haruki. I like what I'm seeing. As with Jai, you clearly put a lot into this character, and I like that. Haruki gets a thumbs up from me. When Progeny gets online, I'll talk with him about what he thinks.
I'm definitely liking Haruki more as well. Like I said, it wasn't that Jai was a bad character, just not what we were looking for. I will say that I'm genuinely impressed with your ability to bring multiple characters to the table when one doesn't work. The only thing I will bring up is that the dragons are likely not threatened (and I know I didn't say this explicitly, for which I apologise) because Fire Lord Sozen was never born in this timeline (we diverge from canon after Avatar Kiyoshi's time). But that's really a small and unimportant detail about dragons, but it did give me a segway into mentioning the timeline differences. If there's anything else you'd like to know in that respect, don't hesitate to ask.

Otherwise, I'll give my stamp of approval too. Just be sure to note that Haruki will have to be already inside the temple since it was just closed off due to the incoming army. Just jump in when you feel like it or get the chance.
If the dragons are still around would there be any need for Haruki to keep his Sun Warrior origin secret? I believe they went off the map after Iroh trained with them.
The way I understood it, the Sun Warriors were generally unknown anyway. Given no one seemed to be aware of their continued existence before the dragon hunts began, I suspect that they were isolationists to begin with. Of course, that's just speculation on my part, since we have no way of knowing.
Edited Haruki's history to make everything make sense (all I had to do was delete a line). I see what you mean about the antagonists Angel. It will definitely make for a more exciting rp this way.

So this rp is at the same time as The Last Air Bender, but Roku and Aang are replaced by Mizu and Darem. And the earthbenders are the "bad guys". I only have one question now. Without Firelord Sozin, Azulon, or Ozi I assume that there was never any militaristic corruption of firebending. Firebending would be driven by "the unflinching will to accomplish tasks and desires" (Got the straight from the wiki). This effects my character slightly I guess, probably nothign to worry about though.

Maybe now that the Earth Kingdom is the corrupt nation they will start bending fossil fuels out of the ground and using them to power horrible machines of war. Also was metal bending ever discovered?
The Earth Kingdom isn't corrupt, either. The war was started by the deaths of Mizu, Charan, and Tanzi. The Earth Kingdom got blamed by the Fire Nation, but in reality it was an unknown group that did the assassinations, with the intention of getting the Earth Kingdom blamed. This unknown group wants to destroy the Earth Kingdom government and weaken the other nations through war. In short, there is no corrupt or 'evil' nation in this RP; there's just a corrupt/'evil' underground organization trying to get the world into a position where they can choose the leaders of the nations and, through them, control everything.

As for metal bending, I don't think it would have been discovered yet. Or, if it has, maybe it's only known by the antagonists? That would certainly cause some trouble for the characters, I think.
In one of my recent posts I thought that Darem was outside the temple. He was the airbender that Haruki was talking too. I now realize that I made a wronge assumption. No problem though.
(Gonna give it a try, since it seems all teachers are taken I'm gonna try make an entirely new character that is something interesting and weird. Of course I will still try to make him fit into the Avatar world. I'll leave him unaligned for now so that his future can go in either direction, with the avatar or against.

You either accept him or ya don't, I hope ya like him!)

Name: Hi (Doesn't know his real name)

Age: Unknown, but looks about 23

Gender: Male

Nation: Earth

Bender: Yes

Level of elemental mastery: Learning

Hair: He has jet black hair with some grey in indicating some age despite his young looking face.

Eye color: Cold grey eyes with dark bags under them.

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 200lbs (Due to the metal)

Skin color and abnormalities: Extremely pale as if he hasn't seen sunlight in months

Body build: Average build, but not very muscular.

Clothing: He is wearing an old brown cloak wrapped around his body to hide his metal parts as well as many other old clothes he has found lying around. Including old black torn pants with holes in the knees and torn around the edges of the legs. He has old shoes with lots of scuffs and that seem ready to come apart.

History: He doesn't remember who he is. One week ago he woke up in a chamber underground, there were bunch of men talking about him and his purpose. That he was meant to fight, to be powerful. They said there was nothing like him and he would help end the war one way or another. He remembered feeling pain all over his body. He got up feeling angry, he felt an incredible rage he couldn't understand and it happened so fast he didn't even realize he was doing. How dare they all about him and about controlling him, how dare they.

It was over so quickly, his hands were covered in blood and they were dead, they were all dead and he ran. He left that cavern and ran away as fast as he could. He didn't know to where or even who he was.

He did know he could bend metal, he couldn't seem to bend Earth, but he could bend Metal and he could feel it inside him. He could feel metal inside him!

He decided to take the temporary name Hi, a letter he saw in the cavern until he found out his real name.

Personality: He is desperately trying to remember who or what he is. He feels angry about his existence, that he doesn't know who he is, why he had to wake up in so much pain and why he seems to just be a weapon. He hates his existence and what the world has done to him, he feels a hatred towards everyone but more than anything he wants to know who he is and he will find out whatever it takes!

Weapons: His own body is a weapon with metal having been inserted inside his skin. He can bend the metal he has inside and outside him to fight like bending it to make spikes, wires, needles and other metals he can bend. It is however very limited to the amount of metal in him and where it is. It also causes him pain to bend the metal within, something he is trying to ignore.

Weaknesses: He seems completely unable to bend Earth no matter how hard he tries. He can only bend metal and if bends the metal inside it hurts like hell. He also doesn't know anything about himself or his abilities and is still relearning how to fight and bend properly.

Strengths: The metal in his body can make his physical attacks much stronger as well as make him able to take a hit. He can also use the metal weapons built in his body to be a living weapon such as firing out metal needles, though he will need to find more metal to refill or using metal wires to swing around or grab things and he can also form spikes for stabbing. He is still learning what else he can use his metal for...

Other: Hi is searching for purpose and his true name, he sometimes wonders if even ever use to be a real person before. All he knows now is that he is a monster and he is angry.

(Let me know if he is ok, he is not like a super over powered weapon. He is just a metal bender with some metal built into his body and his main strength is trying to use it in unique ways.)
I am not the one to judge your post (But I do like the character himself). I do see a problem that I have seen in fan made metal benders before. People, not just you, always overlook the fact that metal is bent by controlling the particles of earth around it. Pure metals, like the ones in the body, cannot be bent (in the Legend of Korra Lin was captured this way). If a hunk of iron Perhaps I am being too picky though. Personally I don't have any problem with being able to bend actual metal atoms, but it is not in agreement with the Avatar universe. Sorry to be a kill joy (Otherwise known as a ****). If your guy had a metal suit like the ones worn by the police in Republic City the character would be more accurate, he could also be kind of like the Earth Kingdom version of combustion man but with metal. Either way it is not up to me.
Actually you are quiet correct and made this man with the idea that metal cannot be bent, only the pure earth within and he is not bending the metal within his body naturally as you seem to misunderstand.

Actual pieces of metal were inserted into his body and he is bending that, so in a sense he is bending a metal suit like the Metal Bender cops, except some of the metal parts have actually been surgically or some other way inserted into his skin.

So he is in fact bending the Earth within the metal that has been put in his body, he is no way bending any metal atoms that might naturally occur in his body.

He is an Earthbender and is bending the earth in the metal, he just also seems to possess a mental block that prevents him from bending normal Earth in regular stone and sand for some reason to be revealed later.

I hope that explains it better and that he is able to be accepted.

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