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  1. The X blade

    Rose Shigama

    Genre: Instrumental Name: Rose Shigama Age: 26 Gender: Female Appearance: Blonde, hair goes to her back, 5'5'' tall, looks sad, blue wondering eye(s), small lips, eye patch on her right eye, white dress shirt, black jeans, of Asian decent but is white. Personality: Silent, Hopeful, Sad, and...
  2. The X blade

    Fandom Pelipper Island [Pokemon Mystery Dungeon]

    Name: Quilava Species: Quilava Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Level: 16 Moves: Tackle, Ember, Smokescreen, and Quick Attack Personality: Calm and Cool, he can easily talk to other pokemon, gijinkas, and pokehumans, but he gets angry when someone compares him to his older...
  3. The X blade

    Fandom Digimon Group RP?

    I would like to join this, if it's not too late
  4. The X blade

    Fandom Pelipper Island [Pokemon Mystery Dungeon]

    May I join, if it's not to late
  5. The X blade

    Fandom /Casual] The World of Pokemon: A Pokemon Trainer Roleplay

    yeah, unlike Ash
  6. The X blade

    Fandom /Casual] The World of Pokemon: A Pokemon Trainer Roleplay

    okay, I'm fine with two groups, and with my character this should be interesting
  7. The X blade

    Fandom /Casual] The World of Pokemon: A Pokemon Trainer Roleplay

    thank you a lot
  8. The X blade

    Fandom /Casual] The World of Pokemon: A Pokemon Trainer Roleplay (OPEN)

    Name: Zero Obliv Age: 11 Gender: Male Hometown: Snowpoint City Personality: Doesn't know how to react to people well as in Snowpoint City, I never really interacted with people other than my mother and father and my older sister Candice was always busy with the gym and training her...
  9. The X blade

    Fandom /Detailed] Looking for some people who wanna be Pokemon trainers with me!

    Sounds Interesting, If there is a spot open could I join the scene
  10. The X blade

    Realistic or Modern Gang Soulmates

    so the question is from me is, who's gonna be my/nathan's wife
  11. The X blade

    Realistic or Modern Gang Soulmates

    yeah... I only know @the lick and @Zeldafangirl because I'm still new to this site
  12. The X blade

    Realistic or Modern Gang Soulmates

    Imogen Adeline Valente The mother of the Valente Family and head of the Street Ministers. Imogen is a beautiful woman, tall and slender with elegant features. Her hair is black and sleek, eyes a beautiful brown coffee color. She is very laid back but does not let her children get away with...
  13. The X blade

    Fandom Kingdom hearts

    so is this good @the lick because me and @Zeldafangirl are onboard
  14. The X blade

    Fandom Kingdom hearts

    ok, I like this idea, and maybe it could be like I have the Oblivion Keyblade, while @Zeldafangirl could have the Oathkeeper Keyblade
  15. The X blade

    Fandom Kingdom hearts

    ok cool