[Avatar: TLA] On the Fields of Discord


New Member
There's already some Avatar: The Last Airbender RPs here, but hey, variety is the spice of life, right? Half of the credit for this RP goes to ProgenyOfWinter, who will also be in charge of character approval. We only ask for proper grammar/spelling and regular posting. So, all that said, onto the fun stuff.

The world has forever been torn, ravaged by the scourge of war!

Tensions were high, and the smell of blood already wafted on the breeze. I felt it in my bones even before the news came, that dreaded letter that proclaimed what we all had feared. Those bastards had gotten to her. The Avatar had been assassinated.

In the year preceding the death of Avatar Mizu, things were already precarious. The daughter of the then Fire Lord, Princess Tanzi, had left home suddenly and appeared in the Earth Kingdom at the side of the heir, Prince Charan. The circumstances, though both seemed happy, were considered suspicious, and the Fire Lord accused the prince of abducting his daughter. On their way to the coast to meet with the Fire Lord, both were killed under mysterious circumstances, and the nations of the world suspected murderous intention on the part of the Earth King.

With the world on the brink of war, and the Water Tribes and Air Nomads tentatively supporting the Fire Lord's calls for justice, the Avatar stepped in to mediate the situation. Avatar Mizu arrived to stand between the two hostile camps and spoke with both the Fire Lord and the Earth King in an attempt to stop them resolving their differences with the bloodshed. However, the Avatar, being a native of the Fire Nation, was suspected of bias, and was killed in her sleep! It is our belief that the Earth King had the Avatar murdered to prevent her from helping the Fire Nation, and for this, we of the Three Nations Alliance have brought war to the Earth Kingdom!

But the Earth Kingdom is vast. We have made gains, but we have taken losses, and the Earth King has launched an assault on the Northern Air Temple to force the allied forces onto the defensive. We need volunteers to bring the royal family to justice for their crimes, and to stop the Earth King from harming more innocents! Remember Princess Tanzi and Avatar Mizu!

—Allied Propaganda Pamphlet—

The Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation had been at odds over small things for close to a century, but things came to a head with the deaths of the Earth Prince and the Fire Princess. With Prince Charan already married and Princess Tanzi engaged, the affair lead to ripples of discontent within both nations. The Earth King claimed Princess Tanzi had seduced and manipulated his son, the Fire Lord claimed Prince Charan had stolen Tanzi away in a fit of deranged lust. As the star-crossed lovers traveled to the Fire Lord, hoping to make him see reason before turning attention to the Earth King, they stopped in a small village on the edge of the Earth Kingdom. The next day, they were discovered dead, split open from the chin to the navel.

Horrified at the brutal murder, both sides struggled with each other ever harder, claiming each other as the perpetrators of the crime. Avatar Mizu intervened, hoping that by quelling the rage of the two royal families and their kingdoms war would be averted. She called a summit to be held, and the leaders of the Water Tribes and the head monks of the Air Nomads came to help mediate. On the first day of the summit, however, the beginning of war came in the way of Avatar Mizu's body found on the floor of her room, the life drained from it with a large stab wound through the neck.

It was inevitable that war would break out, and when it did the Air Nomads and the Water Tribes honored long-standing alliances with the Fire Nation by taking sides against the Earth Kingdom. For the first several months the war was piercing, tearing through the lands and fed by the vitriol of royal families and their subjects. Bloody battles soon gave way to a slow war of attrition, however, and it continued in such a state for nearly twenty-five years. The Order of the White Lotus, secretive and unknown except to those in it, began a desperate search for the avatar

The story begins at the dawn of the twenty-fifth year anniversary of Avatar Mizu's death. As such, the avatar of this RP will need to be twenty-four. Due to their age, it is expected that they'd know how to bend more than one element, maybe even all of them. For the sake of the plot, though, the most elements that can be mastered are two. Aside from the Avatar, there are only a few 'must have' positions for the RP, so if possible try to fill one.


