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  1. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina's eyes narrowed "why should I risk my well being to protect selfish people? they never helped me" she lunged at leone as he lunged at her, but at the last second exploded into water which fell onto the floor. "I am only treating people as they treated me" she reformed behind him, water...
  2. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina snorted "are truly?" she questioned "sure we started this one fight, but wasn't it fairy tale who came to challenge us the first time around as you were 'hired' too? " She shook her head. Water began to over toward her as it began to wrap around her hand and make shift two whips. "no...
  3. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Hearing her name in a warning to man who was now fighting Vixen Narina paused and waited. Then out the corner of her eyes she saw a figure leap towards her. With a quick spin along the wall to get out of the way Narina whipped herself in a quick motion, which made the water that was clinging to...
  4. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Hear battle from downstairs Narina decided to head down. she walked slowly, making as little sound as possible. She could hear muffled voices, some she knows a few she didn't. Creeping down the hall she had just gotten into the hall way where Jay was being held captive, to her the door blast...
  5. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina had been knocked across the room and behind the bar from the explosion, since she was sitting at the window in the front of the building where it happened. Fro this, as a reflex a bubble of water had engulfed her to keep her from taking more damage then she should have. Being knocked out...
  6. ShadowBlackmare

    When The Sky Darkens...

    ~Scura~ N a m e :Yuri ? A g e : 19 ? G e n d e r : Male ? P r e f e r e n c e : Female ? A p p e a r a n c e : P e r s o n a l i t y : Yuri is a quiet male. He is shy around girls, so there;s no surprise he has no idea how to speak to them properly. Instead he is a total...
  7. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina Sat at the table near a window, she looked around the bar, the 'grunts' of their guild were all getting ready for battle, sharping weapons, pep talk, even some trying to pick a fight with each other. She shook he head, she knew why they members stayed here at this location instead of...
  8. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina listened to Deamon as he spoke to the members in the bar. When Finished she walked to a side table near a window and looked out. He eyed scanned the area looking for any fairy tale members, but she knew she would not see them so easily. She let out a heavy sigh and looked down at her...
  9. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina nodded. Placing the larima away she walked over to the bar where Daemon and Felina were. She then spotted the book "Oh that here already? that was quick." She looked to Daemon " Master Shadow said that he was sending a book, the others are wrapping up projects for him. He said give the...
  10. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Upon reaching the back Narina felt power coming out of her pouch coming off the lacrima that the lord shadow had given her. She quickly walked over to a corner where it was more quiet. She toke it out and looked into the blew stone seeing the dark covered figured of her master 'my lord' she...
  11. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina stayed silent. They got the girl now they had to wait for the lord shadow to give there next task. She looks back over her shoulder seeing they werent being fallowed. Which was good. she looked back to Daemon as she fallowed him. Looking to her guild mates who one by one appeared.
  12. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina looked to the dragon once more before turning to fallow Daemon back to the guild post. The sea storm that had raged inside her has calmed and settle. Narina looked up at Daemon fallowing him. She hoped she had pleased him, had done the right thing. What if he was mad she didnt fight. What...
  13. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina looked to Lindow with a bored expression, her white hair blowing in the breeze from the attacks that were made. "I am, and you dont look like there be much of a problem." she then heard Daemon call to fall back. Her attention return to Lindow "it seems we are to fall back, too bad, I...
  14. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina Hated being ignored. She walked casualy closer toward jay and Daemon. THey seemed no to need her in hte scruff of battle. She seemed to watch mostly. All the guild mates had there own battles, she was just left battleless. So she watched and toke notes, so it lord shadow needed a report...
  15. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina had not moved as she watched daemon jump down, and have Jay's attention taken from her, She waited for her chance, once Jay had called an attack Narina inclined her head slightly "water shield"she spoke calmly. Water formed a bubble around her as the flame blades came down upon her. The...
  16. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina stared in disbelief from the tree still. She was shocked at how hecklessly her guild mates jumped into battle without thinking, she scaned the trees hoping none of Fairy tale was hidden in them. Maybe they got lucky this one round and the others were else where. With a deep sigh Narina...
  17. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina was going to answer Daemon's question about if she was ok, but Enigo had arrvied and spoken, She waited until they were done to try and speak again, but then Yui had showed up, she stepped away for yui. She wasnt to fond of them. She looked to the clearing, the illusion was helping to...
  18. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina stood behind Daemon not makeing a sound, she thought she head him utter something, but did not dare ask. She looked to where the group of Fairies were fighting, though this wasnt as many as she saw before. not even half. She looked around the area "where are the others?" she asked allowed...
  19. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina had snapped back to reality at the sound of a voice saying faiy tale was on the move. When Daemon had told them they are to ambush them, Narina just tilted her head slightly to one side in a puzzled manner. Though before she could ask her question, Felina had run off to egarly, the one...
  20. ShadowBlackmare

    Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

    Narina nodded at Deamon's response, the growing for this guild was not good. It would mean they would not be as cowardly as they were described by the other members. Narina herself has never been in combat with them. She didnt know why excatly,nor did she question it. The lord shadow gave...