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Fantasy Murder Inc. - A Super Hero RP


Another bolt of lightning streaks across the sky, its brilliant light illuminating the whole facility, revealing for an instant the cloaked figure hugging the exterior wall. As the searchlights pan across the concrete wall, the figure is already gone.

Arrival imminent.

The dark cloth cloak whips around the top of the building with blinding speed, a faint blue glow emanating from the confines of the woven shawl. Hovering only inches above the ground, the figure slithers along the stone surface seemingly evading the raindrops pouring down upon it. Seemingly arriving at its destination, it stops, positioning itself underneath a large satellite poised atop the largest facility building.


A silvery metallic cord slides out from a slit in the cloak, winding its way to the cover plate on the side of the satellite mount. Unhinging it with relative ease, the cord splits at the end revealing a series of wires that jolt forward and begin to weave their way into the intricate circuitry of the large device.

I'm in.

The subtle blue glow intensives, revealing the emotionless metallic robotic face deep under the black hood as its eyes flare vibrantly. Lockdown begins to interface with the faculties electronic network, permitting him host control over the entire network. Security cameras swivel on command, doors open and lock at his whim, and all the information in each server is at his metaphorical fingertips. Most importantly though, is the first task at hand. On the opposite side of the complex, a large reinforced door on the exterior of the building opens as its locks disengage, allowing his cohort assess to the interior.

The facility is mine. You're up.


He made his way toward the heavy vault door behind him. He didn't have much time before the rain would come, the atmospheric pressure was dropping at such a rapid pace. He received the worthy note from his comrade on the other side of the compound. They had control. He approached the door and took a deep breath. Normally their tasks were dealing with such things as vandalism by "The Rowdy Crowd" or other such gangs of punks and jocks that feel like they have the world owed to them.

This was different. This was an official, government compound. This was the big time, the real deal. He took another deep breath and steeled himself. No turning back now, that's for sure. Not that he would if he could. They were here for a real good cause this time, no arguments or property damage. These were lives. The government had taken eight children from their homes in apartments close to a 20 block radius from the compound. His tactic for entry into such a place was less... subtle, so he was quite grateful for his skilled friend. If he could do this without anyone getting noticed, this would go smoothly. He treaded with cautious optimism towards the door and placed a heavy hand upon the vault door. Simply enough, it glided open with nary a sound. It was pitch black inside, but the electrical currents and heated spaces lit up the area as though it were some form of abstract painting of midday. "I'm inside. Have you found the payload? Should I start knocking?" He was thankful that his friend was able to self-encrypt the frequency of the transmitting device, so any officials in the office at the time would not be able to get the jump on them. Wait... "Bad time to ask... this is encrypted, right?"
Michael sat patiently in the huge dropship, aware that any moment now he would likely be ordered to 'collect' another gifted. But that didn't happen, instead, the orders were far more frantic and panicked than the usual controlled voice of his commanding officer, this was interesting to say the least.

"AG Michael Hall, we have reason to believe a high-powered group of gifted are attempting to break into a top-priority compound, we have been locked out of our own server, the government has informed us that this is a Code Red do you hear me Hall? Code Red. Your orders are to find and kill the terrorist gifted and bring their bodies back to us for testing, understood?"

Michael studied the frantic voice in the unfamiliar voice that had handed him his orders, he wasn't sure why a compount warranted a Code Red alert but... Who was he to second-guess his orders? In the end he did what he did for the safety of his country, and the greater good.

"Understood Sir, On route to coordinates now, will arrive at the compound in E.T.A ten minutes."

Michael un-strapped his safety belt and walked to the front of the high-tech dropship, before leaning in behind the two pilots. "We have new orders, head to these coordinates, we need to arrive A.S.A.P." He said in a relatively calm manner. The pilots before him simply nodded, and proceeded to change the course in which they were heading, towards this prioritized compound.

(Sorry if I'm just butting in but I assume my Sign up is correct? Besides I want to RP!...)

Affirmative. It would be highly illogical to use open networks for communication. This line is secure.