Open | Taken


Bending teachers (1|2|3)

Earth King & Family (King|Queen|Child(ren))

Fire Lord & Family (Lord|Lady|Child(ren))

Northern Water Chieftain & Family (Chieftain|Wife|Child(ren))

Head Monk of the Air Nomads

Character Application Form





Bender: (Yes or no)

Level of elemental mastery: (Novice, Basic, Advanced, Master)


Eye color:



Skin color and abnormalities:

Body build:








Having trouble coming up with appropriate names? Check out this list!

Name: Iseul Hong Liu

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Nation: Earth

Bender: No

Level of elemental mastery: N/A

Hair: Black/brown, reaches lower back when worn down. It's unable to be tamed and thus never neat looking, appearing like a wavy mess with strands sticking out when worn down. Usually she has it pulled into a low, messy bun, but due to the stubborn nature of her hair, some thick lengths of hair fall out of the bun and reach just below the shoulders.

Eye color: Light green

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 118lbs

Skin color and abnormalities: Pale, but no abnormalities

Body build: Lean, "all legs"

Clothing: Off-white wrap for underclothing; a short cream hanfu with brown collar and cuffs (the one on the far right), with quarter length sleeves, loosely wrapped so it hangs open a bit, and a brown waist skirt with a simple rope tie (labeled in on the far left outfit in the picture linked previously); baggy dark grey pants, cinched at the ankles; simple leather boots.

History: She is the daughter of Hiresh Hong Liu, one of only two children. The other child is her twin brother, Kanan. When her mother died, Iseul's father had her sent away to live on Kyoshi Island. As Iseul was raised away from her family, the Earth King simply told people that Iseul was too sickly and weak to leave the palace or see anyone. Given how young Iseul was when she was sent away, and the fact that she rarely received letters from her family, she knows very little of them and grew up feeling alone and abandoned. At a young age she began to train with the Kyoshi Warriors as a way to keep herself busy and try to overcome her troubles focusing. Her guardian on Kyoshi Island, a Chi Blocker, took notice of Iseul's interest in learning to defend herself and taught her all he knew. While the training and lessons on Chi Blocking allowed Iseul to have goals to focus on, she was never able to feel a sense of belonging or purpose. Eventually, at the age of seventeen, she left Kyoshi Island in hopes of finding those things.

Personality: She comes off as bubbly, optimistic, and scatterbrained, and to say she's a bit eccentric and a bit of an eclectic when it comes to her interests would be a vast understatement. Her up-beat attitude, however, is a defense mechanism; she uses it to hide her inner conflicts and bitterness. Her scatterbrained behavior is also some what misleading, as it's the result of her mind always being active. As well, she is unable to filter the world around her, leading her to 'see and hear everything.' While this is useful in gathering information quickly, it makes it hard for her to focus or relax. Often she is unable to even sleep because of it.

Weapons: Two black lacquered, double-edged tantō

Weaknesses: Her brain's inability to filter out irrelevant stimuli can leave her susceptible to disorientation and being overwhelmed when not fighting or doing something to focus her mind on one thing.

Strengths: She is a chi bending master and was trained by the Kyoshi, so she is very agile and nimble.

Other: Her training has allowed her to be able to focus intently on certain tasks, such as fighting, so long as it is the only thing she is doing. To quiet her mind, she uses that focus to draw. However, she is unable to multitask, which can lead to problems during a fight.


Name: Hiresh Hong Liu

Age: 50

Gender: Male

Nation: Earth

Bender: Yes

Level of elemental mastery: Master

Hair: Short and grey

Eye color: Light green

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 180lbs

Skin color and abnormalities: Tan skin, many old scars

Body build: Broad-shouldered and muscular

Clothing: Typical Earth King attire, in browns and muted greens.

History: Hiresh was the younger brother of Charan. Seven years after Charan's death, their father stepped down from the throne and Hiresh became king. Hiresh married twice and been left a widower both times. His first wife died of illness before they could have kids, and his second, though able to bare him twins, was killed during the beginning of the war. This lead to Hiresh sending his daughter to Kyoshi Island for protection. The reason he didn't send his son was because, as the male child, he was heir to the throne and needed to be trained. Unfortunately, two years ago Kanan was killed in battle, leaving Iseul the heir apparent.

