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  1. Warnik

    Other What would you tell your 14 year old self?

    That girl you like talking to during breaks? Gonna destroy you some time down the line. Avoid her like the plague... Oh yeah, and cool it with the soft drinks. Caffeine is gonna mess you up later. There will be many sleepless nights and coffee'll be your life.
  2. Warnik

    Anime & Manga What was your Anime Starter Pack?

    I don't know if these two really count, because they were always on YTV when I was younger, but Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon. Oh wait, I can't forget Digimon now, so those three. The first anime I actually sought out and wanted to watch on my own was Bleach.
  3. Warnik

    Video Games Top Five best Video Game soundtracks!

    Go to town on that homework! XD
  4. Warnik

    Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

    Ever play Casual mode on Fire Emblem Awakening, Thallia_Neko? I think it's like that. When your HP goes down and hits 0, your character says a little retreat quote, and then they are out for the rest of that battle.
  5. Warnik

    Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

    "My" dude? I'm not a piece of property! How dare you. I'm not just some trophy to be won. (I'm totally kidding. xD) Anyway, heading out tomorrow. Have fun with this you guys. I'll poke my head in every now and then to see where the rp's going.
  6. Warnik

    Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

    Wait.... what?! Whoa! Cool your jets there, friend. xD
  7. Warnik

    Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

    It was a surprise trip too! My family was all "You do too much, son. Let's go to a big city and kick back." I couldn't very well say no. xD They didn't give me any time to give any of my friends warnings, either. Now they all mad. :(
  8. Warnik

    Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

    I'd hate to say this, but I might have to leave the rp. I'm going on a trip in a couple of days. It's going to be a busy two weeks for me, and I doubt I'll be able to post anything during that time. :/
  9. Warnik

    Snuck up on you, huh? I felt the same way when I reached 10 posts. XD

    Snuck up on you, huh? I felt the same way when I reached 10 posts. XD
  10. Warnik

    Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

    I've been editing in some supports with Casey and Dante's characters on my supports post as well, but I'd like to do some more. Get a better feel for Clancy as a character, because all I'm getting from him right now is. "Hurr Durr tomes, and church, me like both". xD
  11. Warnik

    Need a "knockout self" button installed or something. Going to bed shouldn't be so hard.

    Need a "knockout self" button installed or something. Going to bed shouldn't be so hard.
  12. Warnik

    Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

    I never finished it because I'm a bit cursed with rpgs and the like. Partway through I usually go... "This game's just about done, maybe I should start on another?" then never return to the original game. And when I do I have the bright idea of starting the whole thing over. :p
  13. Warnik

    Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

    I should start up the Sacred Stones again, too. That's the only Fire Emblem game in my possession that I haven't finished yet.
  14. Warnik

    Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

  15. Warnik

    Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

    What's Mangs? *searches up on youtube.* SINCE WHEN WAS THERE A FIRE EMBLEM CIV MOD? :O
  16. Warnik

    Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

    I think it'd be cool to just hang out with your characters. I'd welcome the writing practice, and interaction~
  17. Warnik

    Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

    It's okay, dude. As long as you both keep coming back. Stats and such are going to be decided tomorrow too.
  18. Warnik

    Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

    AGH!!! HOLY SH*T CASEY! WHY?! I would've gone my whole life not seeing that image if not for you.
  19. Warnik

    Thanks. I'd ask where the beverages were, but... y'know.... Might be nothing but soda, or coffee. XD

    Thanks. I'd ask where the beverages were, but... y'know.... Might be nothing but soda, or coffee. XD
  20. Warnik

    Had too much caffeine today. My eyes are heavy, but my heart's all a flutter. No sleep tonight...

    Had too much caffeine today. My eyes are heavy, but my heart's all a flutter. No sleep tonight, I guess. Ha.