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  1. SkyPiratesAssemble

    News Welcome new Staff

    Congratulations. May you lead us justly and fairly.
  2. SkyPiratesAssemble

    Playing a character that isn't you

    Things like character knowledge can be bluffed. The hardest part of playing a different character than yourself is emulating a different personality accurately. Someone who pessimistic and even fatalist has a hard time playing a noble-bright character. An optimist who has never known great...
  3. SkyPiratesAssemble

    league of legends roleplay :)

    The only real personality we get from each character is a one or two sentence bio and the blurbs in-game. Riot recently did away with the lore of summoners IIRC. You would have to write a great deal just to get an RP functional.
  4. SkyPiratesAssemble

    league of legends roleplay :)

    Is there even enough lore to construct a good RP? I remember Riot ret-conning a lot.
  5. SkyPiratesAssemble

    Women in Gaming

    Females have always been a part of gaming since it's conception, albeit in smaller numbers. It isn't good or bad, it just is. White/Asian men are just more likely to be a part of the genre and so the market is centred towards them. There isn't an issue of "diversity" in gaming, it's a niche...
  6. SkyPiratesAssemble

    The use of DnD alignments in non dice games

    The Alignment system is a rather good way to map out a character's moral code. However, I disagree with you on lawful characters being boring if written correctly. Lawful is a measure of a character's commitment to honour, discipline, and a code. A lawful good character wouldn't stand by and let...
  7. SkyPiratesAssemble

    The most traumatizing backstory ever

    The laziest way to give a character motivation is through a generic revenge quest via a tragic backstory. The big bad is some crime boss? Have your PC be orphaned directly or indirectly by him. Want the villain a reason to be evil? Make him loose something dear to him and he becomes bitter and...
  8. SkyPiratesAssemble

    I have to ask, what's up with all the romance?

    Agreed. When you have a site full of young girls, you're bound to see a deluge of romantic RPs. You seldom see it in RP based MUDs because a majority of the player base are in their late 20's and early thirties. Unless of course you're dealing with "that guy". Young girls with sub-par writing...
  9. SkyPiratesAssemble

    Why Your RP Is Bad and Will Fail

    If only more people heeded your words of wisdom.I tend to avoid all fandom related role-playing for this exact reason. However, I believe that there is a deeper reason to why bad role-plays are bad, the writers just don't have enough experience. Not only in writing in general but in life in...
  10. SkyPiratesAssemble

    Does the idea of being too "Mary-Sue" scare people away from certain tropes?

    While everyone's definition of a Mary Sue is different but there are a few basic themes. A Sue is usually a sign of bad writing and/or self-insertion. Here's a list of traits and behaviours that are generally agreed to be definitive of a Sue. 1. Are they a special snowflake? 2. Do they...
  11. SkyPiratesAssemble

    Neko Needs an agressive master.

    What is the purpose of this ? Are you just asking for an ERP?