Warrior's Resolve .:Saki only:.


New Member
-The young warrior stood among a large group of fallen trees. Each tree had been cut straight through with a clean cut going straight across the trunk about 4 feet up. His silver armor began to glisten in the sinking sun and the duel longswords he held in each hand slowly fell to dust as his body sunk down to the ground. Soon his face laid on a small bed of leaves and his eyes had shut vibrating behind the pale lids.-
A girl happened to be in the forest nearby. Her blood red hair was tied back in two pigtails, and her yellowy eyes gazed off into the distance, almost dreamlike. Her skin was rather pale, and she was small in stature, about 5' tall, and very petite. She wore a white silken dress, and silver bandage like cloths adorned her arms, and she was barefoot.Eventually, she came upon a series of newly fallen trees. Since this was unusual, she decided to investigate. She soon came across an armored boy laying among the fallen leaves. Concerned, she knelt down by his side. "Hello? Are you all right?" She asked, her voice brimming with worry.
-His eyes held shut. His body was ridged from exertion. The two swords he held had disappeared and hanging from his neck were 2 jewels attached to a silver and black interlocking necklace. His breathing was steady and no wounds were visible on his body, but his eyes stayed closed moving beneath his lids in a deep R.E.M. sleep.-

((It's short sadly, creative juices just aren't flowing right recently for some reason))
She gently turned the boy onto his back so she could inspect him more effectively. She saw no visible wounds, but she did notice a peculiar pendant that adorned his neck. "How odd..." She thought aloud. After a few moments she pulled him onto her lap so that he was off of the cool ground. "Please wake up.." She said softly as she placed a hand on his forehead. "Please...?"

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