Personality: He looks like someone who would be very gruff and stoic, but in actuality he is an amicable, mild-mannered man. He is fiercely loyal and does not go back on his word, and will go to any lengths to fulfill agreements, making him a good ally to have and a horrible enemy to be up against.

Weapons: He relies mostly on his bending, but he does carry a dao sword.

Weaknesses: His eye sight is going, typical weaknesses of people his age

Strengths: Very level-headed and able to think clearly even in the most stressful of situations.

Other: He's rather good at Pai Sho.
Name: Soon

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Nation: Air Nomad

Bender: Yes

Level of elemental mastery: Master

Hair: Longish, ruddy brown, rather nice when taken care of but usually unkempt.

Eyes: Grey

Height: 4'11''

Weight: 98 lbs

Skin colour and abnormalities: The typical tan of the Air Nomads, has yet to receive her tattoos though she has earned them.

Clothing: Robes of yellow and orange, and a cloak of red.

History: Soon was born an only child and raised in the Northern Air Temple, for the most part by the monks. Unlike many Air Nomads, she was fortunate enough that she lived in the same temple as her parents, and thus has a family center that only a smaller percentage of monks get to enjoy. She has spent time training against the armies of the Earth King in her years, and has seen her share of the war. While, as is the case with most airbenders, she does not agree with the war in principle, she understands why and how her people were dragged into it.

She progressed through her airbender training rather quickly, being a natural match for her element, and is considered a master of the art. However, since her temple came under siege shortly after she became eligible, she has not attained her tattoos.

Personality: Soon is an atypical airbender. While she fully lives up to the ideal of a free spirit in touch with the universe and avoiding material attachment, she is not quite as moralistic as most of her people. She has few scruples about causing harm to people who wish her harm (evident in her more offensive style of bending), and is rather uncouth at times. She has committed several crimes in the Earth Kingdom while travelling incognito, and is a touch neurotic. That said, she is a faithful friend and is generally quite serious when not taking advantage of the kindness of strangers.

Weapons: Was taught how to use a staff, but prefers to use a sword-hilt out of which she forms an air sword.

Weaknesses: Does not play well with others. Also, is tiny. If she is in a sitiuation in which she cannot bend, she's quite literally useless.

Strengths: Being an airbending master, Soon is nearly impossible to pin down. As airbenders go, she is terrifying.

Other: Has a modest bounty on her in the Earth Kingdom, complete with poorly doodled poster. She's quite proud.


Name: Fire Lord Katzu

Age: 46

Gender: Male

Nation: Fire Nation

Bender: Yes

Level of elemental mastery: Master

Hair: Black, shoulder length in a top-knot. Typical Fire Nation style.

Eyes: Amber

Height: 5'8''

Weight: 150 lbs

Skin colour and abnormalities: Fair, with an obviously broken nose.

Body build: Not a large man, lean.

Clothing: Fire Nation armour and robes, as occasions call for them.

History: Katzu is the eldest child of the previous Fire Lord. Princess Tanzi was his sister. Having been raised alongside her and being a young man who was very close to his sister at the time of her death in the Earth Kingdom, Katzu took the loss very hard and fully blamed the Earth Kingdom. The way he saw it, if she had never been won over by Charan, she would have lived happily in the life their father had chosen for her. His father died two years after Tanzi, but the war was already in progress. Katzu continued it with fervour in his youth, his anger at the loss of his sister fueling him and allowing him to drag it out these long years, extracting everything he can from the Earth Kingdom by means of recompense.

Personality: Katzu is a quiet man, generally reserved in his temperament. He considers himself a good leader, as he cares deeply for his people, and yet contradicts himself by constantly sending them to fight a war to avenge his sister. This vengeance is what he uses as a drive for his bending.

Weapons: Is skilled with a sword, and often uses one as a tool in his bending.

Weaknesses: Aside from his unawareness of himself, Katzu is often overcautious and hesitant. This leads to much frustration on the part of his allies.

Strengths: As Fire Lord, Katzu is a powerful firebender and holds a strong grasp of politics. His calm demeanour enables him to generate lightning.

Other: He is married and has one child.
Name:Sanhi Hizashi

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Nation: Fire

Bender: Yes

Level of elemental mastery: Master

Hair: Short, jet black hair not going past the top of his forehead. Spiky.