Lockdown was originally designed to process and secure vast amounts of information over multiple networks in a timely and previously impossible manner. As such, once he had infiltrated the compounds network, and granted Monster access to the facility, he began to process and store all their digital information. Security footage, documentation, testing information, staffing data, no file was out of reach.

Processing security footing and stored data now. Search complete: No data found on payload location.

Eyes dimming, he retracts his appendages from the service station having collected each byte of data, and replenished his battery reservoir.

Perhaps a more hands on search method is needed for locating our targets.

Concealing himself beneath his cloak once more, Lockdown glides down the side of the building in search of an entrance point. Spotting an open ventilation shaft, the prefect means of infiltration, his slender form slithers effortlessly through the narrow slit, just as the rain outside intensifies.

Of course, it wouldn't be that easy. Well, at least now there is good reason to make a mess. He couldn't help but crack a smile even though it was pitch black in the building. Well, at least he was able to turn the lights off. He looked in each room, opening the doors effortlessly. And he was able to unlock all of the doors as well. That makes things easier. He pushed each door open, looking inside, easy knocking out the guards that were per chance in any of the rooms. Nothing. Time to move to the next section. He kept moving deeper and deeper into the building, easily dispatching any interference that blocked his path. He may have been looking for hours, he didn't know. All he knew, was that he couldn't leave them behind. Not here, not with the government.

He eventually made it quite deep into the building, leaving a trail of soldiers and guards with concussions behind him. He came to a heavy door that was locked. Must have been off-grid, Lockdown doesn't leave things unfinished. "Uhhh.... bub? There's a locked door here. That's either really good, or really, really bad. Head's up." He sent the message through the communicator, and dug his four hands into the frame of the door through the steel that surrounded it. once he had a firm grip, he pulled the door out like a rooted weed, tossing it aside to reveal-

-a room full of armed guards, ready in wait. The one standing with a pistol in back as opposed to the standard issue rifle the rest of them carried let loose the order to fire, and instantly they showered the natural disaster in front of them with lead rain. In the flashes of gunfire, his hulking form was seen bounding towards them, the bullets colliding with his skin, leaving welts as they ricocheted off, creating almost as much carnage as their target. The sound of ripping flesh and bones splintering could be heard as he devastated the room, wounding everyone seriously enough to remove them as a threat, but not enough to be a mortal wound. The battle was over as quickly as it began, the room littered with bodies of the soldier, and with one of Monster's oversized hands pinning the commander against the wall by the throat, well off the floor and closer to the ceiling. "Speak." The menacing baritone thundered through the room which was now quiet save the cries and moans of the severally injured men.

"Alright, destination reached. Making my way inside the compound, over" Without a further word, Michael climbed from the seat that he had patiently awaited in, and dived out of the still moving dropship. Rocketing towards the floor at insane speeds, but the atmospheric heat and actual impact of colliding with the unmoving floor did had no effect on the armor he wore. Taking a brief moment to examine the compound exterior, he noticed the heavy steel door had been forced open, first sign of his prey it seemed.

Curious... Each room was layered with unconcious guards, were the gifted looking for something? Better yet... How the hell did they manage to lock the government outside of its own server? Unless... He left the room he had examined and peered up at a nearby security camera, fully aware the controller was likely watching him, a master hacker, hm, he already dealt with them before, he stared down at his gauntlet, possessing several commands and codes which aided in battling gifted ones, and with some precise swipes and codes, he let off a temporary E.M.P blast. Not enough to remove the compound system functions, or interior lighting. But just enough to briefly jam communications and the security camaeras. Carefully, Michael took care throughout the building, examining every room for clues and indications of who-or what, incapacitated the guards. However, his search was inadvertenly cut off by the loud rain of gunfire heard deeper into the compound

Target Located.

Cutting his search off, Michael began sprinting down the long maze complex that the compound held, ignoring the turns and simply charging through the walls, encased in his steel shell, ready for whatever it was that had laid waste to the large amount of guards, now unconcious on the compounds floors.

Nearing your location. I possess the network, there are no locked doors. Deduction, manual locks. I would advise tha..

