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Fantasy Merciful Stars


Not a Wizard
WAR has begun! A new cosmic battle has started with the destruction of the United Planets. No one knows who did the deed but all Nations want to do is point at each other. The Darmonian flag ship has flown away from ground zero, leaving those they could help for dead. The R’Cadians have launched a full out assault on several planets where they had bases. Other have joined in and easily being able to turn the tide of battles

History: The history of Merciful Stars is long and detailed; however, each planet/nation likes to tell their version of it. However, one thing is for sure. The destruction of Lamtin has led to war, one that has begun and no end is in sight.

The destruction of Lamtin was initially blamed on our heroes: Lady Evangeline Abbarane, Grandia Skyner, Chester Valon, Akia Kroes, Kero Kareen, Kando Verd. However their guilt was proven innocent after Chronos Skyner had shown evidence that showed that Snide Degaust had really provoked the events. The hunt would be on if the war hadn’t broken out. Snide Deguast is still at large by those that felt Lamtin to be important.

Time Period/Genre/Technology: The time period is futuristic. However in the more rural and further distance ways from the cities and high volume people are simpler ways of life. Space travel is optional though very expensive, so mainly ambassadors and business owners use it to increase relations and business respectfully. They do have ‘flying’ cars though they more or less hover over the ground a few feet and when need to can go as high as 10 feet above to avoid traffic, object, ect.

he laws allow people to carry weapons on their persons as long as they stay in the scabbard or holster and pose no threat. Some and very few people use guns or even carry them; they are used more often in wars and military operations. The people in the rural areas have a higher sense of honor and respect; though don’t often take outsiders in well until they prove themselves a useful member in their caste.

Magic is a uncommon ability that is more often than not inherited and comes out during puberty or later. Those that are gifted with it often go into research to further magic’s knowledge, or they go on humanitarian missions to improve life, though it is also possible to come across a mage that uses it for war or corruption. There are several other ways to learn magic and use it, though some are more dangerous than others. Having the soul of a magic user live inside your body, this could lead to dominate issues with soul in body. A deity grants you magical powers, highly unlikely but it can happen. The final way is for the person to die and come back to life.

Fire,Water,Earth,Wind,Ice,Lightening,Holy,Shadow,Space,Nature,Time,Spirit, Energy(the Non Elemental).

Wow that took some time to link up! But yeah just click and read and should give you better ideas. Note; that the Spirit Element has THREE links.

Also, Alice has Holy as her element, her weakness DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SHADOW, it could be Spirit for all she knows. But I think we forgot about this rule so we should start to focus again on it, I'll keep this link in my sigi, for quick reference. I will also update the Character sheet in my sigi to reflect their weaknesses.

You can have more than one element, though just remember the more elements you have the less of a master you would be, unless your character focuses in training on them constantly. For Example.

Bob is a Nature/Ice, his weakness is Earth/Time. Now that does not mean he needs to be hit by both of those elements at the same time to be hurt badly.

Magical Laws: A soul and body are needed to create magic. The soul is the charge and the bodyis the conduit that allows the magic to flow through and make the imagination reality. Without a soul a body is a hollow being and cannot use magic in any sense. A soul without a body is just a soul with elemental properties, there are forbidden magics that can turn the soul into a powerful spell but the knowledge is extremely rare with most of the documents being thrown into a fire.

There are exceptions; those who practice the darkest of magics in any sense(not limited to shadow and not excluding Holy) can do horrible deeds to their own bodies. Removing your own soul and placing it into something else. Since the removal was a conscious decision and the spell was truly horrific to the caster, the user is granted a body that constantly rotting but will not die until the object with the soul is destroyed. This knowledge is held only in two elements; Shadow and Holy.

Magic is passed on through parent to child, this is the most common way of elements and magic being spread. Typically the elements are passed on through parents as well, though the soul does change with time as with elemental powers. Most however gain the ability to use the magic and elements by puberty. Being blessed by a Deity or by a demon is another way, though these are much rarer examples. Being hit by a paradox could also result in new found powers, when this happens power and addiction is usually sudden and death happens within a few years tops without supervisor or training. The final ways is through entry of aneldritch locationor through dying and coming back.

