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  1. Festin

    [1x1] Rp

    Hey, I can! I would so preferably fantasy or slice of life. And genders don't mater. Our characters relationships can be dating or friend or enemies. I'm sure we can come to a conclusion ;)
  2. Festin

    Riverview Academy; A School For The Gifted

    (I am respectfully leaving this thread, due to being busy.)
  3. Festin


    I am relatively new, and I am introducing myself. I would love to rp fantasy, slice of life and maybe some fandom if I enjoy the subject. I am also open to suggestions. I think I write pretty well and I hope you enjoy it too c:
  4. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    (We can go to a convo) He noticed that he seem to try to change the subject but he couldn't stop his thoughts. He hoped that she didn't change the subject because she didn't want anything like thg to happen again. Festin still couldn't help but smiling, he knew he probably looked like an idiot...
  5. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    Usain was surprised what she did back. He was very happy about it. Usain almost jumped when she duh her nails in his back. But he liked it, he kissed her again this time using a little tongue and it lasted much longer. He was very close to her and he enjoyed it very much. While holding her...
  6. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    Usain looked at her body with a large smile on his face."Yes, it is truly beautiful. You have the beauty of a goddess. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were special. Just because your different doesn't mean your not beautiful" Usain said. He quickly moved in and put his arms around her and...
  7. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    Festin began to feel bad. Her outlook of herself was so false in his mind. The scales brought out her true beauty. He began to chase after her yelling "Please stop, you really are beautiful, i like your scales!"
  8. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    "Ah, so were you, that looks a lot worse then mine" he got very worried. Don't worry I am very skilled with my bandages. He pulled them out of his bad and began to clean out her wound. "And don't worry about me, I'll wrap this up and be fine" he said manly to reassure her. After a few minutes he...
  9. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    Usain took it all in. He hadn't seen a dragon his whole life, this interested him extremely. "Oh my, that is very intriguing I believe you. I will always trust you, and if its a secret i will help you protect it. I am always on your side Siyus. So will I ever meet your dragon relatives, and is...
  10. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    Usain glanced over at Siyus and exclaimed "Oh my, I've never seen a lizard do that, very impressive, but are you being completely honest with me?" He really liked her and even if there was something different about her. he would sure still feel the same way. "It's okay if there is something, I...
  11. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    "Um, yea, try not to die. And if you feel like you need to you should go behind me, I still need to see how you battle before I will be confident in your strength." Usain said trying not to sound like he was saying bad things about her. 3 Thieves jumped seemingly out of nowhere. "I got these"...
  12. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    Usain continues toward the mountain, knowing he's moving toward danger. "Well during our fight, I'd like to see what you can do" he said with the best intention. "I will make sure to protect you at all costs, you are a very beautiful women and I'd hate to see you hurt." He really believed it...
  13. Festin

    Riverview Academy; A School For The Gifted

    Festin just found the amphitheater before the head masters speech. He wondered who he would get as a partner. He just hoped that this partner will be nice. Festin took the headmasters advice and looked for his room. Once he found it he moved in and began unpacking. Festin didn't really have many...
  14. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    (Sorry I got on late, I had work) Usain thought back on his teaching, he remembered his dad teaching him most of the things. "Maybe I could teach you a few things, I've never taught before, but I think I could sure try. And I'm not sure how people can tell, I don't know how and neither did my...
  15. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    "They are very good, I am of the best mages of my town" I will be able to fend of some bandits no problem" Usain said. He held his staff and could feel the magical energy flowing through his body. He was ready for anything that got in his way. There was no way anything would hurt him. This is...
  16. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    Usain gazed at Siyus, he was so glad to have a partner, an adventure by yourself would be very lonely. "Oh, yes I am ready, got my canteen filled and I have my food in my bag." Usain waited for Siyus to finish her bacon and was excited for the next step. He and Siyus left the Inn and started...
  17. Festin

    Riverview Academy; A School For The Gifted

    Festin went to the main entrance and was happy to be around other people. He just really hopes he doesn't cause any troubles. A new school is a nice start for maybe a new life, considering how much he hated his last, he was glad to leave it. He went through the halls and tried to get himself...
  18. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    (Its all good) Usain got a drink and headed up to his room soon after and prepared for bed. He was really excited for his trip, and going on his adventure. Plus he really like this girl. He looked forward to getting to know her. He layed in his bed and fell asleep soon after. Once he awoke...
  19. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    "Hmmm, that sounds like good fun to me" Usain said with a smile on his face. He envisioned himself fighting of the bandits and the whole journey. It excited him, he would love to go on this trip. "When will we head off?" Usain asked. It was getting kind of late and a good rest was needed before...
  20. Festin

    Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

    Festin felt something inside of him. It was excitement, something he hadn't felt in years. "I would love to accompany you on your journey." After Usain watched her eat the meat at first he was a little startled, but then just went along with it. Usain doesn't judge people on little things like...