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  1. Ozyman

    Fantasy Fall of Aegis (Private)

    Morrath stood there, fists balled so tight the nails on his fingers dug into his palms. The fire that coursed through his veins ran up his hands, past vision into his sleeves. He paced around slowly, his footsteps leaving singed outlines upon the stone. The faceless laughter continued echoing...
  2. Ozyman

    Fantasy Fall of Aegis (Private)

    A boot stepped on the red, desecrated soil, one step closer to the eldritch structure prominently displayed, piercing the devastated horizon. There were five occult statues strategically placed around a flat service with a symbol etched into the foreign, demonic stone. The approaching contender...
  3. Ozyman

    Fantasy The Saints (Private)

    I am in! Character soon to follow !
  4. Ozyman

    Fantasy Fall of Aegis (Private)

    I am in! Character soon to follow.
  5. Ozyman

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    "You still leave me many questions Admiral. Namely... if you are escorting me, is there an immediate destination, or are you at my future bidding?" There were many a time where his skills were asked into question, especially for such a peripheral force as the Pantorans. If they were requesting...
  6. Ozyman

    Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn

    Fair enough! Enjoy. It looks like a central plot is forming if you ever change your mind!
  7. Ozyman

    Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn

    Hahaha! Cool. The order just seemed a bit weird. Consider yourself noticed! xD Also... not sure if @Red Thunder is continued playing or has left me as the only Sith in this RP! :P
  8. Ozyman

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    The lightning continued to flare, until Zerrath grasped his hand into a fist, snuffing the channels. Slowly he extended his index finger to point at the admiral."So you are who you say you are. That bodes well for you. If you are going to be in my presence let alone working under me, know that...
  9. Ozyman

    Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn

    The one that starts off with "WAIT MY LORD HE MEANT NO ISOLENCE!!"
  10. Ozyman

    Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn

    AHahahahaha, It will be a bonding thing for them! That moment when he actually calls out her real name! @Davros Hey, I think you edited your last post instead of posting anew. Was this on purpose? I just want to make sure that people aren't waiting for me. xD
  11. Ozyman

    Fantasy Murder Inc. - A Super Hero RP

    Whatever was making the noise was right behind them. He snarled at the heavy footsteps that came to a grinding halt. This was it. He knew he had precious few moments. There was only one way out of this, at least with the favorable exit of the 6 children. He digs his hands, wrenching the doors...
  12. Ozyman

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    His brow dons a quizzical look. "Well, Admiral. The very fact that you pointed out the redundancy only highlights your motivation as implication as fraud, due to the fact that I was contacted directly by Imperial Intelligence for notification of Agent Vice's arrival and I was not contacted in...
  13. Ozyman

    Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn

    @Davros Awesome! I will make small edit for mention of the guards then, and keep as is!
  14. Ozyman

    Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn

    Oh... I totally read that they hacked in to the apartment... with the whole guards coming in with weapons and things like that. @Davros, did I read this wrong? I will edit if I did! xD
  15. Ozyman

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    "I don't care who you are or what you've done or whose pocket you are in... You made three critical errors here. One, you presumed clearance for entrance. Two, you broke into my suite. Three, if you were going to partake in the first two, you did not bring enough men." He steps forward putting...
  16. Ozyman

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    He looks at her for a minute, sizing up her words, judging her stance. She was incredibly formal. He would give her at least that. After a minute of silence, he couldn't help but chuckle. "That is quite the list of skills. They weren't kidding when they said that they would send their most...
  17. Ozyman

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    Darth Zerrath The sensors warned him of a ship approaching. The officer arrived. He put the monitors he was perusing through on standby and turned to head toward the landing pad outside. It was one of the standard rainfalls for Kaas City, couldn't see past his balcony with every light blaring...
  18. Ozyman

    Fantasy Murder Inc. - A Super Hero RP

    Monster His patience was wearing thin. There was thundering in the building itself, he knew that he was running out of time. He looked at the man pinned against the wall. He took a free hand and wrapped it around the man's head and began to apply pressure. The man starts screaming and...
  19. Ozyman

    Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

    Darth Zerrath He soon received a message on his holo-communicator. He stood up, wordless to those around him. The acceptance of his leaving was understood implicitly, without question. He walked towards the guarded back door. When he was in a safe distance from the loud music, he pulled out the...
  20. Ozyman

    Fantasy Murder Inc. - A Super Hero RP

    Monster Of course, it wouldn't be that easy. Well, at least now there is good reason to make a mess. He couldn't help but crack a smile even though it was pitch black in the building. Well, at least he was able to turn the lights off. He looked in each room, opening the doors effortlessly. And...