Any element is capable of such monstrous actions. This happens when Magic becomes addictive by the user. Magic is addictive, highly addictive even. Those that are clearly addicted to magic will begin touse magic for the most simple of things, such as; Using Ice magic to cool a drink instead of putting it in ice, using Spirit to pick up an object across the table, instead of asking for it or simply getting up and getting it. Though there are exceptions such as life or death or not being able to get said thing or do said thing without the use of magic. This is covering the grounds that using magic to make one’s life easier making them lazier in the process.

The max amount of elements one can have is three, which is extremely rare, and those that often have this many show signs ofsanity slippage. They are also the most likely to become a lich but do not always do it for bad intentions. There are some who simply wish to spread their knowledge or continue their adventure even after death has taken them.

Magic, for the most part, is as natural as air. Though there comes times when those heavy in magic create tears and rips in the fragile state of reality. That’s where the Archons come in and keep the big tears and rends in reality at bay. Though smaller paradoxes happen all the time because they cannot stop all the possibilities of all paradoxes at once.

The cause of a paradox is closely related to the rate of Arcana Poisoning percentage. There are also certain types of paradoxes that can happen by simple usage of certain combined magics. Such as;combining Spirit and Pure Energy to create a spirit bomb to effectively make all those in the area of said spell forget what they were doing and take up arms against one another. Or even Time and Space being used to create a temporal portal to another reality set in another time. These are just too examples of what COULD start a paradox.

The possibilities of said paradoxes could range from the caster being slammed by the same spell cast, harmed physically by the spell, to the spell simply fizzling out into nothing. In more extreme situations; a lash back from reality could slap the caster with a temporary mental derangement, to having the soul be damaged and the caster permanently rending them of casting magic at all,at worst death, or creating aneldritch location.

Preventing Paradox; there are many ways to help lower the effects of paradox. One way is to have an item that has a personal value to the user as the spells foci. Engraving the object with carefully placed runes/words/symbols/etc. that have magically properties also help. Finally taking time to create a protective charm on one self will aid and help prevent paradoxes from hitting the caster. Unfortunately most casters don’t have the time to do the last one and typically leave all the reliance into their foci and runes. So for Example; Bob has a steel staff he had inherited from his brother after his death. He engraved the staff with magical means into them, using English words such as ‘protect’ and using his Pure Energy he enchanted the word giving it power to fight off paradox or even using the charge as a boost in battle or casting. Not all elements gain the ability to enchant the runes on a given item.

The elements capable of protection or charge are; Shadow, Holy, Pure Energy, Space, Time, and Spirit. I shall explain why these ones will work; Shadow is of elder magic and with it has the knowledge to empower or protect due to its legacy. Holy is from a Deities blessing, Pure Energy is exactly as it sounds, it’s a pure energy and can be used for many things. Space is simply the displacing of magic or taking of magic to/from another area. Time is pulling or pushing from and to another point in time. Spirit is from the emotions poured into the runes and item giving them the strongest empowerment.

Now magic is part of nature and reality itself. Though it is still fragile and commanding things that normally wouldn't occur cause poisoning on the caster. Nature prefers the way things are but still allowing magic to come in at a price. The poisoning itself is a mind numbing and painful thing to be hit by. Though only at higher percentage’s. Having a poisoning under 25% still does nothing, 26-50% minor paradoxes could happen or the spell being weaker or stronger without noticing. It’ll also give the body a feeling of a cold with no cure around only having to wait it out. 50-80% this is when things start to get worst; paradoxes could start happening even with taking into every precaution that they could use. The cold of the body begins to grow into a pneumonia state while a slight headache grows. Finally 80-100% will result in the bigger and heavier paradoxes rending reality, damage to the soul, losing magical abilities and in worst cases death.

Gaining and losing Arcana Poisoning; gaining arcana poison is as simple as casting a spell. Casting a spell such as having the wind pick up strong enough to blew something out of a tree through use of wind magic, would increase the poisoning by 1%. The stronger the spell the stronger the poisoning, judgement is key when it comes to the strength of the spell. For example; Creating a portal to another location would increase poisoning by 5% The biggest spell such as creating a tidal wave in a desert would be 10-15% of poisoning. These are just examples. Now those are just singular spells, if spells are used back to back to back,such as creating and controlling a flame to wash over land or enemieswould still count as whatever percentage poisoning to start it, however every ten seconds afterwards to continue the spell will increase the poisoning by 1%. For Example Charlie has an AP of 13%; using his time magic to look into the past to watch a certain event, the starting cost was 5% for poisoning however to continue keeping the view and events up he will have to increase his poisoning amount by 1% every ten seconds. So after casting and keeping the spell up for two and a half minutes his new AP percentage would be 30%.

