Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)

Usain continues toward the mountain, knowing he's moving toward danger. "Well during our fight, I'd like to see what you can do" he said with the best intention. "I will make sure to protect you at all costs, you are a very beautiful women and I'd hate to see you hurt." He really believed it too, she was just so precious to him, he wanted her to be okay. It's almost weird how feelings work. Usain has only know this girl for two days and he already would jump in front of an arrow for her. He does know how to heal with bandages, but it would still hurt badly and could be fatal. As he inched closer and closer to the mountain he became more ready for battle. Holding his staff more closely and having one hand free to direct spells. "Okay, I estimate we will be upon bandits very soon, so be ready. Make sure you have your weapons free to strike any bandit who threatens us. But make sure it's someone that's actually endangering us, we don't wanna just be searching for a fight, but be ready" Usain said.
Siyus blushed insanely at Usain's comment and ended up having to look dead ahead to avoid him noticing. She likes Usain a lot but she had never expected him to call her beautiful. She was so muddled up in her feeling she just nodded in response to his next words, drawing her dual swords and keeping her eyes on the mountain.

Without any warning something came hurtling towards them out of seemingly no where. Siyus grabbed the flying object straight out of the air with an inhuman speed.

"Throwing knife" she said as she turned the simple knife over in her hand, "I suppose this means we have company?" She asked with a tinge of a growl. Her body instinctively moved and she found herself stretching out her wings, she had to mentally stop herself, "any battle plan?" She asked as she tried to control her wings.
"Um, yea, try not to die. And if you feel like you need to you should go behind me, I still need to see how you battle before I will be confident in your strength." Usain said trying not to sound like he was saying bad things about her. 3 Thieves jumped seemingly out of nowhere. "I got these" Usain said with much confidence. Out of the 3 thieves one had a bow, and the other two had swords. The 2 with swords charged him as the archer started shooting arrows at them. These thieves were different then the ones he fought, they were used to more skilled people in battle. Usain quickly cast a wind spell blowing the two swordsmen on the ground. Arrows shot by one grazing his side. Blood started to ooze from the wound and Usain tried not to think about it. He quickly cast powerful lightning spell frying the thieves wooden bow. The thief was shocked, and quickly pulled out a small knife. At this time the other thieves managed to get up and were at Usain again. He hoped that Siyus was okay, but he needed to focus on his own battle. Usain used his staff to summon a lighting cloud, in which struck the old archer. The thief fell and seemed to not get up. The other thieves noticed his skill and tried to take him on together. Usain used his staff and hit the two thieves in one swing, this wasn't as powerful as spells, but it stunned them. He moved back and shot a few rapid fire bolts hitting both of the thieves. One began to run away seeing that he was at a loss. Usain used much of his magical energy to send a shot of combined fire and lighting that hit the thief still attacking him. He fell at once screaming in pain. Usain wasn't going to let the other thief of easy and he shot a long range fire bolt at him. It hit him and the thief quickly and charged Usain. This thief must of had some magic resistant armor because that should of hurt him a lot more. Usain knew of ways to get past the armor and decided to use one of his favorite non magic weapons. He pulled out a dart gun and shot the thief right before the thief almost killed him. Finally he managed to fend of all three and looked to see if Siyus needed help 
(I really enjoy writing battle scenes :) )
Siyus nodded and as Usain began fighting she sensed someone behind them. She whirled around to see two men appear. The first charged her straight on with a broad sword and she grinned and met him head on in a flurry of lashing weapons. She was much more skilled than the bandit but he was much bigger than her and they became a struggle of skill and power. It didn't take long before Siyus landed a few slicees on the bandit an began overpowering him. It was then that the second bandit threw a knife that she attempted to dodge but it clipped her shoulder while she countered the other mans sword.

Screw this! She thought ans dropped her weapons, now without the burden of them she easily got behind the first man and with her finger nails she slashed open his throat it a spray blood. She didn't wait for him to fall before she leapt at the first man. Her dragon side took over and she bared her sharp fang before landing on him and ripping out him throat with her teeth. After it was finished she stood, licking her lips and admired her bloody work before turning to see Usain had finished his off. 
(I love them too but I'm on my phone at the moment and typing is a pain so I have to keep it short :( )
Usain glanced over at Siyus and exclaimed "Oh my, I've never seen a lizard do that, very impressive, but are you being completely honest with me?" He really liked her and even if there was something different about her. he would sure still feel the same way. "It's okay if there is something, I can keep a secret and I will like you no matter what."
Siyus was torn between telling Usain her race and keeping it a secret as the Dragons has instructed. She thought for a while, licking the blood off her fingers while she did so before finally she sighed and faced him.