The sound of the metal tearing through stone could even be heard through their neural sensory devices as Monster sunders the obstacle in his path.

Manual override, acceptable.

Veering right down a corridor, Lockdown draws closer to his comrades location, but upon entering the next hallway he comes face to face with three armed guards, all clad in black body armor, brandishing automated firearms. Without so much as a hesitation, Lockdown darts along the floor towards the guards, fanning out his serpentine appendages, causing his cloak to flutter to the ground. He reaches the first guard just as they realize he is upon them, gliding between the mans legs, he slithers up his back just so that Lockdowns head is directly behind the guards own. In a fraction of a second, Lockdowns arms twist, wrap and entangle the victims limbs and torso, and as the wires tighten around flesh and muscle, Lockdown begins to move his limbs forcing the guard to move and react to his whim. There is a series of quick shots as the guards shoot a barrage of bullets at Lockdown, but the bullets sink into the flesh of the man he has ensnared, wounding him in the left shoulder and lower abdomen. As the wounded guard lets out a exasperated breath, the wires wrapping around the right forearm tense in a co-ordinated fashion to cause a muscle spasm in the right hand, pulling the trigger on the equipped gun, firing two quick shots into the right kneecap of each armed personnel before him. Helpless in agony, the two guards fall to the ground, clutching their wounds as Lockdown fluidly unravels himself from his subject. It was over so quick, and just as abruptly at it all happened, he had snatched up his cloak and was out of sight, progressing towards Monster.

Finding him was of little challenge, it was possible the whole compound was on their way after the massacre Monster had wrought. But upon his arrival, now hovering in the doorway where he watched his comrade handle the pinned soldier, it was quiet, no one dared moan too loud for fear of a second wave of mutilation.

Have we any further intel regar..

Just as the two meet up, perhaps on the cusp of the information they seek, a new pawn enters the game.

We have company, a dropship has entered the compound. Visual on a single entity, making preparations to..

The EMP emits a high frequency ringing, he knew Monster could sense it too. His dimmed eyes dart around for the room for an entry point to the network, quickly finding a control panel, he flies towards it, wires wrap around the metal cover and into the circuitry it conceals. The two need not share words now, they both knew what their job was, he worked to regain control of the network, while Monster went on with his task. He needed a few moments to regain control of the now failing system, thankfully it did not effect his own operating mechanisms, the pulse was not nearly strong enough for that. Knowing that Monster would be able to protect him if they received more attention, he en-devoured at the panel, but ensured he was aware enough to disengage if the situation turned dire.


His patience was wearing thin. There was thundering in the building itself, he knew that he was running out of time. He looked at the man pinned against the wall. He took a free hand and wrapped it around the man's head and began to apply pressure.

The man starts screaming and proceeds to empty his gun's magazine into the chamber they were in, hoping that a stray bullet would hit something, until the trigger clicked empty. Soon, the panic hit home. He was done for. No one was going to save him. His only hope - he points to a door to his right.

Monster dropped the man whom he never had any intention of killing.

The man cried out in joy and agony at being let go.

Without further ado, Monster began removing the door that blocked the way between him and the children.
Michael continued on his course, fully aware that he was reaching his destination. His hypothesis was further reinforced by the piercing shrieks of agony echoed throughout the compound, he guessed they had found what they wanted. Luckily. So had he, not slowing down Michael double checked his status. Everything was good. The Armor was as impervious as ever, remained in it's scabbard on his back, merged with the special metal itself to prevent its removal. All vital signs were healthy, everything was good.

As he continued running, Michael heard the screech of a huge door, likely groaning, and resisting the superhuman strength forcing it to bend, and move unwillingly. He let out a perceptive smirk, as the sound echoed from mere meters before him.

Show Time

Michael smashed through the wall separating him from those he hunted, now no longer separated. He stood upright menacingly, looming above the two strange figures. The brain and the brawn, quite literally. The floating head-like-robot was clearly responsible for the hacking. Further evidenced by how it was fighting a winning battle to regain control of the system-courtesy of his earlier E.M.P blast. the other though, was large and rippled with muscles, looking monstrous and powerful. The beast was wrenching the huge slabs of steel which had generously been called 'doors' open, whatever they seeked must have lay within. Michael stared at the beast for a moment, waiting for it to notice his unmissable presence, where he would act accordingly. Maybe today was the day he found out what it truly meant for an unstoppable force, to meet an immovable object.

