I tend to seek out people who play characters that are a bit larger than life (I hang out on multiplayer RP text games, so you get to know a whole cast generally), almost bordering on cringey. Usually they end up being some sort of action hero or supervillain. Something about the combination of...
I don't mind a little purple, but when I'm roleplaying the voice in my head sounds more like me telling a funny story, or at least an exciting one around a campfire or something, so it naturally comes out a bit more casual.
I've written really flowery, purple character descriptions if the...
I was never very interested in them, but the last high-stakes action story I did (lasted about 10 months) had some sort of cosmic soul bond as a background element between my character and someone else's. I ended up really liking it, because it kept tying back into recurring symbolism and it...
Looking for a unicorn to pair up with me for couples roleplay even after I admit to fading on spicy scenes!
I'm 30F and prefer short paragraphs (I can do longer, but I find shorter's more energetic and makes for better for back-and-forth). I like playing duos on multiplayer text-based rpgs.