~=~ Dracula's Academia Darte Vampira ~=~ Sign Ups~

Snow ducky



*ONLY ONE HALF BREED first come first grab*




age: (5+)


Pureblood powers: (limit of two only! please no over powering combos!)


Bio: (at least a paragraph)


Faerie's Name




Bio: (all have had the ceremony of remembrance containing knowledge of past royals that have been served)

**free to rp once your chara is made ^^. If you do not get a pm then there nothing else needed :)
//Even Einstein asked questions//


Name: Vincent Fallion

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Pureblood powers: 1. Shadow Manipulation (can move his shadow separately from his body and see through his shadows..."eyes"? As well as speak and hear through his shadow.)

2. Super speed. Not to say he can move faster than a bullet, but certainly faster than is physically normal.

personality: He's a fun loving guy who enjoys spending time with his friends and playing the violin. He avoids violence where he can but isn't afraid to dirty his hands. He would prefer to spend his time playing games like soccer, his personal favorite, with his friends, as opposed to doing things by himself.

Bio: Being an only child he was raised to take over his family's company when the time came. Understanding this, he holds no grudges against his parents for his strict upbringing. In point of fact he did everything in his power to make his parents happy, even going so far as to punish himself whenever he did anything he perceived as wrong. This included things like getting one question wrong on an assignment, misspelling a word or even getting a crumb on the floor. He was taught proper mannerisms for just about any social situation and would practice them for hours until he believed he was ready and would ask his mother or father to critique him. With such strictness he needed to find an outlet for his "slob" side and found soccer. With his speed and agility it was the perfect release for all of his stress. He does also enjoy reading books, though he prefers hanging with his friends.

Please let me know if there's anything you'd like me to add or change.
"..I am ever so glad to meet you.."

View attachment 6637

Name: Saya Lecoupe

Age: 21

Gender: Female


1. she has the ability to manipulate metal(like magneto xD ) nothing else too fancy she has her limits, weight factors in and she can move it around bend it..

2. being the first born of the royals she has a special gift of Foresight, her eyes go white and glowing her voice is spoken in an echo as she channels this gift. after so she in very drained and requires rest. she can only see what they ask and only tell then so much so their wording MUST be said with great CARE. each first born is given a different special gift.


~ flirty

~ shy

~ determined

~ cautious

~ sly

~ Deceitful


direct descendant of Dracula last name was hidden for their protection given Lecoupe. grew up in a town not too far from the school. she went through the whole divisions like everyone else. she attends the college section studying to be an Idol. Only to give it up once she graduates from the school to marry and have kids. she can act very well getting out of trouble and having numerous flings. she was said to be the fairest of them all, her skin both human and vampire fair. inside she wished to be free of the curse she had but with her fairy at her side it seems less fearful. her betrothed is in fact her second oldest brother, Ryo. a secret to keeping the bloodline pure to them titles such as brother sister mother father are all but that, titles.

Fairy name: Ami

age: 200 years old



thoughtful, serious,silly,headstrong,smart...


her race has always served the royals since the time of the conquering. being saya's fairy she was given the memories of past servers in case she needed them to guide her. she is the princess of the fairy royals and saw it fit best to give a princess to a future queen. her and ami get along very well since the time of saya's birth she was there....
"The lonely either become thoughtful or empty."


Name: Lazures Moreau

age: 18

gender: male

Pureblood powers: Sonic Slashes: Sonic shock waves released from his sword/bladed weapon.

Ancestral Swordplay: A bloodline link to his ancestors abilities using bladed weapons such as swords.

personality: Calm and easy going. Friendly and playful. Defends people in danger and cares about every being equally. Not easily distraught or diminished.

Bio: He grew up in a large house in the middle of the woods. His father had raised him to trust everyone with a dagger to the heart. Not have known his mother, due to her leaving after his birth, his father's only goal was to have him live to see the world outside the house safely. From his birth till his current age he never left the 30 acres that housed his home. No one ever entered other then his father going too and from town. One day after his father had returned from town he noticed a man following his father. His first instinct was the grab the nearest object to protect his father, but he soon noticed his father having conversation with the man. His father entered the house and minutes later called out for Lazures to enter. Following orders he entered and was given the speech that he was a "special" child. The man who had followed his father told him he was from a school for these "special" children. Soon his father had him packed away and sent off with mysterious man to this "special" school.

that your vampire i dont see your half breed

they dont have powers at all and lack lower fangs with normal skin...

Name: Chie (pronounced Chee-yay)

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Personality: Childish, sweet and naive. Chie is shy and nervous around new people or crowds. She is terrified of storms and will hide during them. She is fun loving and tries her best in everything she does.

Bio: Chie is a very young faerie that has never served anyone before. She was taught how to serve the Vampires but often makes mistakes. She gets very upset about them and tries to make up for it by workin harder. No one really knows much about her or where she came from, and neither does she thanks to short term memory loss that causes her to start her memory over every few weeks. She retains very little of the knowledge unless she writes it in her diary.
"Teddy Bears Are The Best Medicine."


• Stefiana Constanta Lecoupe

• 8

• Female

• A) Stefiana has the strong ability of light formation or bending. There is the fact that the ability hasn't been given full potential seeing as she is so young. B) Stefiana has the newly developing talent of healing.

• Stefiana was born in late Semtember with the traditional red eyes and tiny fangs. She grew up with her family in a village nearby the Academy and as soon as she was old enough she began her schooling. She was told that she would be married to her brother as soon as she was eighteen. At the moment she has mixed feelings about everything that she's been told, especially since she has already taken interest in one of the boys in her school.

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