Their swords clash epically as the two leap through the air, each taking mighty swings with their glowing laser blades. Hovering in the air for a second, the blades humming as the lasers make contact with one another. The larger of the two mechanical robots disengages, dropping his left shoulder to spin counter-clockwise, its laser swords blade fades as the monstrous blue and white robot transfers the hilt from one hand to the other. His opponent slashes wildly in the air, to no avail, as the superior fighter engages his blade in his off-hand for a fatal strike. Thrusting forward the blade pierces through the opponent chest plate, launching charred pieces of metal out of the exit wound in its back. The opposing robots eyes fade as its system begins to fail, but the insult to injury has not been dealt. Its starts as a mild whir, but becomes a mighty roar as the fully operational machine engages its thrusters, sending it flying into the air, its blade still embedded in the enemy begins to slice its way up through its chest and its head. The utterly defeated foe begins to fall to the ground, upon impact it shatters into a million pieces of unrendered data.

Challenger Defeated. You are victorious!

The words of the program announcer echo in his headset as he removes it, setting it in front of his console.

“Whaa hoo!”

Smiling ear to ear as he detaches the gaming nodes from his hands and feet, always so proud of each of his little victories. He bounds out of his gaming station, a large circular white room, adorned with every possible bit of gaming memorabilia money could buy. Two sliding glass doors open to another even larger room, this one room the size of a moderate house, complete with fully automated kitchen, four of the biggest TV screen on the market, sofas, vending machines with every possible snack, all of which in a state like it hasn’t been used in ages, save for the vending machines. Snagging a canned pop as he walks out of the room to the balcony outside, he pops it open and guzzles it back before he even makes it outside. Tossing the can over his shoulder back into the room he came from, he grabs the railings to the balcony to look out over the city. A view few get to admire, New York, 121 floors up in the penthouse of the Fal-Tech tower. As beautiful as the view is, even with all the earthly distractions and wealth he has inherited, all he seems to be able to think of when he isn’t gaming, is how alone he truly is.
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Whatever was making the noise was right behind them. He snarled at the heavy footsteps that came to a grinding halt. This was it. He knew he had precious few moments. There was only one way out of this, at least with the favorable exit of the 6 children. He digs his hands, wrenching the doors free from their holdings. In one fluid motion he sends he heavy doors flying at the intruder behind him.

"Bub, the payload. Get them out!"

He lets loose a mighty, thunderous roar that shakes the building around his presence. Had he not been indoors, it would have been heard by those within at least a mile radius. He springloaded his muscles, cocking them tight and in an instant releases them, catapulting himself at the intruder. All he needed to do was keep him busy long enough for Lockdown to get the children out. He let out a flurry of slashes, swiping in every direction. Lunges, jabs, and strikes in the area, seeing if there was any weaknesses in what seems like perfectly kept armor.
The door was launched at Michael's protected body at an incredible speed, luckily he had waited for the monster to make the first move so he could get a rough idea of it's strength, and since he was expecting it with the incredible muscle mass it possessed, he had managed to avoid the door-barely. Clearly enraged the monster then proceeded to let out a primal roar, shaking the very foundations of the building, after telling the hacker robot to 'Get them out'. He didn't care about them, his mission was to kill or capture the two gifted. Everything else was secondary.

The beast then proceeded to lunge at him, slashing and clawing harmlessly at the impervious armor, although the strength behind each strike was knocking Michael back. He allowed the assault to continue for a moment, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate with double force, the opportunity arose when it sent a fist towards his face, likely checking if that was the weak point. having seen the blow, Michael was able to act accordingly, he grabbed the monsters fist before bending it back, and slamming his own metallic fist into the beasts face, with all the force he could muster.

"You won't be getting, out mutant!" Michael taunted, as his strike connected.

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