Losing Arcana Poisoning usually takes time, around 5-10% poisoning could be lost in a day if no spells are used and it is a relatively relaxing atmosphere. If there is stress or other negative emotions in the air that affects the person it’ll likely recover less around 3-5% in that day, drinking also impairs poisoning reduction. Meditating is one of the most effective ways to lower the poisoning. Typical sessions lasting an hour could remove as much as 10%, but that is only if focus is given 100%. Sleeping and relieving stress can also aid in loss of poisoning,having intercourse and genuinely being with someone you love decreases poisoning as well. Because that’s thepower of LOVE!

Most of the bigger paradoxs that could rend space apart and utterly destroy much of the known universe is held back by Seven Archons. These seven are parents to children heritage. Many nations offer their finest to serve them but only a hand full is selected. The teachings are extremely strenuous to the body and mind. The order of Archons is also protected in shelters of their choosing, sometimes morphing the building or place constantly to confuse people who would like to end them. The knowledge about the Archons is not well known information but it is not unusual for commoners to know of them.

Planets: You can create new Planets/Nations as you wish but should help with the story.

There and now you know!

As for Characters please use the provided template:



Home World:



Hair color/style:

Eye color:

Physical Appearance:

Brief History:




Can use magic:
Obviously I'm in...I'll transfer my character stuff over from FRP later tonight.
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Like Kandon, I'm in. Will transfer FRP info over here as well. Let's get this show rollin' again fellas. Choc chip!
Here is my character...aside from James and the handful of others I have.

Name: Wes Alvar

Age: 25

Home World: R'Cadia

Race: Human

Height/Weight: 6 foot 180 lbs

Hair color/style: Brown High and tight military cut.

Eye color: Green

Physical Appearance: Wes is a tall young man, his figure is lean and

hints at his agility. His hair is cut short, typically shaved on the

sides and about a half inch on top, He is clean shaven and is normally

seen wearing his R'Cadian military uniform. Despite the fact that he

is a twin, he looks nothing like his brother, though the family

resemblance is obvious. Wes sports a scar on his chin and his nose is

slightly crooked from being broken in fights. Despite this he is

considered quite handsome.

Brief History: Wes was born to a Military family. His father Gerald was an R'Cadian Naval Intelligence analyst and worked directly for General James Fillin during the Darmonian conflict. After the disaster there his Father retired in the rank of Admiral. His mother was also a highly decorated officer in the R'Cadian Army. As a Major she entered into the Maxi Sempi Cadre and instructed there for the remainder of her career, she retired as a General. Wes and his brother were trouble makers prior to joining the R’Cadian Military. They were constantly getting into fights usually in defense of their older sister. One particular fight brought some men close to death, the only thing that stopped them from finishing were the authorities pulling them off the bloody catatonic men. Their father was furious and tired of them constantly causing trouble. He gave them an ultimatum, join the military or go to jail. They joined and were accepted into Maxi Sempi, though due to their lineage they have had twice as much expected of them then the typical student. Wes and his brother found an affinity for naval combat and that was their focus. They are now at the end of their training preparing for their final test before graduation.

Personality: Wes is a typical R'Cadian. He is bold and aggressive. His family is of the utmost importance to him and he will fight to the death for them, Especially his sister Kari and his twin brother Raynar. He is also considered charming even by R'Cadian standards. When on and off duty Wes maintains a cool calm that adds to his leadership abilities. And while those abilities are in their infantile stages his superiors see great potential in him and his brother.

Quirks/Miscellany: Wes like his brother hits on women often. He is usually more successful than Raynar due to his charm. He is also known for disregarding orders, but only when he views them as counter productive to the mission.

Weaponry: R'Cadian Naval Officers Ceremonial .45 Revolver.

As well as a more modern 9mm Pistol.

Powers: Spirit
OMG!!! GAMBIT AND KADO?!!! It's me, Aoko from FRP!! It's good to see you! Mind if I join with Thorn???
Name: Lady Evangeline Adrianna Abbarane (Eh-van-juh-lyn Ah-dree-ah-nah Ab-bah-ran)

Age: 27

Home World: Darmonia

Race: Human

Height/Weight: 5’11” 115lbs

Hair color/style: Golden blonde, waist length straight hair. Often it’s pulled back in a high pony tail or braid.

