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  1. Decidia

    Warrior's Resolve .:Saki only:.

    -His eyes held shut. His body was ridged from exertion. The two swords he held had disappeared and hanging from his neck were 2 jewels attached to a silver and black interlocking necklace. His breathing was steady and no wounds were visible on his body, but his eyes stayed closed moving beneath...
  2. Decidia

    ~=~ Dracula's Academia Darte Vampira ~=~ Sign Ups~

    Ah... mmm scratch the half breed then o-o
  3. Decidia

    Warrior's Resolve .:Saki only:.

    -The young warrior stood among a large group of fallen trees. Each tree had been cut straight through with a clean cut going straight across the trunk about 4 feet up. His silver armor began to glisten in the sinking sun and the duel longswords he held in each hand slowly fell to dust as his...
  4. Decidia

    Warrior's Resolve

    -The young warrior stood among a large group of fallen trees. Each tree had been cut straight through with a clean cut going straight across the trunk about 4 feet up. His silver armor began to glisten in the sinking sun and the duel longswords he held in each hand slowly fell to dust as his...
  5. Decidia

    ~=~ Dracula's Academia Darte Vampira ~=~ Sign Ups~

    ((Its about 3 posts up i got the picture to go on))
  6. Decidia

    No problem =o I wouldn't mind that anytime.

    No problem =o I wouldn't mind that anytime.
  7. Decidia

    Bonjour future friends

    Oh ok well umm funn =D
  8. Decidia

    Call of the Rose Knights

    Call of the Rose Knights.:Sign Up:. Voice of the Knight Captain The tendrals of The Rose Kingdom stretched out to all the surrounding kingdoms. Messengers, knights, merchants, fliers, citizens, and even passer-by carried the word of the annual Rose Knight Challenge. Warriors from across...
  9. Decidia

    I don't care for horror gaming very much. it's not bad but not great.

    I don't care for horror gaming very much. it's not bad but not great.
  10. Decidia

    ~=~ Dracula's Academia Darte Vampira ~=~ Sign Ups~

    I sadly could not Pm I dont have 5 posts yet, this would be my 3rd >.>
  11. Decidia

    ~=~ Dracula's Academia Darte Vampira ~=~ Sign Ups~

    "The lonely either become thoughtful or empty." Name: Lazures Moreau age: 18 gender: male Pureblood powers: Sonic Slashes: Sonic shock waves released from his sword/bladed weapon. Ancestral Swordplay: A bloodline link to his ancestors abilities using bladed weapons such as swords...
  12. Decidia

    Bonjour future friends

    Hello new forum RP website. It's nice to find a decent RP website around. I hope that my time here turns out to be entertaining and thoughtful. To say a little about myself, I've been into RP for quite a while now. I started back on Myspace when it had groups, when the huge RP buzz was active at...