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Supernatural RP


Cries for fictional characters
Hello everyone and welcome to my request, as the title states I am looking for partners for a Supernatural RP

I don't have a lot of limitations when it comes to content but there are a few things that I won't do, such as any bathroom play because that's just not my thing.

Because of possible mature content, I'm only looking for players that are 18 and older.

I do ask that you post something more than one line it's a little hard to keep going if you give me a small sentence, and also if you could have basic grammar that would be great. I'm not really a grammar nazi and will not fault you for making little mistakes, hell we all make them.

So shoot me a PM if you are interested and we can plan our roleplay out.


I am all caught up on everything, so we can do anything related to the storylines/seasons.

Pairings I will do is as follows

Dean* and Sam* (I will only do them as a brotherly pairing and nothing more)

OC* and Dean*

OC* and Sam*

OC* and Castiel

OC and OC

I also double and even triple if we want to include all the characters in our rp.

*indicates whom I'd like to play

More details can be discussed over PM.

Thanks for your time!

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Still Looking I'd love to double Rp with you. I can play Loki for your OC if you can play for mine? I have a few plots for my own OC if you are interested :)

Here is my own thread so you can see dos and don'ts
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Ps: I do mature RP, I'm 25 . Do Long term Rps and have a degree in English literature so I'm alright with words and keeping in character - Also, no mary sues here!
Loki, if possible

If you're up for a discussion, I am available on skype Quillqueen - for a quicker chat. I would like to hear about your Oc(s) too
Oh so you'll play your OC to Loki, I totally read that wrong. Sorry about that. 

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