Camp Half-Blood...on the verge of destruction

[QUOTE="Muffin~Tyrant]@Toughchic236 So will our characters be the new campers that your character and someone else goes looking for?

You get to chose that.In everyone's history,it says if they have joined.They are already members.If it says that you have not joined,you will be a new member. 

LadyNerdington said:



Tamaki Fujimoto





Sexual Preference:


Godly Parent:

"My mother is the goddess of Retribution, Vengeance, Balance. Nemesis."



Tamaki is very shy and seems to not speak. In reality, his voice is just very quiet like the wind. He likes to keep his personal space and hates to be in large crowds of people. He is calm and rarely freaks out or looses his cool. He is respected at camp and maybe even feared. However, most people just leave him alone and don't speak to him at all. He is an excellent fighter and deadly to say the least. Despite his quiet personality, he can get angry. As in I'm-going-to-run-away-from-this-guy-before-he-kills-me angry. He is quite unpredictable and it takes years of knowing him to figure him out, which no one has yet. Well, besides Chiron and Mr. D.




Tamaki has no known abilities, magic wise. But he seems to have the ability to even out any battle field. He can either hold back or seem to show his all. This ability seems to have to do with his mother being able to even out a person's good or bad luck. This is also very unpredictable so be ready for anything. However, this ability may not always win a battle.



Natalie "Nat" Collins





Sexual preference:


Godly parent:

Ares "That's right! The god of fr**** War!"




Nat is a tomboy in every way. She hates anything girly and acts extremely tough. She likes to consider herself one of the guys and acts like them too. She seems to have little respect for people and acts like she's in charge all the time. She often lay does take charge because of her will to fight but otherwise she won't work well as a team unless she's giving orders. Never call her Natalie or she will swing a spear through your head. She is well respected by her siblings and is a blast to be around when she isn't a jerk. She has a soft spot for younger campers, but don't tell her I said that. Don't make her angry, she has an explosive temper. If you do, you must run.


WIP (I have zhe inspiration for both!)


Nat enjoys handling many weapons and usually fights with a sword Ares gave her himself. She knows many styles of boxing and uses it in battle.

Name: Jacob Howe, nicknamed "Howler"

Species: Demi-god

Age: 17

Sexual preference: Straight

Godly parent: Hades

Appearance: As seen below, 6.1 ft, dark blue eyes, wears a black leather jacket


Personality: Persistent, cant read social signals well.

History: Since he was born he had little idea who he was or what his origins were. Left at the doorstep of an orphanage when he was a baby. At his young age, he started to see things everyone else couldnt. Birds with human head flying in the sky, adults morphing their figures into monsters, everyone else around him thought he was insane when he talked about it, sometimes even picked on. During his time there however, he learnt that his mother was a soldier in the US marine corps, who met someone abroad but died afterwards. The father was never found, and so he was branded an orphan.

After a few years, he escaped from there and moved on his own, fending for himself. When he was eleven, a man who specialised in English Martial Arts took him in, taught him to wrestle and use a sword, and helped him grow into a man. He then started running with a gang and learned a few more street skills and earned the name Howler. on His thirteenth birthday, he received a case from someone, and the packaging had no address. In the case was a bow as black as moonless midnight with a number of arrows with it. After learning to use it in what seemed like days, he considered himself second to none with a bow.

Four years since then he was tested, trained in battle, street tactics, and stamina. Eventually he decided to stop hiding without knowing who was after him, and go searching for who or what was trying to kill him.

Oblivious to the existence of the Greek and Roman Gods.


The weapons above are what Jacob is armed with. The bow and arrows are packed in a case over his shoulder that he can access with ease. The blue claymore is a trophy he took from a heavily armed cyclops. Its hidden form is a long gilded rod that when twists at both ends, it immediately transforms into the claymore. Why it is blue is still a mystery.

Jacobs skills were mostly earned from his experience on the street and his classes from his mentor, but his skills with his bow are exceptional. As for his powers, Jacob as a son of Hades is still trying to discover what powers he possesses. At the moment, he can sense death when close by, talk and possibly command the dead (but only ghostly figures due to him only teaching himself), Shadow Travel, and if he gets angry or is flooded with emotion, his instinct take control of him and he can summon groups of dead soldiers to fight for him, although he promised himself he wouldn't use that power again because he was frightened of how much death he would cause.
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[QUOTE="Reaper.44]Name: Jacob Howe, nicknamed "Howler"
Species: Demi-god

Age: 17

Sexual preference: Straight

Godly parent: Artemis

Appearance: As seen below, 6.1 ft, dark blue eyes, wears a black leather jacket


Personality: Persistent, cant read social signals well.

