Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

Zetapets, deviantART, and Aywas were my OG spots to RP before I ended up going MIA on them and a RPNer introduced me to, well, RPN.
I think someone from livejournal first introduced me to roleplaying. Since then I've rped on roleplayerguild, gaiaonline, even skype way back when it was a thing.
Literally everywhere. Amino, Tumblr, RoleplayerGuild, Iwaku, Skype, Facebook, Discord, MSN, Chatango, Xat, various Wikias, and now here.
Starting from the most recent...Well, i may be just starting out here, so this counts!

The longest I've spent was on Tumblr and Discord. I still have active Tumblr rp blogs, but that's slowly teetering out but i feel proud to have settled into am rp community there that isnt loaded with toxic and annoying people. Discord will continue though since servers are sooo good for organizing threads.

Had an old private forum for a while, used to use a website for mlp writing (ew I know) called bronynet (it's still up but it's dead and heavily broken) and ponysquare, and before that....a good old otaku focused website called tinierme. Those were real cringe days, but they were all fond memories. Tinierme especially.
I started out RPing on Gaiaonline, and then I'm not sure how I ended up there, but Omegle? I had some excellent RPs from Omegle once they introduced the whole tagged interests thing. It was always good for a quick "get the writing juices flowing" and sometimes finding some really wonderful gems of a RP. Now I'm here ✨
Started out in Garry's Mod of all things since it was widely diverse of video game settings to roleplay in. Like a sort of live action roleplay with randoms. Moved on from it to primarily Reddit and Discord before now, here!
I originally started roleplaying on a long since gone site called Gametalk. It wasn't dedicated to roleplay but did cater to it in places. I was around thirteen or so when I started and I met many people that I cherished, but they have all since left my life. Overall those times being past and those people being gone has often left me feeling empty.
a few different places. first place I ever rp'd was Quizilla (God i'm old!) after that I moved to gaiaonline and then tumblr, then back to gaia and now here!
16personalities.com (yes, that site has a forum!) I actually used to be a frequent RPer there (I ran 3 RP's and participated in many more) and one of the most active users until I deleted my account due to some issues I won't like to mention for now.
I started many many years ago on gaia online when I was in middle school. I know that ages me quiet a bit. XD

I have not rp'd in a long time though and wanted to get back into it. I feel like the art of rping helps expand your imagination, and I would like to take a stab at writing again in my free time.

I figured I would try to get back into this before I attempted to write for serious. Lol
Tech TV's Anime Unleashed board, a few free forums, My Anime List, before RP quality turned to trash, Iwaku, then here.

Lol finally remembered the password to my old chickensmoothie account and was browsing through my newbie stage roleplays ( cringing all the way ) and it got me to thinking. Where did everyone get their start in roleplaying? Did you start on a different site and migrate here or did you begin on RPnation itself? I personally started on gaiaonline and chickensmoothie. Both accounts are currently closed ( well I'm cleaning out chickensmoothie now and you can't really delete accounts on gaia ) But I did enjoy them for a time. Sadly I outgrew both of them eventually and that's how I found myself here.

My first RP experiences were from My Candy Love forums. It’s basically an otome game site where you can romance different characters and unlock different illustrations. However, it started to die out as soon as the β€œuniversity story” came out and now it’s rare to have over 100 active players a day. Heck, the RP forums are now unmoderated so it’s easier to get away with some weird stuff… if the roleplay lasts two pages, that is.
Roleplayerguild, but that was years ago. I'm not even sure if its still alive. I think the last time I was there was just before the pandemic.
Various sites, including uuuuuuh.. Roleplayer.Me..

It become so toxic, so i moved there instead.
Prior: Roleplayer Guild, but the population of the board has been steadily declining and the admin is basically MIA. So me and my friends decided to jump ship.

Prior to that it was the Minecraft Forums where me and said friends sort of took stealth control as a mafia until someone reported a friend to the forum admins for being biased in his moderation, lol. So we left to the Guild from there.

And all the way in the beginning was the Spore Forums which was abandoned because, well, the whole place just d i e d . And also because the clique I ran with was so deep into shit posting we all got shut down lol
roleplayerguild as well. i drifted to some other sites after that, namely tumblr and a few chatboxes of the time. lots of skype roleplays at one point too.
I started in notebooks back in the 90s, then eventually gaiaonline then eventually World of Warcraft, then eventually FFXIV (which I am still very active in).
I started with Finnish forum RP's as a tween, graduated to Habbo Hotel, and then returned to forum RP's around 10 years ago through some friends who started a sci-fi forum RP - this time in English! After that died I found Roleplayer Guild through one of said friends. Found lots of great partners there, but the last time I tried it took me a good while to find someone interested in my dumb plots, and even longer to find someone who stuck around!

Hopefully, I'll have more luck over here! <3

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