Eye color: Brown, with an orangish tint.

Height: 5' 10'

Weight: 165 lbs.

Skin color and abnormalities: Deep tan with a large burn scar on his chest.

Body build: Slightly muscled with a runners build in his legs.

Clothing: He wears a red ceremonial robe with a black sash around the waist. He also wears a fire emblazoned head band. Fire resistant materials only.

History: He was the youngest trained fire bending monks meant to service the Avatar. He had learned directly from Avatar Mizu and the other fire bending monks as his parents wished him to be when he manifested great fire bending abilities on an occasion at home. He was basically raised by the Avatar and monks from the age of five to now. He was devastated by the death of Mizu who had basically become an equivalent of a mother to him. He now wishes only to find the new Avatar in hopes of helping restore peace and teach the new Avatar fire bending. . He is a full fledged fire bending master to the point he can form his own styles of attacks and has master over bending lightning.

Personality: He believes in being kind to others until given a reason not to. Although he is rather hot headed sometimes and doesn't always have the best of judgement when it comes to waiting and planning. He has a festering hatred for the faceless assassin who killed Mizu and one of his few wishes is to find and kill that person. He has a unending desire to assist the new Avatar. He has undying loyalty to those he believes in and cares about, but few enter this category lightly. The only people on the planet he cares about now is his fellow monks and the new Avatar.

Weapons: His weapon mastery is next to zero except for throwing knives. He normally uses only his bending for attack. Uses super resistant knives that can be heated up but not melted anywhere but the sun basically.

Weaknesses: He has no knowledge of combat other then bending and throwing weapons. He doesn't plan well most of the time and his hotheadedness can be taken advantage of easily.

Strengths: Now that the Avatar has no knowledge of fire bending the only people rivaling his abilities are the Fire Lord and the leader of the fire monks.

Other: If forced to plan over straight up going berserk his wit is rather sharp. He enjoyed learning Pai Sho from his fellow monks. He has beaten all of them including the leader. Can't say no to well cooked meat.
Alright, Dago, a few things:

  • Avatar Mizu died twenty-five years before the start of the RP, so there is no way that Sanhi would have known her if his current age is nineteen.
  • There is no reason the Fire Nation would be against the Air Nomads. They are allies in this RP, after all.
  • Blue eyes are water tribe exclusive. Were this set as an AU of Legend of Korra, it wouldn't matter, but it isn't, so the nations are still differentiated through certain phenotypes.
  • Sanhi being the third best firebender edges close to the territory of 'over powered.' It isn't a major issue—prodigies are allowed to a certain extend and things such as this all depend on how these abilities are portrayed in the RP—but it is a warning sign before the cliff, if that makes any sense.

For now, Sanhi Hizashi is not approved. A little tweaking is needed. If you want, these sites can help with characters:

Plus, man, you really need to take your time and improve the quality of your writing. One of your big problems is that you tell and don't show, and it looks to me like you often rush when you post. It's not that your ideas are bad, but they're presented sloppily and often without the correct backing (the things you post sometimes don't make sense in the canon material or even in the RP material, see a few examples Angel gave you above, plus there was the presentation of the Avatar State in the other RP along with several unfortunate anachronisms).

I'm only taking people who can show me they're the best of the best in this one. If you want to go do some reading on the Avatar universe, and then make sure that you fully comprehend the story being used for this RP as we've recorded it, then that'll put you a few steps ahead. And if you're willing to go the extra mile and show me some quality posting, then we'll accept you. It's nothing personal, mate; I just want a high-quality RP.
Name: Avatar Darem Shu

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Nation: Air Nomad

Bender: Yes

Level of elemental mastery: Advanced Air bender, Basic Water Bender

Hair: Previously cleanly bald, because of his Air Nomad heritage. However, he has a dark brown goatee surrounding his mouth. On the chin, the hair forms a downward spike. As it moves around his mouth, it curves slightly to form above his lip. Since his departure from the Western Air Temple, he has allowed some of it to grow back, although it hasn't grown any more than a buzz-cut.

