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  1. X

    Star's Mirror RP

    (I know:P I already read all of that, and you definitely made a lot of drama. I'm just talking about the other guys:) I'm not saying they didn't create any drama either, I meant that someone other than me and you should make something interesting to keep this Rp from dying:P)
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    Star's Mirror RP

    (Yeah.. It seems like nobodies really been posting lately xD Someone should make some drama or something lol)
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    Star's Mirror RP

    (I feel like everybody is slowly losing interest in this Rp:( Want me to bring Erica back into the group??)
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    Star's Mirror RP

    (Since I'm on my wii, my paragraphs will be a little screwed up.. TT.TT)All she remembered was the unbearable pain that had shot through her entire body. Than everything went black. Her body felt completly numb after everything went dark. She had no idea what was going on. She thought...
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    Star's Mirror RP

    (Hey guys this is Paradise:P I'm using my backup account.. Anyways, I seriously don't want Erica dead since she's my main charrie and stuff.. So I was thinking that since Faith has the power to heal, she could probably heal Erica back to life xD I dunno just something like that. But yeah..)
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    Devastating Destruction

    (Yeah it's a pretty name:P) Victoria sat up, sliding off the table and standing next to Rallen. She noticed he was staring at her with worry in his eyes, and she wondered why. She hoped what Jezebeth had said didn't trouble him to much.. "Rallen.. You don't have to apologize.." She murmured...
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    Devastating Destruction

    Almost as soon as Rallen began yelling at Victoria, her eyes became a very bright red color. "How foolish.." She murmured to herself, the tentacles immediately uncoiled and slipped back into the concrete. She stood perfectly still for moment, staring at the ground. Than, all of a sudden, a...
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    Devastating Destruction

    "Have you forgotten, demon?" The woman chuckled to Rallen with an amusing smile playing on her lips. Black angel wings appeared behind the woman, spreading out across the area. Each feather was made out of a thin needle that could easily cut someone's skin by the slightest touch. "You're in my...
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    Devastating Destruction

    Tears flooded into Victoria's eyes when Rallen hugged her. "I can't take this anymore, Rallen.. We have to get out of here.. I feel like I'm losing my mind." She whispered, her body still shaking slightly from the horrific images she had seen. She pulled away from him, looking straight into...
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    Devastating Destruction

    (Hey this is Paradise:P I had to use my iPad because I can't find my laptop right now.. I might be slower at replying because its really hard to type on this thing xD ) "No.. Stay away from me.. You're just another illusion!" Victoria suddenly screamed at Rallen, beginning to back away from...
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    School for the Musical Ghouls

    (Hey I'll be on in about an hour or two. Hopefully I have my laptop back by than:P See ya)
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    School for the Musical Ghouls

    (Sorry:( I would make Marcelina interact with him but it takes to long to type on my Wii..)
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    School for the Musical Ghouls

    Isabella chuckled to herself, a smirk on her face."Hey, speaking of showers.. I'm gonna take one before I eat any pizza." She flashed him a wild grin, quickly slipping into his bathroom and closing the door just a little. She stripped off her clothes, and turned on the shower. She jumped in and...
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    School for the Musical Ghouls

    Marcelina's grin only grew wider with every word that came out of Zed's mouth. Isabella, however, was shocked he would even tell her all those things. Marcelina threw the bra back onto the bed, than chuckled."I think I had enough pizza. I'll see you two tomorrow." She brushed past the two of...
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    School for the Musical Ghouls

    Isabella blushed immediately when she appeared at his dorm. She knew Marcelina would instantly what they had been up to."Crap.. I forgot." She muttered embarrassingly. She opened his door and looked up. Isabella almost died. Marcelina stood in the middle of Zed's room, swinging her pink lace bra...
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    School for the Musical Ghouls

    Isabella grew extremely excited and reached for a slice, but Marcelina snatched the box away before she grabbed any pizza."Hey! Give it back!" Isabella exclained, trying to grab the box, but Marcelina dodged everytime. A wicked grin spread across Marcelina's face as she pushed Isabella on top of...
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    School for the Musical Ghouls

    "Yeah I know. It's weird. But for some reason I LOVE pizza." She giggled, seeing the expression on his face. She blushed and turned her gaze away from him. She let go of him, staring as Marcelina came in through the window. But she had no pizza in her hands. Isabella mumbled something underneath...
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    School for the Musical Ghouls

    Marcelina smiled and placed a hand on her hip."I know a way to cheer her up." She mouthed to him, beginning to giggle a little bit. This was one of Marcelina's well-known known tricks to making Isabella feel better."Hey Isabella?" Marcelina called out to her, a smile on her face."What..?"...
  19. X

    School for the Musical Ghouls

    "Her father.." She mouthed back with a sad expression on her face. Isabella's father was a very cruel man, and whenever she heard his name, she froze in. Isabella wrapped her arms around Zed's neck and hugged him tightly."I'm sorry.." She murmured out of nowhere, her hands beginning shake in...
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    School for the Musical Ghouls

    Isabella leaped up off the ground in a swift movement, and grabbed the person next to her, which was Marcelina. "Marcus Rose.." Was all Marcelina had to say to make Isabella let go of her. As soon as Isabella snapped out of it, her eyes began to tear up."Why did you have to say that name..?"...