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  1. Space Cow

    Camp Half-Blood...on the verge of destruction

    Umm... Am I too late to apply for this or are there still spots left?
  2. Space Cow

    Zodiac rp

    Infinity is accepted, and shadow that's fine. If we can find a time when everyone is on we'll start roleplaying then.
  3. Space Cow

    Zodiac rp

    Kk lunatone is accepted
  4. Space Cow

    Zodiac rp

    Theshadowrisen is accepted you just need to need your powers a little bit, control over the entire world is a little OP if you ask me
  5. Space Cow

    Pokemon Journey

    "I'm a loner. When i was younger my parents went off to warn the humans about a disaster, and they were either caught or killed because they never came back. " I sigh. "I think Absol, me, is one of the most misunderstood species ever. I mean, I can understand it's kind of scary to see one of us...
  6. Space Cow

    Pokemon Journey

    "Yes, it is. I really do love watching it all the time: what with all the trainers raiding the forest trying to catch pokemon, it feels like this is really the only time that's truly peaceful for us pokemon.
  7. Space Cow

    Pokemon Journey

    ... well then, i guess not... but still. i cant help but wonder why you're here. Why is it that you came? Is something wrong? i dont sense any disasters...
  8. Space Cow

    Pokemon Journey

    ...well, ok... I HAVE heard stories about godly Pokemon who created our world, and they were made by "the creator"... could this, perhaps, be you? you do look pretty godly i have to admit...I think i'd like to come with you, Arceus. I think there is much i need to learn, and i feel as if you are...
  9. Space Cow

    Zodiac rp

    Everybody has one. every single person has a sign. There used to be just the original 13. but recently a new sing, the chaos sign has been discovered. those who bear the chaos sign wield nearly unmatchable power. There are people who are able to access the power of their symbol and use it to...
  10. Space Cow

    Pokemon Journey

    I look up, just noticing the Arceus. "I'm shade. who are you? i havent seen you around...
  11. Space Cow

    Pokemon Journey

    i wanna be absol :D mmmkay. so are we gonna start this or what? :D
  12. Space Cow


    is it too late to join? id really like to do this one! ^-^