Eye color: Dark grey

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 142 lbs

Skin color and abnormalities: Lightly tanned, from spending much time outside of the temple. Although the tone is noticeably different from the standard tone of Air Nomads, it is nowhere near tan.

Body build: His lower forearm, near the elbow, is toned and solid. The rest of his body is the same, although he has thin wrists. The back of his legs are not as toned, however, since he does not spend much time walking or running. Rather, he spends the majority of his time trying to master his Air bending or assisting his friends when it comes to the heavy lifting.

Clothing: Although he wore clothes matching that of other Air Nomads, he wore a layered vest and a loose, cloth harem. Everything is colored a different shade of beige, except for his scarf, which is a dusty yellow. He would normally wrap his scarf firmly around his neck, allowing most of the slack to fall behind his back. However, because of his current condition and location, he wears a sleek blue-and-white water tribe outfit. His head is usually covered by a cyan hood while outside, although he usually pulls it down while indoors. Against his better judgement, he still wears the dusty yellow scarf under his outfit.

History: He was born in the Western Air Temple, among many others. The news of the Avatar's death had just arrived to the temple, and many of them grieved. His parents, however, could not be bothered with such awful news, since they had just received their first and only child. He was raised among the others, as any normal air bender would. The discovery that he was the avatar did not come until he was thirteen years old, during an accident that occurred during a hot summer's day. Out of anger, the young bender had accidentally pushed an unmanned wagon, filled with recently collected fruit. It had fallen sharply down the hill, and, as Darem quickly snapped out of his rage, so did the falling of the wagon. It had been stopped, abruptly, by a sudden appearance of stone. It had shot upward, from the earth, and caused the wagon's wheel to break, spilling much of the contents. The only witness was his life-long friend, Juul. She immediately told her parents of the tale when she arrived back at the temple, who told Darem's air-bending master. The reaction was obvious; he had to be hidden.

So, the young avatar was taken away from the temple by his master, Shang Juk, leaving his other pupils to be taught by his subordinates. They traveled for many days, finally stopping at a deserted cave. There, Darem continued his training, learning the ways of air bending from his master. For years, his days would be filled with dripping sweat and sore limbs. Until, without warning, his master had become very ill. Without the resources to cure him, Shang Juk died when Darem was nineteen. Forced to leave his home, Darem donned his master's scarf, and set out to the world beyond. With meager supplies and a lack of food, he had to return to the temple. However, when he returned, Earth kingdom soldiers could be seen, arguing with the civilians that lived there. Without warning, the Earth kingdom began attacking the Air Nomads. Although their forces were small, one of the Air benders was caught of guard, and fell dead immediately. Darem moved faster towards the fray, and attempted to assist the already dead Air Nomad that had fallen. To his dismay, he found it to be his dear friend, Juul.

Two deaths of close friends was too much for Darem, pushing him into the first use of his avatar state. He killed every Earth Kingdom soldier surrounding that temple in an act of rage, collapsing to the ground after he had finished. However, no one came to his aid. When Darem awoke, he found himself several miles away from the temple, face first in a nearby swamp. Slowly, he regained his loose footing, and trudged through the harsh terrain until at last he returned to his home. When he arrived, the monks were all whispering about the "Avatar returning," although when he came to take credit, no one realized that the avatar was him. Remembering his place, Darem plucked as much food as he could carry, and left the temple, as the unknown avatar.

When Darem was twenty-one, he had arrived at the Southern water tribe, hoping to begin his training in his second element. Although he had to remain discreet, he revealed the information of what he was to what he deemed was the greatest water bending teacher in the area. Respecting his secrecy, the man had promised to teach him everything he knew about water bending. So, for the past three years, Darem has been spending his time learning the arts of water bending, hiding among the water benders from the south. He now wears a traditional set of Southern Water Tribe garb, although he still keeps his traditional Air Nomad outfit hidden in a suitcase beneath various other items, and practices his air bending in his tent at night. He tries to refrain from producing actual air currents, in fear that it would easily give him away if he was spotted.

