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Fandom Pelipper Island [Pokemon Mystery Dungeon]


Drinker of coffees
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Character Sign-up:







Moves: (up to four only)


Backstory: (optional)

Other: (whatever I missed)
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Name: Arceus

Species: Arceus

Age: As old as the universe, looks around 25

Gender: Male


Level: 100

Moves: Judgment, Perish Song, Hyper Beam, Recover

Personality:Kind and careful, outgoing and optimistic. Arceus is a benevolent god who genuinely cares for others. He likes to hang out around Pelipper Island when things get slow on his end. Being a natural thrill seeker, he'll often accompany groups into Mystery Dungeons if they need help clearing it, but only if they've failed to clear it several times before.
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Name: Quilava

Species: Quilava

Age: 16

Gender: Male



Level: 16

Moves: Tackle, Ember, Smokescreen, and Quick Attack

Personality: Calm and Cool, he can easily talk to other pokemon, gijinkas, and pokehumans, but he gets angry when someone compares him to his older brother Typloshion

Backstory: Quilava and his brother never got along all that well and had quite some fights, he had to grow up being picked on and because his older brother was the only one to take care of him he couldn't go to anyone about it, Quilava ran away and promised to never treat anyone like his brother treated him.
Name: Reirei

Species: Cyndaquil

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Leer

Personality: Reirei is naive and childish, despite his age. He blindly follows authority, aka anyone stronger than him, without question. He often latches on to one particular leader and follows them religiously. He's rather ignorant, but that's just because he's inexperienced.
Name: Abby

Species: Absol

Age: 30

Gender: Female


Level: 57

Moves: Megahorn, Giga Impact Psycho Cut, Night Slash

Personality: Calculating and objective, Abby doesn't like to show her soft side. She looks out for the little ones and does her best to uphold her own sense of justice, attempting to keep balance within the world.

Backstory: Abby began adventuring at a young age, and quickly gained fame around the world, being considered the next great protege. She eventually started up her own guild, and takes in young adventurers to train them to make them great adventurers.
Name: Eion

Species: Banette

Age: 19

Gender: Male



Moves:Feint Attack, Shadow Sneak, Night Shade, Knock Off

Personality: Eion is an overall playfu and laidbackl person, if not vaguely malicious towards others as to get his kicks. He has a kinder side that he shows to those he explicitly trusts.

Backstory: Not much about Eion's past is known, at least that which he is willing to talk about. All that's really available is that he has a sister that he's been looking for, and yet to find.

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