Eye color: Dark Jade Green

Physical Appearance: With a tall and very slender frame for a female, Evangeline has a natural vibe that’s mysterious and, in a way, slightly not approachable at first glance. Although she’s slim, the young woman is still surprisingly strong and very athletically toned. Facially, Evangeline has sharp, full eyebrows that frame her cat-like eyes and curving eyelashes. With a sharp jaw line and rose colored lips, Evangeline also has a pale colored skin tone. Evangeline has been known to dress up on many occasions due to her royal career in politics as the Queen of Darmonia. On an average day of traveling she's in fitted pants and shirts created from the finest stitched leather, tall combat boots and the most sophisticated, modern armored tech available for someone of status.

Brief History: Evangeline was born into royalty and is the rightful heir to her country of Darmonia. After an attack on her planet by her rogue Uncle and her parents' untimely death, Evangeline was quickly forced into taking over the throne at a young age. While still trying to keep the peace throughout her currently war torn planet, Evangeline is on the search for her killer relative while attempting to form allies with other planets to maintain stability.

Personality: Evangeline is incredibly charismatic and knows how to maintain a professional reputation while dealing with politics. She's skilled with forming allies and relationships among all sorts. Respected by her people, Evangeline takes her role seriously and often keeps to herself with what little time she gets outside of the public eye. With some trust issues, Evangeline doesn’t let people into her life very easily and it takes some time to get to know her. Despite growing up royal she's far from spoiled and tries to always maintain a grounded, humble persona. Evangeline is naturally inclined to take the leadership position in all situations but her biggest downfall is she can put too much pressure on herself at times.

Weaponry: Two handguns, a sword and she is often known to mess around with high tech chemical and biological weaponry.

Can use magic: Yes- Fire
Would it be alright for me to post more than one character? I recently tweeked Thorn for another RP and fleshed it out a bit more. I also made a bio for her brother.
Yes please join; also found my character sheet. you can have several characters as well!

Rayner Alvar

Name: Rayner Alvar

Age: 25

Home World: R'Cadia

Race: Human

Height/Weight: 5'10"/185

Hair color/style: Shaved head

Eye color: Green

Physical Appearance: He may be shorter than his slightly younger twin, but he makes up for it with muscle. He spends a lot of his free time in the gym lifting weights. When in duty he wears his R'Cadian Naval Utility uniform, which is a straight black uniform. When not on duty he wears sweat pants and a wife beater. He has scars on his knuckles and his hands are callused over.

Brief History: Refer to his twins.

Personality: Much like his twin, he is a typical R'Cadian, quick to anger and even quicker to get into a fight. Though he has a level head when it comes to fights, not wishing to make them last too long and too painful for his opponent. Unlike his brother though, he has a more serious attitude to his profession but not by much. Family is very important to him as he will jump at the chance to defend his families name. He knows magic but only learned enough not to accidently shock something or someone, he views it as a cheap way to win a fight, much like the rest of the R'Cadians.

Quirks/Miscellany: Often hits on women, regardless of who they are. This has gotten him into some trouble with military authorities.

Weaponry: Much like his brother he uses the R'Cadian Naval Officer Ceremonial revolver, he prides in the fact he hasn't had to use it yet. He also focuses a lot into his martial arts.

Can use magic: Lightning

Kari Alvar:

Name: Kari ALvar

Age: 40

Home World: R'Cadia

Race: Human

Height/Weight: 5'10"/140

Hair color/style: Dark brown, long, well taken care of and done in several hair styles.

Eye color: Blue

Physical Appearance: She wears loose fighting clothes, unusually colorful for an R'Cadian, she keeps her hair down most of the time as well, though she will make sure it's well brushed and taken care of. She wears make up but only enough to add to her beauty. Despite her age, her skin is very soft and wrinkle free. If one were to look close enough they could see a scar on her cheek, though its covered well enough not to be noticeable even by Ultra High resolution cameras.

Brief History: A simple search on the internet would easily be populated by her name. Being a lead genetic scientist for a beauty company that is trying to prevent aging and show everyone that they have something to benefit from her research. A long time ago, she learned how to use magic to change things, from with vegetables at the dinner table to make them actually taste good to modifying her pet rodent into something with wings. Her parents quickly feared that she wouldn't become the legacy that they expected of her. Their fears were true when she began to think differently than R'Cadian norm. She left R'Cadia at the age of 16 and has been on her own since, she is very close with her two younger brothers, often giving them suggestions with their magic or life.

