Forever and Ever? {1x1 stromhawk&smallz}


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Things had been good even great once upon a long time ago. Gable Brighton had been with his loving partner since they started college. Things hadn't always been easy for the pair but they were in it for the long run. There were no secrets, no wandering eyes, and no embarrassment to their sexuality. They were together and they were both men and that was the end of that. Things had started to change though when they graduated and Gable got a job in New York City. The pair was thrilled for the city life. They found themselves a small apartment in a nicer area together. It seemed like the start of the rest of their lives. Though, things changed once everything was unpacked. Gable was spending so much time at the office that it was putting a wedge between them. He was often too tired to even kiss the other goodnight. He even had started to sleep on the sofa instead of in bed with the other. Fights erupted, feelings were hurt, and questions about adultery had been risen. The pairs future seemed to be at a breaking point. How much more could the really take?

It was one of those Saturday nights where Gable was 'in the office'. In all reality he was avoiding going home any way he could. He had went out to the bars with some of the men he worked with. He was just trying to bury all his doubt about him and his love in a few drinks. He didn't know how else to deal with the creeping sadness that he felt from their relationship falling into shambles. It had been almost four years... that was a long while to be together. Gable ran his large hands through his 'messy on purpose but not trying to hard' dark hair. As he scanned the room trying to ignore the conversation about women his co-workers were having he caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror. His olive skin was paler than normal, his dark brown were lined with dark circles, his crooked smile was replaced with a frown. He looked tired, older, and just plain unhappy. He took another swig from his beer. With a few parting words he walked out of the bar and stumbled home.

It wasn't very long walk for his long legs to get himself home. He dug into his pockets for his keys...of course he forgot them. He let out an exasperated groan and beat on the door to his apartment. "Hey! HEY! Open the door! It's me!" he slurred. Gable leaned his long lean frame against the wall as he waited. All he could think was how damn tired he was.
(Hey, what was my guy's job again? I seemed to have...forgotten.)

"Just a sec! Be patient!" A softer voice called out from inside which was quickly followed by the sound of the voice's owner racing to unlock the door. With a click of the lock, he creeked the door open to look up at his tired-ass of a lover. "You're late again as usual..." he mumbled with his hushed tone but didn't sound upset. More concerned. This had been happening alot recently and he was fully aware of the situation...because he was apart of it too infact. Their relationship was being destroyed. It if got any worse they might have to tear away for good. Neither wished for that but this continuous amount of pain still dragged on their shadows.

This smaller, more 'keep-it-to-myself' kind of guy was Felix Kyouya Nathaniel. Felix was basically the complete opposite of his love interest; Short, rather scrawny, very quiet too unlike Gable who didn't seem to be afraid to speak up. Well, maybe it's like some people say, "Opposites attract."

He watched Gable enter without saying another word. Catching to how exhausted he appeared. Not surprised. He had been working all day at his office, as far as Felix knew. Felix himself had decided to take the day off today actually. Thinking time felt necessary for decisions. A sip of black coffee then back to pacing throughtout the rooms.

(I'll try to describe Felix's appearance more as the story continues. Probably will add more detail in my next post too)
(he was some sort of freelance writer I think. Though you can chose whatever fits your character best)

Gable mumbled a thank you and chose to ignore that 'your late again' comment. As he walked in he pulled off his clothes getting ready to crash for the night. He threw everything but his boxers into a pile near the sofa before he fell onto it. He snuggled into the comfort of his blankets and pillows wanting sleep to take him. He didn't want to deal with anything or anyone especially Felix. Though, he found himself still troubled by Felix despite his altered state.

"Can you stop pacing?"Gable complained loudly burying his head underneath his pillow as it if was distressing him terribly. Of course, Gable honestly would not be that bothered by it but because it was Felix doing pacing it was the worst thing ever. Gable wasn't even sue if he was capable of speaking a kind word to the other man. He loved him deep down but everything was so broken and confused. He could hardly remember a time when things were good..
(Ahh :c it's sad that already they're in a pretty bad situation, least there's DRAMA!)

"Oh...sorry..." Felix slumped down into one of the wornout lounge chairs. He couldn't help but glare at Gable who was currently hiding his face from sight behind a pillow. It's not that he was angry at him or anything, just more upset. Clearly they were both struggling through this. They rarely had any time to talk because of work and they had different schedules so they hardly even caught a glimpse of eachother.

Felix had secretly thought about the idea of simply quiting, but that wouldn't seem to be of any use since Gable spent apl day at is job anyways. It would only cause him to be jobless and penniless too. Why did life seem so hard? How did his parents get through life like this?

