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  1. EliCatLady

    Food Change my mind... Oriental dishes are, in general, better than Western dishes.

    Sometimes I feel like eating heated lard would be easier to stomach, but I'll admit the first few bites are heavenly. What's your favourite dish?
  2. EliCatLady

    Food Change my mind... Oriental dishes are, in general, better than Western dishes.

    Okay maybe this is out of the scope of the discussion, but properly made homemade western cuisine (Usually) trumps the equivalent of eastern cuisine, with the drawback of being obscenely less healthy.
  3. EliCatLady

    Other What are your guys’ favourite animal?

    You'll never guess mine, I keep my cards close to my chest.
  4. EliCatLady

    Who would you romance in Stardew Valley

    Look, I love a muscle mommy as much as the next girl, but her personality is completely covered by those bug strong muscles. Plus she's in a relationship!
  5. EliCatLady

    Other Tell me what's on your mind, stranger!

    Hi friends, use this as a place to let go of some of those troubling or not-so-troubling thoughts! I'd love to hear you out and discuss.
  6. EliCatLady

    Who would you romance in Stardew Valley

    See, while your stinky little argument is fair very well put together, it's also objectively wrong!!!
  7. EliCatLady

    Who would you romance in Stardew Valley

    This is a ridiculous question! The only correct answer is Sebastian and you cannot change my mind. (You're welcome to try, however)
  8. EliCatLady

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi everyone, my name is Eli, I'd love to explore some roleplaying with you guys. I'm pretty chill but I can play any part you need and I love really throwing myself into characters.