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  1. MagicalFlower

    KAWAII!!! ^.^

    KAWAII!!! ^.^
  2. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    Yeah Imma have to tag some peeps and talk to em XDDDD
  3. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    Jett looked at him a bit upset. "Sure..yeah..yeah I'll be quiet...on one small little condition. GET ME BACK TO EARTH!!!" Jett said angrily. "Look your a nice guy and all but there is no way I'm going to stay here stranded on some stupid moon with one ge-" Jett looked at him. "Wait..a minute."...
  4. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    "Well excuse me for asking. I was on planet earth, in my cousin's basement and she had some transporter and now I'm on the moon!! And if I get back she will kill me for messing around with it!!!!" Jett shouted at him.
  5. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    "" Jett look puzzled. She let go of her weapon and shield following moonstone. "So are you...are you the only one ..on this planet?" Jett asked.
  6. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    @Morbuskid Accepted!!Sorry about not getting back to u on that one message in time. I kind of fell asleep Lol!!!
  7. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP knew that XDDD well stay as a kid Lol!!! @Morbuskid
  8. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    Lol!! Then make a character and join. Be a kid again!! ;P @Morbuskid
  9. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    Jett turned around and screamed out of fear. She quickly made a shield to protect herself. "I..I'm Jett who are you???" She asked. She quickly formed a mallet in her right hand preparing herself for a fight.
  10. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    Jett walked towards her cousins house deciding to swing by and visit Iris. "Hey Iris, you here?" Jett peaked her head into the living room. After searching room after room Jett went downstairs where Iris would be building things. "Iris!?" She shouted looking around. Jett then came across a weird...
  11. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    @katseye if you want to sure! :)
  12. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    @Red Reaper He ....looks..AWESOME!! Definitely accepting!;P
  13. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    @the lick Uh oh...I'm scared :S sounds like u got an evil idea.
  14. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    @Vxnessa Accepted!!! She looks awesome!!!
  15. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    @Vxnessa Sure!!! :)
  16. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    "Oh crap he ain't that dumb." Jett eyes widened and she quickly made a shield to cover her. The explosions caused her to fall back and land her face into the ground. She got back up and spit out some of the dirt. Getting up she wobbled a bit when walking. "Calm down dude!!! I was just saying if...
  17. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    "Okay then. Bye I guess??" Jett turned around and looked at Sid shaking her head sighing. "Hey gauntlets boy! Ever heard of a bed or a quiet place to sleep?" She rolled her eyes. "Well the show was fun while it lasted." Jett then started to walk away.
  18. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    "He's....well interesting. Probably a lot of fun to pick on him and make him even more mad. But the Good Howl is nice. It feels a lot more comforting to know I can stay in one piece." Jett smiled.
  19. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    "Ah..interesting. Well nice to meet you Good Howl." Jett laughed extending her hand out.
  20. MagicalFlower

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    Jett chuckled a bit. "Well I guess that's sort of nice. I mean in a way your mom's always with you then right?"