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  1. Pumpum

    Fantasy OOC Murder in the City of Devils

    Can't wait to see everyone's characters! I'm making a vampire couple, a seasoned singer who has only recently revealed himself to be a vampire, and his manager/minder, lmao. If anyone wants to befriend the singer, he doesn't have many friends and is rather desperate for company.
  2. Pumpum

    Multiple Settings Murder in the City of Devils Interest Check

    Hey, this sounds like a lot of fun! Would you be open to me playing two characters? Can I DM you the details?
  3. Pumpum

    Fantasy Southern Hospitality [Supernatural/Town RP]

    Hey! I'm interested but the discord link seems to be dead?
  4. Pumpum

    Fantasy Fantastical romance! (now with sci-fi!)

  5. Pumpum

    Fantasy Fantastical romance! (now with sci-fi!)

  6. Pumpum

    Fantasy Fantastical romance! (now with sci-fi!)

    Heya, Pumpum here! Me Avg. post length around 300-400 words, but I always attempt to match my partner OOC and IC through PMs or discord -- I'm very chatty! Ghost friendly, but I appreciate a warning~ Currently searching primarily for MxM fantasy romance, but I'm open to FxF as well My...
  7. Pumpum

    Music What are you currently listening to?

    Disco Elysium OST. All of it is great but I keep returning to Ignus Nilsen Waltz
  8. Pumpum

    Video Games Your first video game?

    Snake is counted as a videogame right? Or is that a mobile game? In any case, I used to play it a ton on my mom's Nokia phone. But like, an actual videogame? Tomb Raider II. I was deathly afraid of the tigers in that game, I always made my brother play through those parts.
  9. Pumpum

    Multiple Settings Can You Hear Me? [18+ 1x1 Partner Search]

    Hey! Send me a message if you're interested in an MxM-flavored vampire RP with a modern True Blood-esque setting, with a not-so-unique twist on vampires~
  10. Pumpum

    Other What’s made you happy recently?

    I bought a little goodbye present for my manager and she liked it, yay!
  11. Pumpum

    Video Games What are you Playing Right Now?

    I wasn't meant to start any games but a random YT short got me back into playing Portal 2. I haven't played that game since it was first released but it's as funny as I remember it being!
  12. Pumpum

    Other Do you know how to cook?

    I'm better at baking than I am at cooking! Mostly because I'm good at following a recipe but I'm not that great at getting creative, and I feel like cooking requires some creativity with the measurements to make the food like, special. I'm pretty darn good at pasta dishes though, since I make...
  13. Pumpum

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    I started with Finnish forum RP's as a tween, graduated to Habbo Hotel, and then returned to forum RP's around 10 years ago through some friends who started a sci-fi forum RP - this time in English! After that died I found Roleplayer Guild through one of said friends. Found lots of great...
  14. Pumpum

    Other Do you miss rp friends?

    I've got a few people and groups I miss, but I've come to understand that sometimes an interest in an RP wanes, and the friendships you've created wane with it. What matters to me more now is that I don't lose the stories I wrote with them! It's fun to glance through near-decade-old RPs and see...
  15. Pumpum

    Food What's your McDonald's order?

    9 nuggets with two garlic mayo, fries and a regular Coke. It's such a shame McDonald's has gotten so expensive, I haven't eaten there in over half a year!
  16. Pumpum

    Introduce Yourself!

    Heya, Pumpum here. I started roleplaying in English to learn the language over a decade ago and haven't been able to quit since! I started with those classic wolf RP's, but my tastes have evolved since then, or perhaps devolved, haha! I'm a big fan of 1x1 RP's, with a soft spot for fantasy and...