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  1. TheWhistler

    Into The Unknown

    The unknown. A place of fear, agony, lies, hatred, and betrayal. It is a place of darkness; of fire. The residents of this 'unknown' are not friendly people. They are demons. Demons of any and every sort. Some have the look of humans. Some are a mix of different animals - a giant bird with the...
  2. TheWhistler

    Into The Unknown

    The unknown. A place of fear, agony, lies, hatred, and betrayal. It is a place of darkness; of fire. The residents of this 'unknown' are not friendly people. They are demons. Demons of any and every sort. Some have the look of humans. Some are a mix of different animals - a giant bird with the...
  3. TheWhistler

    Fantasy's End (IC)

    Gaap continued on walking, noticing a fight nearby. He scoffed in anger, wishing he could have been fighting. He needed to get his anger out somehow, but unfortunately this was not the time and place. He ignored the scene once again, and decided to make his way into the trees where he would be...
  4. TheWhistler

    Fantasy's End (IC)

    Gaap wandered through the village aimlessly. He had been here for one week, and yet he still couldn't force himself to talk to someone. To do something with his life. He still wouldn't allow himself to talk to a human. Though there were many races here in town, the humans were the crumiest of...
  5. TheWhistler

    Fantasy's End Pt. 1 (Sign up)

    Haha! Thank you! I will edit my 'known for' section a bit to match what you suggested. And of course I will keep him retired. :)
  6. TheWhistler

    Fantasy's End Pt. 1 (Sign up)

    Name: Gaap (He has no last name) Age: 21 Gender: male Race: He is of demon blood, although he is peaceful. Former Occupation: He was born a prince, and did not work. Bio: Born a prince of the underworld he was respected, but not loved. His 'family' did not care for him, but then again...