Who would you romance in Stardew Valley


kazzy 💜
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This is one question I always ask anybody I know that plays stardew, so go ahead and give me your 'hear me out' character from Stardew Valley!! I'd love to hear all of these weird and slightly questionable answers! :]


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This is a ridiculous question! The only correct answer is Sebastian and you cannot change my mind. (You're welcome to try, however)
See, while your stinky little argument is fair very well put together, it's also objectively wrong!!!
Look, I love a muscle mommy as much as the next girl, but her personality is completely covered by those bug strong muscles. Plus she's in a relationship!
🫢 Listen, I love Sebastian and all, but have you taken two seconds out of your very low life to even LOOK at Leah? ^^ /lh

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