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  1. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    "I love you Felix! I love you and I don't want you to leave...I just wish you would understand where I'm coming from. I feel like you don't get it. I just...ugh. I can't even explain to you what I'm feeling!"Gable said turning away from the other man and burying his head into his hand into...
  2. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    He let out an irritated guff when he was shoved by Felix. He got his balance back and closed the gap between the two of them. "I've never felt like this before!"he shouted at Felix. "I've never felt like being gay was bad untilnow....until everyone else I work with is in their normal straight...
  3. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    "I just wish I wasn't gay okay! I wish I could be in a normal relationship...."The last part he mumbled barely audible. Gable had never been one to hate his sexuality. Not really. He was always open about it and never let anyone make him feel bad about it. Till now. Maybe it was his work...
  4. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    "You don't get it. I'm in business. Being gay is weird when you're in business! It doesn't matter if you're gay. Nobody cares. Everyone cares if I'm gay because it's not 'normal'. It's just...ugh...I wish I had the luxury of being able to shout to the world who I am. But I don't! If I tell...
  5. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    "It's not that! Do you know what my co-workers would say if I was gay?"Gable said. Well. Actually he wasn't even sure if they would care. But nothing would get in the way of his career. Not even Felix. If he had to keep his sexuality secret from the world he was okay with that. As long as he...
  6. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    "Oh....yeah...about that,"Gable said as he took a sip of his coffee. How did he explain to Felix that he couldn't be open about who he was at his place of work? That in order to keep moving up nobody could know that he was gay. "You see...they don't even know that...well they don't know I'm...
  7. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    "Oh! This must be Felix Gable's roommate. I'm sorry to hear he is sick we really needed him today. Well, I'm hoping to see him tomorrow tell him to get better. Have a good day Felix,"with those few words the man hung up. Gable walked out in the living room with only a towel around his waist...
  8. Smallz

    The One Who Never Left (PrussianAina x Smallz)

    ooc: Sorry it took me so long to respond! bbc: "Let's take a walk I need fresh air!"He shouted over the music. Cooper took her hand and lead her out of the bar. He was stumbling a bit and giggling at his own terrible balance. He sat down on an outside bench and pulled a cigarette out of his...
  9. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    ooc:Sorry it's been so long! bbc: "Oh,"Gable said not really sure what to say. Felix...fired...why? Was he really that unaware of Felix that he didn't see he was falling behind with work. He bit his lip feeling so awkward around the other male. Especially with just more bad news surrounding...
  10. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    Gable shrugged as a response as he turned to his computer. "Just a lot of work and I'm too tired to go to the office,"he said as he started at the screen full of unanswered emails and finical reports. "I might just call in sick,"he muttered. Gable hadn't called in sick a single time this year...
  11. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    Gable woke up late the next morning next to Felix. He groaned as he got up rolling himself out of bed. He grabbed his iPhone which was always near. Texts and calls from work. Great. He let out an annoyed sigh it would be a long day of working from home. He would go into the office but he felt...
  12. Smallz

    The One Who Never Left (PrussianAina x Smallz)

    "The wrong idea?! He laughed as he pulled her in again. "It's just because I miss you I have to get all my Aubrey in at once,"he demanded not wanting her to pull away. He missed her scent, her hair, her smile, he missed her everything. He knew it was wrong but he wanted to be near her. In his...
  13. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    Gable placed his hand on Felix's face and pressed his lips against his forehead. There was so much love but also so much pain. These moments they were almost back to normal but they would only last just that...a moment. "I want to be here...I do. It's just it feel so hard to be here now..."Gable...
  14. Smallz

    The One Who Never Left (PrussianAina x Smallz)

    Cooper pulled Aubrey into him spinning her around while he laughed. "It's been a long time since I've heard you so happy!"Cooper commented as kept her close to his thin frame. He loved the feeling of her near him next to him. Her warm curves, her small smile, just everything about her mad his...
  15. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    Gable climbed under the covers and reached out to Felix so he could hold him. His large hands found his way to Felix's hips as he lusted to have him near. He hated not having someone to hold at night. Someone to share his warmth with as he slept. "You're sick of me aren't you?"Gable whispered...
  16. Smallz

    The One Who Never Left (PrussianAina x Smallz)

    "Girls! I swear to god you're all so damn sensitive!See, if I was your fiance and you asked a guy to be your man of honor or whatever I'd just punch him in the face till he understood you are mine,"Cooper said in his typical laughing tone. He called the bartender over for another drink and...
  17. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    "Can I sleep in here? The living room is cold,"he said as he pulled off his shirt and slipped off his sweats. He sat on the edge of the bed unsure if he could climb under the covers. He missed Felix's warmth next to him. He missed holding his body into his. Though, part of him didn't want to...
  18. Smallz

    The One Who Never Left (PrussianAina x Smallz)

    "You've missed a lot!"Cooper said with a laugh as he sipped on his drink a bit more. His pale face was flushed red from the booze. His smile was getting bigger and his eyes filled with his mischievous twinkle. "I'm getting married in like....two weeks! Can you believe that?! Me?! Married?!"He...
  19. Smallz

    Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}

    Gable felt his heart drop a bit in his chest. He hated seeing his love like this even if they were crumbling. Gable walked into the bedroom and sat next to Felix. "You should really take off his shoes,"he said He was trying to be kind. He really was. It always just came out like he was being a...
  20. Smallz

    Romance! Action! Adventure!

    Feel free to send me a PM! I'm a bit busy right now but in a week or so I should be a little less busy.