Personality: Her younger brothers mean the most to her, period. After that she finds that researching new ways to use magic and genetics to create changes in the body interesting, luckily for her, there are plenty of races out there that can benefit from her ideas. She also has a problem with violence as a means to an endless cycle of violence and broken homes, she would not outright attack someone, but only defend herself using strong spells that render the attacker prone.

Quirks/Miscellany: Often gets distracted by a trail of thought or how awesome magic is. She also enjoys private company often.

Weaponry: None.

Can use magic: Nature/Shadow
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Well I'll just post my revamped characters here and you tell me what I need to fix get rid of. (The current Thorn has more character depth in her bio so that's why I'd like to use her if possible. I still have access to her old 'self' if you'd prefer her over her new and improved 'self'.) Plus, obviously, I'd make changes so that the villian is good ol' Snide.

Basic Information

Name: Thorn Cliodhna

Age: 250

Date of Birth: (TBA)

Race: Mor'kai which have longevity (long life spans)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Titles: Princess (former)

Affiliations: Daydobah

-Short Description: Daydohbah is a large planet that was terraformed with a breathable atmosphere and temperate climate. It's become liken Earth only larger. Gravity on this planet is denser due to the planet's size. It's a colonized planet with a tribal government, small population, and not known for much except for producing exceptional fighters.

Prior Affiliations:

Occupation: Mercenary, Drifter...Varies if she is strapped for funds.

What do they look like?

Physical Appearance: Her natural form consists of a dark red, black, and grey fur coat that covers the whole of her body. In this form, she has a long tail which have markings down the top; which resemble Japanese characteristics. Her fur also makes swirling and artistic patterns, especially down her chest and abdomen. At the tip of her tail she wears three silver jewelry, bands, which leaves a "tuft" at the end.

Appeared Age:

Height/Weight: 5'8''/146 lbs

Skin Color: Dark red, black, and grey fur coat.

Build: Athletic due to her daily martial arts training.

Eye color: Her natural eye color crimson with black slitted pupils. Since she has shifting abilities, this also can be changed at her whim.

Hair color/style: Thorn's hair is choppy but the overall length reaches to the middle of her back. Her hair natural hair color is white with black under tones and low-lights, but she can change it at her whim. When she fights and trains, she usually places it back into a pony tail so that it stays out of her way.

Thorn loves all things leather, particularly if it it’s soft, supple, and black. Her usual garb is a leather biker’s jacket and a corseted halter. Thorn’s pants, also leather, are fitted and skinny with lacing down the sides (complete with silver grommets).

[For an image reference please just ask. I’d be happy to supply one.]


Tattoos: None

Personality: Thorn is intelligent and usually carefree, but she can be a bit of a spitfire complete with a mild temper. She has a pretty strong code of ethics, i.e. sticking up for the little guy and has very strong protective instincts. Loyal to a fault and very caring.

Base Alignment: Chaotic Good

Abilities and Powers

Thorn has pyrotechnic abilities that allow her to manipulate fire but not create it. She is also able to use her telekinetic abilities to create or over exaggerate the appearance of shadows effecting those within 100 feet of her. She also has the telekinetic wound transferal abilities however this is a very taxing and life threatening process. Anything beyond a mere cut can leave her bed ridden for at least a week.

Equipment: Thorn prefers hand to hand combat, having learned Muay Tai variant. And a lighter.

Quirks/Miscellany: She has a habit of biting her lip whenever thinking. If she's really angry, no matter what form she's in, her eyes begin to glow. A habit she's had since childhood and hasn't been able to shake it.

Brief History: Thorn was born as the youngest daughter of the Dohba tribe's Chieftain Cla'du. Her tribe was one of the strongest of the many tribes on her planet; having produced many of the strongest fighters in Daydobah's quadrant. She was a happy and exceptional child, playing and learning the tribes’ martial art of Gji ha bah along with her elder brother, Trajhin.

