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  1. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    So is this over or....?
  2. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    Mayden sits on the floor and waits for this hologram to pop up. (Sarah aka me sits on her bed waiting for roger to come in)
  3. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    Mayden keeps quiet and she takes everything in. She notices the clean cut interior and weird circle things everywhere. Must be a language.
  4. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    Mayden walks in and it's bigger. On the instide. She smirks and looks at Alex, "do you believe she's an alien now??? It's huge, and it's small on the outside."
  5. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    ""True true. I'm just giving my two cents. But really that's all it's worth." She chuckles and backs up to let Vaga do her thang.
  6. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    Mayden chuckles at Alex. "I like you." She said. "Vaga, will that work? IT WAs to a different TARDIS and could it be like houses? Different key for each one?"
  7. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    She backs up to let Vaga do it. She looks the most excited, it is her species and she did think she was the last of her kind.
  8. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    Mayden goes over to the entrance and pushes but nothing happens. "Um, it's locked." She pokes Vaga
  9. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    She waits patiently and leans against the box. Looks for the other girls.
  10. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    "I guess." She's wearly. "I'm buy it's a small world. The one with the weird dolls." She walks around the box.
  11. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    "Well, I'm gonna go this way." Mayden says and then turns on her heels and goes the opposite way. She travels for a bit weaving between people. She checks out the objects that seem out of place. Like Mickey just sitting on a bench, and a kid looking for him mom. When she comes across a big blue...
  12. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    Mayden stands there and watches. She has no clue what to do anymore. She's not from a special job nor is she an alien from another planet. She looks at alex, who is as confused as she is. She always feels out of place, she can tell by how she shifts from one foot to the other.
  13. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    "I'm pretty boring person so you'll have to trade with Vaga over there and Jean, she's in a fancy business that handles aliens." She jabs her thumb at the two. "I can tell by that machine that goes ding. Well, anyway... Let's go and find him slash her. Jean, can't you scan the Disney and see if...
  14. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    "People baffle me. Not believing what's right in front of your eyes." Mayden says crossing her arms. "That's like saying the answer to a math question is wrong because no one showed their math." She can tell people are getting fed up with her. Her bluntness always seemed to make people hate her...
  15. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    "I have no idea what the hell your talking about but let's Allonsy!" Mayden says doing a super hero pose. She once was in French class and for some reason that's the only word that stuck with her. I was thinking the same thing
  16. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    Mayden's eyebrows go up. "It's just a machine, what harm can it do?"
  17. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    "It does." She has no other reply. She does a little nod and smiles. "I can read a situation." She takes one last sip of her soda and chucks it at the trash. It lands right in. "I'm also a mean basketball player." She chuckles. "Okay let's fine the other person with the letter."
  18. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    "I would believe it. Anything possible and you're clearly not from here. So how did you get here? Where are you from? What kind of alien are you." She shoots questions left and right. Mayden needs answers, it's quite possible that's she's alien.
  19. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    "Well then why did we meet in Disneyland. Why didn't we just get a space ship and fly out to every planet to help. But sadly someone sent us to this place." Vaga's childlike exterior is being shed, Mayden wants to see her true self. She knows vaga is not from America. There's something...
  20. Galifrey

    Doctor Who [Inactive]

    "I'm just saying, I'm nothing speical. This can't be serious. Come on, you seriously think someone would be in trouble in at disneyland?" Vaga's body language screams mad. Hands on hips, slight increase in breath; she's pissed and I understand why. Someone could be in trouble but it probably not.