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  1. SacredGA

    Croak's Academy for Wayward Reapers. [Inactive]

    "Then I would like to go along with the headmaster." Said Shin. Despite his late answer he knew from the very beginning what he will choose. As he heard that this phantom is stronger than the usual ones, his beast self awoke. Since there is no better enemy for a beast than an other beast. "But...
  2. SacredGA

    Croak's Academy for Wayward Reapers. [Inactive]

    Shin relieved by the sight of the other students in the meaning that he wasn't the first. As arriving next to them, he nodded as a greeting to everyone. Then he inspected everyone in the room. The two hugging each other look weird... One of them looks like a walking-dead, and the other is so...
  3. SacredGA

    Croak's Academy for Wayward Reapers. [Inactive]

    Shin was thinking about getting something to eat. He was starving, and when he heard that he is summoned, he became annoyed, but since he's a greenhorn at the school, he thought that it would be best to arrive in time, at least the first time he's summoned to the headmaster's office. He couldn't...
  4. SacredGA

    Croak's Academy for Wayward Reapers.

    I have to be careful, I might got a hit to the head by a rkn shovel, or a kick in the balls.... :eek:
  5. SacredGA

    Croak's Academy for Wayward Reapers.

    Appearance: Name: Shin Arashi Age: 18 Gender: Male How long have you been at Croak's: He's new at the school, this will be his first year. Special skills (Sometimes you certain powers when you become a reaper. Ex: Shadow manipulation): Since he just became a reaper, he has no...
  6. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    "No problem" replies Zash as getting to send a text to the rest of the team. Be careful! MU targets know about us. They may make a stepp as a team, look out for them, and do not engage in fights until it is a must. Zash (Yes I know you must be surprised that I contact you from this phone...
  7. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    "Hm... I'm only wondering what they could be planning. You have everyones phone number right? May I use your phone? I'll notify them to look out. Even if your little sister is not convinceable Code and Mai can hold thing under control." He looks at Rin and gets an other smoke ready to be lit...
  8. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    "I think it would be the good decision to make. For how long do you have to work?" Asks Rin Zash.
  9. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    "If we want to take a try we'll really need a good back-up or retreating plan. If they overpower us, they might not let us to retreat." Zash puts away the pack of smoke. "I think we should really talk it over with the others, and decide together. But I'd like to notice, that we are rather single...
  10. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    "Thanks" Said Zash as he lit his smoke. "I got an information about a place where Yin appeared several times now. My job would only be to wait her there and then finish the job. However as thing now stand we may need to consider things again. What is your opinion?" Zash blew out the smoke aiming...
  11. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    Zash was surprised in the way Rin drinked her beer and it really made him smile. He drank the left of his beer, then he nicely asked her: Would you mind if I smoke some?
  12. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    "Thanks a lot! So I wanted to talk about Yin." He says as he prepares to start his meal. "So about this topic I have both a good and a bad news. The good one is that she spend a lot of time alone which is a great news for us, but the bad one-" Zash eats a meatball. "mph..." he quickly swallows...
  13. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    "Hm... I would really eat something spicy, but I don't know what's delicious from the menu so please bring me what you think is the best. About smokes I prefer Kent." Answered Zash as he stared at Rin as if he was examine somthing about Rin.
  14. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    After some time Zash walked to the counter where Rin was, and started: "Rin! Could you please bring me a mug of beer, and something delicious to eat? Also could you tell me please where can i get some smokes?" While asking a polite smile was on Zash's face and even his sound was quite polite.
  15. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    "Come on Rin... How would I able to track them if I couldn't find out where do you work?" Replies Zash with a big smile on his face. No secrets he enjoyed seeing how embarrassed Rin was. "By the way this waitress dress suits you well" Adds a few moment later with an even bigger smile. "I'll be...
  16. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    Zash, after doing some research on his target, enters a bar. He walks near to Rin and greets her: " Hey Rin! I came to tell you a few things. I'll be waiting by the table at the corner. I'd order something as well." And so he walked to the table which he mentioned, and checked his pack of...
  17. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    Zash hesitated a few second in the door, but eventually he left the room. He crossed his arms and started to walk on the street. Fortunately he knows how to get information about almost everything. He has his old contacts who have roles in the world of magic users.
  18. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    "So be it. Then shall I go out and look after a few things about her? Asks Zash as he slowly walks toward the door. He stops at the doorstep opens the door halfway, looks at the others, and then looking at Rin as waiting for her reply.
  19. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    "Like I said I can take on anyone. Either him, Yin or Kaoru. You name it, I'll chase it." Answered Zash as he looked at the profiles on the table. "One way or the other. It's all up to you. For me they are just other targets."
  20. SacredGA

    AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]

    "An other what?" Asked Zash with a disappointed voice. He wanted already to leave the room, and look for the targets.