Years passed and when she turned 200, she was finally ready for the Rite of Passage....only tragedy struck. She and her kinsmen were suddenly attacked by waves of invading humans. The humans struggled with the gravity of the planet. Instead of using close range tactics, they would often stay in their ships and try to destroy villages with weapons from above. Though her people could easily handle them, the sheer number combined with their cowardly tactics, left her people little they could do to stop them. When it looked as if all was at an end, Thorn's brother and father knocked her out, put her and Trajhin on the family's ship, and sent her off world. By the time she awoke and they returned to Daydobah, it was too late. She found her village razed to the ground, the majority of her people either killed or gravely wounded. Thorn fell to her knees at the destruction and began to fall into a stupor of despondency.

Shortly after the battle that destroyed her home, the humans and her people came to a less than peaceful cease fire. But unfortunately, Thorn was still left without a home. Neighboring tribes offered to take them in, which Trajhin accepted. Thorn did not notice that her brother seethed in anger and grief. Months passed as she went through the grief process. One night while she slept, her brother took the family ship and vanished. She felt alone…abandoned and betrayed. Why had he done this? Left her behind? She struggled with feelings of betrayal, from her people and Trajhin. Even with that, Thorn was worried for her brother. She still loved him—he was a part of her soul. The only family that she had left. And so, Thorn was determined to leave Daydohbah. Especially since her brave and proud people had cowed themselves into the cease fire. So, Thorn built her own ship, the Hajeed, from ships wrecked on Daydohbah from the Invasion. Now she has become a drifter…mercenary, following any tale or clue to her brother’s whereabouts. Now she has become a drifter…mercenary, following any tale or clue to her brother’s whereabouts.

Friends: None at the moment

Family: Trajhin (Older Brother) and Chieftain Cla'du (Father, deceased). Mother is deceased.

Enemies: Humans

Also, here is a picture of her ship, the Hajeed, and her brothers', the Dayora (aka the Cliodhna family vessel).


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Haljeed.jpg.65df8661ffaf4e05152b369f3f7e7d0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108848" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Haljeed.jpg.65df8661ffaf4e05152b369f3f7e7d0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Dayora.jpg.9c0ad94096e9c8c7e1e352b3e5e05816.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108849" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Dayora.jpg.9c0ad94096e9c8c7e1e352b3e5e05816.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Basic Information

Name: Trajhin Cliodhna

Preferred Name: Trajhin (Traj for friends/family)

Age: 325

Date of Birth: (TBA)

Race: Mor’kai which have longevity (long life spans)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Titles: Prince (former)

Affiliations: Daydohbah

-Short Description: Daydohbah is a large planet that was terraformed with a breathable atmosphere and temperate climate. It's become liken Earth only larger. Gravity on this planet is denser due to the planet's size. It's a colonized planet with a tribal government, small population, and not known for much except for producing exceptional fighters.

Prior Affiliations: None

Occupation: Central Union Assassin; High Ranking Officer

What do they look like?

Appearance: His natural form consists of a crimson and black fur coat, similar to his sister, Thorn’s. Across his face, Trajhin sports a scar that stretches from the top of his left brow down to his jaw line. In his native form, he also has a long tail which have markings from the base to the end. Unlike his sister, he tends to not adorn it.

Appeared Age: 30

Height/Weight: 6’5”/215 lbs.

Build: Muscular and athletic due to daily martial arts training.

Skin Color: Crimson and black fur coat

Eye Color: Like his sister, Trajhin’s natural eye color is crimson with black slitted pupils. Since he also has shifting abilities, this also can be changed at his whim.

Hair Color/Style
: He wears his hair long, below his shoulder blades, with part of it pulled back in an ornate leather binding his mother gave him when he was a child. His natural locks are crimson with bright red highlights.

Fashion: Trajhin wears several piercings on his ears. One piercing is significant to him because his little sister gave it to him when he became a warrior of their tribe. It is a blue feather like gem she had painstakingly carved for him. As for clothing, Trajhin wears whatever gets the job done.

Abnormalities: (TBA)

Tattoos: He wears two traditional Dohban tribal tattoos. One is located on his right cheek and the other covers his right shoulder and stretches down past his shoulder blade.

Personality: Trajhin is a born leader having learned this from being the chieftain’s son and heir. He is prideful but this has led him astray many times in his past. He is very intelligent, observant, and good problem solver. Because he wants the best for those around him, especially for those he cares for, he can be seen stern or blunt. (Especially when he thinks they are not holding up to their potential.) Trajhin is passionate and tender due to him partially raising Thorn since their mother died in childbirth. Though no one around will see, Trajhin is insecure—he needs reassurance from his sister whenever he feels inept. Post-Invasion he has learned patience.

