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  1. Kandosii

    Fantasy Merciful Stars

    James stood near the table across from Chronos. These meetings typically ended quickly, James was prepared. He watched as his fellow immortal Chronos yelled at the table. He never yelled at James, but the others were never so lucky. Smoothing out his uniform the long time General had read the...
  2. Kandosii

    Fantasy Merciful Stars

  3. Kandosii

    Fantasy Merciful Stars

    This is about to go down!
  4. Kandosii

    Fantasy Merciful Stars

    Bones! I like it...I like it.
  5. Kandosii

    Fantasy Merciful Stars

    You do you. Personally I would just jump forward in time a bit and arrive somewhere closer to the story...that way you don't have to write three or four posts trying to get back into things. Besides, the way things are right now everyone's characters are scattered across the
  6. Kandosii

    Fantasy Merciful Stars

    I think she's referring to the planet that got Alderaaned.
  7. Kandosii

    Fantasy Merciful Stars

    I don't thing you got the point across bro...BIG!!!!!!!!!
  8. Kandosii

    Fantasy Merciful Stars

    I have to re-read a lot...but I dare say sir...I believe I recall some of what happened.
  9. Kandosii

    Fantasy Merciful Stars

    And Kando retired...not as big but...he aslo sided with the bad guys at the end. FOR A BUTT-LOAD OF MOULAH!
  10. Kandosii

    Fantasy Merciful Stars

    Please do! We're always looking for more grinding meat.
  11. Kandosii

    Fantasy Merciful Stars

    Here is my character...aside from James and the handful of others I have. Name: Wes Alvar Age: 25 Home World: R'Cadia Race: Human Height/Weight: 6 foot 180 lbs Hair color/style: Brown High and tight military cut. Eye color: Green Physical Appearance: Wes is a tall young man, his...
  12. Kandosii

    Fantasy Merciful Stars

    Obviously I'm in...I'll transfer my character stuff over from FRP later tonight.
  13. Kandosii

    Let it Begin

  14. Kandosii

    Nice seeing you, Stranger

    Depends on the rp I suppose.
  15. Kandosii

    Nice seeing you, Stranger

    Not just us two others as well...they haven't joined here as of for pages who knows...but there are 1036 total posts.
  16. Kandosii

    Oh hey!

    Thanks all
  17. Kandosii

    Nice seeing you, Stranger

    I don't even know how to explain...
  18. Kandosii

    Nice seeing you, Stranger

    As long as possible! And you will likely spend more than a day or two reading everything. It just reached a pivotal moment in the story.
  19. Kandosii

    Oh hey!

    Dude! @Gambit
  20. Kandosii

    Nice seeing you, Stranger

    I think that we will be trying to continue an RP that we have put several years into. @xAelurus