Pokemon Journey

Moonlight Sonata

New Member
Arceus craned it's neck, taking in the air. It had been decades since it had descended to this world. It's sigh filled the atmosphere, Pokemon stared from within in the trees in awe. Rattata fled from the field from which it had decided to land, the grass dancing around it's feet as it took stance. The golden wheel around it's back glistened in the low sunset. The edge of the forest was just within reach, the dark green trees basking in the deep red glow of the sun.

It had almost forgotten of the beauty of the world it's children had created under its command. Still, it wasn't sure what inclined it to come back. It sensed no upset in the balance of nature, the guardians were doing their tasks. In its musing, it failed to notice the presence of a child on its knees, gazing without fear at the God...
It had, however, noticed an Absol, it leaned down towards the Pokemon. 'What is your name?' It spoke in it's both male and female voices. The design of Absol was a curious one, destined to foretell natural disasters, their kind is usually unwelcome. There are few who take to them.

The child meanwhile was observing, twiddling her hair with her pinkie. 

[QUOTE="Space Cow]i wanna be absol :D  
mmmkay. so are we gonna start this or what? :D

Gee, I'm sorry I'm still not certain how the site works! ;-;
Arceus' eyes closed for a second. 'I have been gone too long.' it muttered. Raising itself up and glaring down upon the Absol. 'I am Arceus, though I go by many a name. The Creator among humans and among your kind, I am known as your greatest ancestor.' It's twin voice echoed around, sending flocks out of their nests and out into the orange sky.
...well, ok... I HAVE heard stories about godly Pokemon who created our world, and they were made by "the creator"... could this, perhaps, be you? you do look pretty godly i have to admit... 
I think i'd like to come with you, Arceus. I think there is much i need to learn, and i feel as if you are the one who can teach me.
Arceus raised it's chin. 'You have indeed heard of me my child. I am it that created you.'

It's eyes narrowed at the suggestion. 'Come with me?' Then a small chuckle escaped it and it leaned down a again to meet the eyes of Shade with a kind gaze. 'My child, I cannot simply take you with me.'
... well then, i guess not... but still. i cant help but wonder why you're here. Why is it that you came? Is something wrong? i dont sense any disasters...
Arceus let out a long hum, drawing it out like it was a tune. 'No, there are no disasters, not natural at least. I cannot speak for the humans however.' It opted for sitting down, folding its legs as a Rapidash would. 'Such a strange species they are.' it mused. It did not create the humans but it could see the kindness that dwelt within most of them and allowed them to live. 'Perhaps it was merely on a whim that I descended here.'

'It is a beautiful sunset yes?' it said, glancing at Shade.
"Yes, it is. I really do love watching it all the time: what with all the trainers raiding the forest trying to catch pokemon, it feels like this is really the only time that's truly peaceful for us pokemon.
Arceus hummed again, its features dropping at the mention of humans again. 'I see, trainers. It has been centuries since I have seen one in person. I have watched this world but have had no contact.' He turned to the Absol. 'Tell me your story, who are you really?'
"I'm a loner. When i was younger my parents went off to warn the humans about a disaster, and they were either caught or killed because they never came back. " I sigh. "I think Absol, me, is one of the most misunderstood species ever. I mean, I can understand it's kind of scary to see one of us because it means there's going to be a disaster endangering their family and friends, but the humans act like we're the ones creating the disaster, when we're just trying to warn them, keep them safe. But, I guess, misunderstanding breeds fear, and fear breeds hatred." I let out another sigh. (This is outside the roleplay, i just wanted to say: sorry it took so long to reply, I'm at my grandma's house for a week and for whatever reason, i'm not allowed to use her computer. just figured out there was a computer lab at her old folks home.)
'I am sorry about your parents.' Arceus said in low voices. 'Your design was meant for other Pokemon, to help them and guide them to safety. You are a lone species but I did not anticipate humans. I cannot erase them, they are not creation, unlike you my child.'

It chuckled at the wise words from the Absol. 'And tell me,' it murmured 'what becomes of hatred?'

(( That's quite alright dear, take as long as you need to reply. ^^ ))

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