(Side Notes; ) While living in the southern water tribe, he has gained the trust of many, including Kuka, one of the soldiers and laborers of the tribe. They both met while a few of the workers were carrying a small wooden canoe, which was embedded in a nearby iceberg, back to the tribe. One of the workers, while carrying the salvageable boat, twisted his ankle, causing the pieces of the canoe to slam into the ground. The men, scrambling to pick up the pieces, were quickly assisted by Darem. He had helped them put the boat back on their shoulders, and he had helped the worker back to his home. The worker, in question, was Kuka. Their friendship started immediately, as Kuka offered him a drink to repay his debt.

The other note-able companion of Darem is Cara; a twenty year old girl, who, normally quite talkative, becomes abnormally shy around Darem. Although she has yet to speak a word to him, it is apparent to a few of her friends that she fancies him. He, being the oblivious air-bender that he is, has no idea about her feelings, although he does help her from time to time with specific tasks that she requires. These tasks usually being simple, and the only purpose of them is to have Darem around as long as possible as Cara enjoys his company. The main reason that she hasn't confessed anything to him, is simply because, as will be stated in Darem's Personality, Darem is not one for conversation.

Personality: Although he comes from a heavy Air Nomad heritage, he can easily lose his temper in serious or stressful times. He can be quite stern at times, but his warm smile is sure to alleviate anyone from their stressful lives. His loyalty to his friends and family is unmeasurable, and he tries to stray away from any form of confrontation; from both conversation and combat.

Weapons: Darem is not one for fighting, however, in times of need, he will use his bending talents in retaliation to an attack. Although he doesn't own one, Darem has also used a dagger in defense, while protecting himself in a bar-brawl.

Weaknesses: Darem has not fought many benders in his lifetime, so he lacks the knowledge to fight them. He will also succumb to his enemy's wishes if the life of one of his allies is on the line.

Strengths: A chivalrous soul, he will put what strength he has to good use when others are in need. Although he isn't the fastest runner, he has traveled much, making him a very durable person. He can not only survive but also strive in harsh or foreign areas.

Other: If he finds one of his allies to be unlawful or unjust, he will try to forget about their misdeeds unless their crimes must be dealt with. (Also, you will probably note that in other role-plays, my statements are short and abrupt. If you read the role-plays that I have created, however, you will see that the history that I write is long and thought out [no including the End of Days role-play]. I hope that you will take this into consideration as you evaluate my character)
This sounds really interesting and I'd be interested in making a Water Chieftan's daughter (would that be a Princess? Lol.) but I am unsure as to how I could work her into your storyline??
@Robin: Just still reading you over and making sure everything's good. But so far, I must say your Avatar is extremely promising.

@Kait: Well, we do need people representative of every nation, and perhaps the Avatar might need a trainer later on? There's any number of reasons a Water Tribe girl could be involved.
Congradulations, Robin, your character is approved. I have to ask, though, what your plans are with his companions since the RP will most likely start in the southernmost part of the Fire Nation. Unless, of course, you didn't mean companion as in traveling companion, in which case forget I asked.

KaitWink, what are you having trouble with in terms of fitting her into the storyline?
Ok lol. I'll have her be a bender who is able to teach the Avatar :) I'll post a character skeleton when I get home tonight from work.
At the moment, I kind of wanted the Avatar to simply be a working-class villager. Nothing special. Average life, average job. Kuka may want to come with him, and it's up to you to decide if he can (I'll make a character sheet for him if need be).

Cara on the other hand is simply going to be the girl-that-waits-for-his-return. Maybe an intimate scene before he leaves. I don't expect her to come with though.
If you want to have Kuka with Avatar, you're more than welcome to. There isn't a limit on how many characters a person can have. (I trust that people will have the sense to not bite off more than they can chew.)
Ditto. I'm not concerned overmuch with how many characters a person takes on, so long as they can manage them. Everything looks to be in order, in any case.
I should mention, after talking with Progeny a bit it's been decided that the RP will begin in the Northern Air Temple. The monks there will be accepting refugees, so if there are concerns over how your character would get there, it could be for refuge.
Name: Kuka Ulva

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Nation: Southern Water Tribe

Bender: No

Level of elemental mastery: N/A

Hair: A brown-black shade which is primarily tied in a wolf-tale behind his head. His bands are parted in the center, framing his eyes.