"You may not believe me but I'm half dragon half elf" she said quickly. It was highly possible he wouldn't believe her, after all no one had seen dragons in centuries, but she hoped he wouldn't think she was a liar.
Usain took it all in. He hadn't seen a dragon his whole life, this interested him extremely. "Oh my, that is very intriguing I believe you. I will always trust you, and if its a secret i will help you protect it. I am always on your side Siyus. So will I ever meet your dragon relatives, and is this relic some sort of dragon artifact?" Usains mind filled with questions.
Siyus breathed a sigh of relief when he believed her and didn't freak out. She smiled to herself when he began with the questions,"its an Elven artifact" she said, "my mothers dying and if I find it it will save her" she added determinedly.

She looked at Usain and her eyes widened, "you got hurt!" She exclaimed, "we didn't you say something?" She hurried over and knelt beside him to examine the bleeding wound, it wasn't too deep but the type that could get easily infected.
"Ah, so were you, that looks a lot worse then mine" he got very worried. Don't worry I am very skilled with my bandages. He pulled them out of his bad and began to clean out her wound. "And don't worry about me, I'll wrap this up and be fine" he said manly to reassure her. After a few minutes he was able to bandage her shoulder and she would be fine. "So it might hurt a little still because the healing part is very scarce and i need to save it for later." Usain thought back to what she said. "Is your mother a dragon? And i am very eager to help you with anything at all. I really like you and I don't care that you are half dragon. My feeling haven't changed, I like you more then I have ever liked anyone before. You are so magnificent, special, talented, and truly beautiful" he believed every word he said.
Siyus sat still as he bandaged the wound, though she was not prepared or his next words. She gaped at him, "don't be utterly ridiculous!"She practically squeaked, " elves are beautiful, not half scaled mutations" she stood quickly, grabbed her dropped swords and started walking at a fast pace. She knew it was bad to run from situations but she couldn't help herself, she had no idea how to deal with it.
Festin began to feel bad. Her outlook of herself was so false in his mind. The scales brought out her true beauty. He began to chase after her yelling "Please stop, you really are beautiful, i like your scales!"
Siyus whirled around to face him, "you're saying you like this?" She asked lifting her shirt so her stomach showed, it was normal on the one side with smooth, pale Elvish skin and on the other it was a mass of small red scales. She wanted him to say how elves and dragons were not pretty. They had mutated bodies and odd eating habits as well as the fact that the taste of blood made her hungry instead of being revolted.
Usain looked at her body with a large smile on his face."Yes, it is truly beautiful. You have the beauty of a goddess. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were special. Just because your different doesn't mean your not beautiful" Usain said. He quickly moved in and put his arms around her and kissed her cheek. "I think are beautiful, and amazing and I will do anything for you" Usain expressed his true emotions.
Siyus blushed madly and shoved her shirt back down, she had not expected that answer. When he pulled her close and kissed her cheeck she nearly died of a heart attack. She froze, unsure how to carry on till something in the back of her mind told her what to do. She pressed close to him and reached up, kissing him hard on the mouth, her nails dug into his back as she did so 
(I have to go to write my exams now :( bye bye *waves*)
Usain was surprised what she did back. He was very happy about it. Usain almost jumped when she duh her nails in his back. But he liked it, he kissed her again this time using a little tongue and it lasted much longer. He was very close to her and he enjoyed it very much. While holding her close he told her "you are amazing and I hope you know what I think about you. You are beautiful and I will always think that." He was still holding her and be didn't want to let go. He knew they had to move on with their quest, but he just didn't want to let go. "I really hope you will start to realize just how perfect you really are" he told her.
When they broke away Siyus let out a breath and then blinked, it took her a moment to realize exactly what she had just done. She released Usain quickly, "I'm sorry" she squeaked at relishing she had been pretty much clawing him though she had to admit kissing Usain had been pretty...tasty. She blushed madly and turned away, "we -uh- better get a move on" she added trying to act like what she had done never happened. 
(oh I read in the site rules no over pg13 for sexual constent so if you want to go over we have to switch to PM/convo for those sections)
(We can go to a convo)

He noticed that he seem to try to change the subject but he couldn't stop his thoughts. He hoped that she didn't change the subject because she didn't want anything like thg to happen again. Festin still couldn't help but smiling, he knew he probably looked like an idiot with such a big smile but he didn't care. "I really liked that. Yes we should keep going, and don't be afraid to use your dragon claws or instincts, they're very helpful it battle. And maybe before night fall I can teach you some magic" Usain said. And they walked on.
(okie dokes :) )

Siyus nodded and she admitted only to herself that she had enjoyed it. When Usain had mentioned magic though she instantly perked up and looked at him with a grin, "will you?" she asked excitedly and upon seeing his smiling face in return she blushed and stared forward again, "I mean that would be nice I suppose, useful" she said in a more calm voice acting as if she really didn't mind all that much. She mentally smacked herself, how bad a liar was she? she side glanced sneakily at him remembering how good his body he felt against hers she blushed and even deeper shade and dropped her gaze so her hair made a sort of curtain between them.
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