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  1. Quillqueen154

    Loki x OC

    I'm very interested, have never tried out any of my OC's before. I have several. I'm 26, I study and teach in Classic English Literature so I am an experienced writer and Rp with deep stories and Mature content. Let me know if you're still interested. I don't know if this post is still available. :)
  2. Quillqueen154

    Hello people,  im terribly sorry not having replied to any of you. But things have been a...

    Hello people,  im terribly sorry not having replied to any of you. But things have been a little drastic lately. My heart has been acting up again, my boyfriend and I split and my cousin died the other day in an accident which has rendered me completely unable to focus on role play right now...
  3. Quillqueen154

    Fandom I do Double RP! Loki/OC, Thomas/Lucille

    Bump! Always looking!
  4. Quillqueen154

    Fandom Marvel 1x1 RP (Back in Action!)

    If you're up for mature Rps and long term ones I do double Rping I have some Ocs I've never used that I would like to have a Loki for, I also do double in case you want me to play Loki/whomever to your oc :) I'm 25, and an English Literature grad. student, so I'm good with words, usually!
  5. Quillqueen154

    Supernatural RP

    Yes, but as I said I do double Rps if you want to play an OC, too. I'm a quite experienced Loki myself.
  6. Quillqueen154

    Supernatural RP

    Loki, if possible If you're up for a discussion, I am available on skype Quillqueen - for a quicker chat. I would like to hear about your Oc(s) too
  7. Quillqueen154

    Supernatural RP

    Ps: I do mature RP, I'm 25 . Do Long term Rps and have a degree in English literature so I'm alright with words and keeping in character - Also, no mary sues here!
  8. Quillqueen154

    Supernatural RP

    Still Looking I'd love to double Rp with you. I can play Loki for your OC if you can play for mine? I have a few plots for my own OC if you are interested :) Here is my own thread so you can see dos and don'ts
  9. Quillqueen154

    Fandom I do Double RP! Loki/OC, Thomas/Lucille

    Helloooo! I'm looking for a partner for a long term MxF OC/Loki Rp - I both roleplay as OC and Loki, but I prefer to play an OFC. I do NOT do mary sues, so no need to worry there. I can also do a separate rp if you want me to do Loki for one of your OCs, I'm a very experienced Loki myself...