Eye color: A bright, baby blue.

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 174 lbs

Skin color and abnormalities: The relative olive tone from his tribe. He also has a wild bite-scar from a polar bear-badger attack a few years ago while he was hunting.

Body build: Quite muscular. His upper body and arms and toned and raw. His legs, although not as toned, are also very muscular.

Clothing: His dark blue coat flows brightly over his firm body. It's laced with a light grey, which surrounds most of his outfit. His hood is the same color as the rest of his clothing, although the perimeter is covered in a warm white-fur. His boots he made himself, being that his feet are abnormally large for a man his age. They are a dark brown, skinned from a seal-otter.

History: Born to a family of water-benders, he was resented by his father. Kuka tried as hard as he could to bend the water that would be laid out before him, but to no avail. He was beat by his father many times for not completing the exercise that everyone else had already finished. His only friend was his mother, who would patch up his wounds and coax him to be every night. When he was eleven years old, he had gained the courage to confront his father. They argued well into the night, talking back and forth about how he would never be the bender that his father wanted him to be. Although his father would threaten to beat him for saying such things, Kuka refused to back down. His father never did. When they had come to an agreement, his father stopped pushing him to be a bender. However, he would never speak with him again.

As Kuka grew older, he realized that, because of all the years that he had failed to be a water bender, he really didn't have anything that he was good at. He tried to discover any natural talents that he might have, but he could not discover any. Overtime, he became further and further depressed, and even contemplated suicide. His father ignored him, his siblings teased him, he had no strengths to speak of. He thought of himself useless. Eventually, Kuka resorted to physical labor, since it was a job that required muscle and strength rather than any form of talent. Now and again he would try his hand at fishing, but he was never any good at it.

Through the years, he grew a large amount of strength, which naturally drew a small amount of women. Between his nineteenth and twenty-second year, Kuka would indulge himself with lust and women, trying to fill the gap that his depression left him. During the third and soon to be final year of that period, he realized that he had used more than a dozen girls to please his guilt, and ruined the lives of two. Not to mention that his reputation became that of a player and a pervert. Ashamed with himself, he swore that he would only mate with a woman when he was married. Turning over a new leaf, many of his colleagues and prior-suitors were appalled, and quite frankly, amazed at his miraculous transformation. He started becoming the man that he wanted to be.

By the age of twenty-five, he had repaired the damages that he had left with the two women that he ruined, and had a good reputation for being a "reformed laborer." Although he made his fair share of mistakes, which would normally increase his depression, he instead shook it off and moved on. When he turned twenty-six, he had started a steady relationship with a girl named Sesiko. In fact, he had planned on marrying her, come the following winter, except that she had fallen for another, stronger man in the mean time. Saddened by her departure, he felt himself once again falling in his depressed state.

But just as his last strand of happiness seemed to dwindle, he had run into a foreign gentlemen named Kaito (Darem's fake name). Immediately, they started a fruitful relationship. Every full moon, they would share a drink with each other, spying the girls that would come and go. Of course, Kaito was usually never interested, but he would laugh as Kuka eyed every girl in the room. Every night, Kuka would nudge Kaito when a girl known as Cara, specially reserved for Kaito entered the room. Kuka, knowing that she was the only person that Kaito would ever even look to, would try to gesture her over. Sadly, every time, she would shyly deny. However, Kuka couldn't shake the fact that Cara would always enter the tavern every full moon, and that he would never see her any other day. In fact, she never even purchased a drink. It was his assumption, as a former player, that she had her eye on Kaito.

Personality: A very defensive person, that won't speak of his past unless he's had a few drinks first. There are times when he will day dream, and times where he will randomly become annoyed or depressed. At these times, he's usually thinking about his past life.

Weapons: Kaito has gotten into more bar fights than he can count, and so, has become a great hand-to-hand fighter. He has also used multiple different knives before, making him some what skilled in small arms fighting.

Weaknesses: He can be easily seduced, although he will try to fight it. He's also partially deaf in his right ear, thanks to his abusive father.

