Women in Gaming

Kind of interesting to know there has almost always been a female demographic to that kind of stuff, regardless of how small it is. What a change from what I see today!
It's a very interesting article. I will have to take the time to read the entire thing, since I only read the first three paragraphs. When it comes to role-plays like D&D, I prefer to play as a male character any ways, so not having alot of female roles doesn't bother me much.
Females have always been a part of gaming since it's conception, albeit in smaller numbers. It isn't good or bad, it just is. White/Asian men are just more likely to be a part of the genre and so the market is centred towards them. There isn't an issue of "diversity" in gaming, it's a niche hobby and that's okay. Never have I once excluded or seen anyone excluded from the table except for "that guys".

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