Base Alignment
: Lawful Neutral

Abilities and Powers

Like his sister, Thorn, Trajhin is also has telekinesis. He is able to use his telekinetic abilities to create or over exaggerate the appearance of shadows effecting those within 100 feet of him. He also has the telekinetic wound transferal abilities however this is a very taxing and life threatening process. Anything beyond a mere cut can leave him bed ridden for at least a week.

Equipment: A katana pictured below.

Quirks/Miscellany: Trajhin tends to scowl a lot when frustrated or annoyed.

Brief Biography
: Trajhin was born to Cla’du, Chieftain of the proud Dohba tribe. From birth, he was groomed to be a leader; particularly because he was to be the next Chieftain of the tribe. Several years later it was found out that Cla’du was to have another child. Trajhin’s parents were overjoyed by this. A year later, a girl was born and her name was Thorn. But tragically, his mother Jaya, gave her life so that Thorn could live. The chief was stricken with grief, leaving the poor babe to fend for herself. Seeing that this was wrong, Trajhin cared for her—raised her. In time, Cla’du warmed to the child and beginning to be the father he was supposed to be to both of his children. A few years passed, when Thorn was at a young age, was it discovered that she was one of the rare few to be able to use pyro-telekinesis. Trajhin and his father worked with the girl and trained her. It was a happy time for the prince, his family and his people.

Many, many years passed as the siblings grew and lived among there tribe. Until the day of Thorn’s Rite of Passage that the humans were among them. It did not take long for the battle to break out nor did it last long. Thorn and Trajhin were forced off planet and only able to return to find the destruction of their tribe. Though other tribes offered to take them in, Trajhin was filled with mourning and anger. Fearing he would fail to protect them just as his father had failed...

Months passed while he mourned, anger simmering beneath. Then one day, his anguish and rage was so great that Trajhin snapped. He became bathed in a cold, unforgiving wrath. Trajhin swore revenge upon the humans for what the hell they had brought upon his people. It was whilst in that rage that he took action. Under the cover of night, Trajhin slipped away whilst Thorn slept—not even looking back at the sibling that was the other half of his soul. He ran for the ship, and left Daydohbah. Trajhin enlisted in the Central Union’s military, all the while keeping his heritage secret. He moved through the ranks and, in time, Trajhin found himself working as an assassin for the Central Union. And so, he waited. Biding his time until he could bring them to their knees and exact vengeance.

Friends: None at the moment

Family: Thorn Cliodhna (Younger Sister), Chieftain Cla’du (Father, deceased), Jaya (Mother, deceased).

Enemies: Humans

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c8201b174_Trajkatana.jpg.6f14077b389218bd9a080410bcfad2e8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108851" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c8201b174_Trajkatana.jpg.6f14077b389218bd9a080410bcfad2e8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Nice detailed post, we did small ones, we will be doing those lovely detailed posts. A LOT happened since the last time you were around, go check the website. Or you can just read this.

And Kando retired...not as big but...he aslo sided with the bad guys at the end. FOR A BUTT-LOAD OF MOULAH!
The last time I was around, Grandia was dead, killed by Eva no less. Chester was lost, I think, and Kando retired. Ava...I don't remember what happened to her. I do know that my character was trying to get to them so that she could 'save' them or at the very least rendezvous with them.
Once we get Nighten's and DookieMcGee's profile, we will start any other can join as they want.

So @DookieMcGee you got a prefered name?

Also yeah pretty much I want others to learn as we go on about what really happened at the Senate.
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Also, Gambit, did you even read my posts or are they too epic-ally long? (> :D )
I do, its just I forget a lot of stuff. Your girl was heading to the location where bad things happened. Not sure how she got the info but we can play that out. Trust me, you can learn something BIG.
She got them thanks to her ships trusty A.I.:

Dayora Post:

It then began system protocols, reviewing them with its captain. All systems are at optimum levels and the cargo has been restocked with all necessary provisions. The ship’s A.I. replied. I have attained information on R’Cadia. The party you have been searching for are found there. Grandia has now become a ruler of the planet.

I assumed there was the galaxy equivalent of Google or that she can be the 'Google' herself. Plus, I also assume from what you said that we are continuing from where the story died off.
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I'll give you the Darmonian Flagship, but other then that, that place wasn't known to three people, only two.

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