Strengths: A very strong man, he can lift many things that others usually could not. He's also very empathetic to those in need.

Other: He has five silbings; four younger, one older. His older sister hasn't spoken with him in years. His younger siblings, however, have had friendly conversation with him from time to time.

(My first post will be about how Darem's mentor dies. Realizing that the other possible water bending teachers in the Southern Water Tribe will most likely share Darem's secret freely, he decides to go North in search of another mentor. I'll try to come up with a way for him to quickly get from point A to point B.)
We both agree, you put a LOT into your profiles. I can tell you pay a lot of attention to small details, and you actually know what you're talking about. Approved, many times over.

Regarding your first post, that sounds fine. So long as you don't paint yourself into a corner where your guys are stuck off by themselves somewhere. 'Cause that's no fun :P
Hello, making my character now. Can I put a photo for their appearance or should I use a description instead?
Awesome :D I cannot wait for the role play to begin. I already have a great idea about how I'm going to write out my first post!
Good, good. Glad to hear it. I'm looking forward to it myself. Unfortunately my day's pretty full tomorrow, so I'm hoping things don't get in full swing before I make it home.
Hopefully Kait will finish their character application soon, because that's what we're waiting on. c: (I thought it would be a bit unfair to start while they were still working.) After that, RP ahoy!
Name: Kaumei ((Pronounced Cow-Mei)) Tsukiko

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Nation: Water Tribe (Northern)

Bender: Yes

Level of elemental mastery: Advanced

Hair: Dark brown, and she wears it in one long braid with the "hair loopies" that are sometimes seen with females in the Water Tribes. Sometimes she will roll her braid into a bun at the nape of her neck.

Eye color: Sapphire

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 120 Lbs

Skin color and abnormalities: She has the typical light brown skin like most of the people in the water tribe. She does not have any noticeable abnormalities.

Body build: Kaumei is slim but is slightly athletic thanks to her practice with water bending. She doesn't have a lot of muscle, so she relies on her bending in times of trouble.

Clothing: She wears a periwinkle dress over long, fitted pants that are a slightly darker color. Her shoes are plain, and she doesn't wear any accessories other than her betrothal necklace.

History: Princess Kaumei has had a pretty easy life. She grew up normally - well, as normally as Royalty can grow up - and learned basic waterbending as a child. Women of the Northern water tribe are taught to use waterbending for healing, as opposed to fighting, so Kaumei is a very good healer. But she trained herself in secrecy to learn to use water as a weapon, more for defense than offense. She kept it quiet the whole time she was learning it. At the age of 17 she was engaged to a man to whom she really feels no connection. She had no choice in the matter, and is slightly unhappy in the relationship but trying to make the best of things. At first she fought it, arguing with her father. But now she has accepted it and it trying to get along with her soon-to-be husband, who is also a water bender.

Personality: Kaumei is shy. She doesn't like to talk very often unless it is about something she feels very strongly about. In that case, her shyness vanishes and she stands up for what she believes in. She blushes quite often, whether it be from her shyness or out of embarrassment. She gets along well with most people and makes friends quite easily.

Weapons: Water bending, but beyond that she doesn't carry any real weapons.

Weaknesses: She does not have a lot of physical strength and in turn gets worn out quite easily. She is also not much of a runner.

Strengths: She is an excellent water bender, both offensively and defensively, and she is one of the best healers in the Northern Water Tribe.

Other: She has a soft spot for children and animals.

((Please let me know if there are any issues with this character or if this needs adjusted. It took me about an hour to research water tribe customs and plan all this out, so hopefully it is good enough to be accepted

^_^ ))

@AngelOfPerdition Sorry, I didn't know you were waiting on me or I would have tried to speed things up a bit!! D:
Don't worry about it, Kait! I didn't mention it earlier because I didn't want to rush anyone. As for your character, everything looks good. The only thing I have a question about is her hair color. In the show, Princess Yue's hair was white because she was healed by the moon spirit; other than her case, it's an unusual hair color. So, I'd just like to see a reason for Kaumei's hair color (be it the moon spirit, albinism, etcetera). Other than that, Kaumei looks like a good character, so I'll get started on making the RP forum. c:

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