History: Since he was born he had little idea who he was or what his origins were. Left at the doorstep of an orphanage when he was a baby, he fended for himself at times when most of the kids picked on him, leading him to follow his own set of rules. During his time there however, he learnt that his father was a soldier in the US marine corps, who met someone abroad but died afterwards. The mother was never found, and so he was branded an orphan.

After a few years, he escaped from there and moved on his own, doing a few end jobs and fending for himself. When he was eleven, a man who specialised in English Martial Arts took him in, taught him to wrestle and use a sword, and helped him grow into a man. He then started running with a gang and learned a few more street skills and earned the name Howler. on His thirteenth birthday, he received a case from someone, and the packaging had no address. In the case was a bow as black as moonless midnight with a number of arrows with it. After learning to use it in what seemed like days, he considered himself second to none with a bow.

However, since that day, he noticed the world around him changing. Birds with human heads flew by, creatures walked through crowds of people without being noticed, and most of them attacked Jacob on sight. Four years since then he was tested, trained in battle, street tactics, and stamina. Eventually he decided to stop hiding without knowing who was after him, and go searching for who or what was trying to kill him.

Oblivious to the existence of the Greek and Roman Gods.


The weapons above are what Jacob is armed with. The bow and arrows are packed in a case over his shoulder that he can access with ease. The blue claymore is a trophy he took from a heavily armed cyclops. Its hidden form is a long gilded rod that when twists at both ends, it immidiatly transforms into the claymore. Why it is blue is still a mystery.

(If there is anything Godding-ish here let me know)

Jacobs skills were mostly earned from his experience on the street and his classes from his mentor, but he almost never misses his target with his bow and arrow regardless of weather and distance. As for his powers, Jacob can command certain wildlife, except for sea animals, horses and reptiles. If he can concentrate hard enough, when hunting for his target, he can track it with all of his senses at once, allowing him to follow and engage.

1) Artemis never had children

2) Demigods always see monsters,even before given a weapon

3) No demigod can control animals,or always hit a target

4) At his young age,he couldn't get jobs,much less join a gang

5) I need real pictures
1) I'm aware of Artimis being a virgin goddess, I thought it would be interesting plot-wise for a child of Artimis to be born.

2) I forgot that little detail, thx I'll edit the history.

3) Ok maybe I used the term "control" a bit too strong. I dont mean like tell animals what to do and they'll do it, I mean how Percy can talk to horses and pegasis (thing wont let me spell check :P ) and they always want to help. But I'll change it anyway, and I did say "almost always" regarding the bow, but I'll take it out anyway.

4) I'll change it round then.

5) I'll have another look.
[QUOTE="Reaper.44]1) I'm aware of Artimis being a virgin goddess, I thought it would be interesting plot-wise for a child of Artimis to be born.
2) I forgot that little detail, thx I'll edit the history.

3) Ok maybe I used the term "control" a bit too strong. I dont mean like tell animals what to do and they'll do it, I mean how Percy can talk to horses and pegasis (thing wont let me spell check :P ) and they always want to help. But I'll change it anyway, and I did say "almost always" regarding the bow, but I'll take it out anyway.

4) I'll change it round then.

5) I'll have another look.

I accepted all of the new details,accept with Artemis being his mother.I agree,great plot twist...but Artemis is,and always was,a virgin goddess.I already noticed 2 people who wanted to be a child of Artemis,and I said no.It wouldn't be fair to accept you and not them.Please change the god/goddess or start a private conversation with me if you want to talk about it more.
Name: Alex Tarcesy

Species: demigod

Age: 13

Sexual preference: straight

Godly parent: apollo


Appearance: my avatar<


Alex likes his sense of humor. He accidentally cracks jokes at the wrong time, and it's rare that he takes something seriously. when he's bored, he likes to make his hands fight each other.


alex was adopted. when he was 6, his foster mother twisted her ankle, an he healed it… with his touch. his foster parents soon after abandoned him at an orphanage in fear that he was the devil. at the age of nine he escaped the orphanage and began living on his own.
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