After what seemed like an hour of just sitting there in silence, Felix finally decided to hop up out of his seat. "Hey..hey Gable. Are you still awake?" He had made his way over to his side of the couch and was now lightly poking his shoulder. "You know you wouldn't be so tired if you didn't work so much..."
(I know! But I love the DRAMA)

Gable was still awake and very much aware the Felix wasn't going to bed. They were at a stalemate until one of them caved and spoke. Gable wasn't going to be the one to give in. He was stubborn to the point of foolishness He let out a groan when the other poked him pulling the pillow off his head. He made a big show of sitting up and facing Felix taking much more time and effort then needed.

"Well, since I'm the only one who makes anything I have to work,"he said his voice full of venom. Gable did make a lot of money even without actually pulling those extra shifts. He paid for rent, utilities,and all the other large monthly expenses. "It's not like you'd care to have me around anyways,"he shrugged he was almost trying to start something at this point. Sometimes Gable liked to fight with Felix to make sure he still felt something for the other. That there was more than complete indifference in his heart.
(Omg me too!)

Felix frowned at his comment, he held back the urge to slap him right across the face just for saying that, but he kept his hands hanging down at his sides. He soon brought his arms up to cross across his chest which displayed that he definitely did not appreciate his answer. "At least I try to earn money........."he bit down on his bottom lip before continuing onto to replying to the second addition of hiss words. "Don't say stuff like that. You know I hate it...besides I like having you around. You already know how I feel about you and I don't want that to disappear." He plopped himself down onto the hard floor, his arms still crossed and his head hanging slightly so his long curly bangs would fall infront of his eyes. "I'd just appreciate it if you'd talk to me more often at least."
Gable's eyes narrowed as he looked down at the other man. What did he want him to talk about? Did he honestly care what was going on in his mind? Gable thought for a moment if he really wanted to push any further. With a bit of a annoyed groan he laid back down. He was too tired to care and all he wanted was another drink. "Today was hard...would you get me another drink?"he asked trying to be somewhat nice. The fighting and bickering was honestly too much. He would start a fight and realize it was just too much work to care. His answer was to always bury himself into his pillows and pretend to sleep. At least their troubles would go away for awhile.
Felix only sighed, standing up without a word in reply before walking into the kitchen. He returned to place down the drink as he had requested on the sidetable beside the couch. The upset frown remained glued to his face. "Here's your f*cking alcohol...I'm going outside for a bit..." he grumbled, slipping on his brown leather boots. With that said he snatched his jacket from the coat hanger hiding alone in the corner near the door and exited out the door. "Stupid jerk. He never does anything but work now..." the complaining was only heard by himself which was followed by a huff of frustration. The sky outside was dark, as expected since it was pretty late, the stars were already twinkling up overhead. Cold too.
Gable grumbled a bit to himself taking a few swigs of his drink. He was annoyed for a bit but then an overwhelming loneliness filled him. Without Felix just in the next room everything felt a bit emptier. With another set of groans he got himself up pulling on a shit and a pair of nearby sweats. Gable threw on his house slippers and a ratty coat and went after Felix. It didn't take him long to find the other man. Gable placed his hand on his shoulder. "Come on Felix it's cold let's go back inside,"his voice was soft and kind.
Felix glanced back at him from over his shoulder, before turning his head back up at the sky. It was difficuot to see the stars with all the city lights outshining their glow, but they were still faint enough to be seen by the naked eye. "Alright......" he mumbled practically so quiet that it was almost silent. He straightened up his jacket and followed behind his lover on the awkward walk back to the house. He didn't toss off his shoes or coat though; Just headed straight for bed and plopped down under the covers without removing anything. At this point he was really tired too and didn't really seem to care.
Gable felt his heart drop a bit in his chest. He hated seeing his love like this even if they were crumbling. Gable walked into the bedroom and sat next to Felix. "You should really take off his shoes,"he said He was trying to be kind. He really was. It always just came out like he was being a jerk. He looked down at Felix wishing he didn't have this sinking feeling in her chest. He wanted to love him with all of he heart. He wanted to be with him forever. But, something was broken and he wasn't going to fix it easily.
"I'm fine...I'm fine..." Felix mumbled from underneath the warmth of the blanket that covered most of his face. He kicked his shoes off anyways then brushed them out onto the floor. He glanced up at Gable again, but almost instantly turned away when their eyes met for a mere moment. "Hey...aren't you going back to bed soon? You have work again tomorrow, remember?" His eyes slowly fluttered shut as he asked his question.
"Can I sleep in here? The living room is cold,"he said as he pulled off his shirt and slipped off his sweats. He sat on the edge of the bed unsure if he could climb under the covers. He missed Felix's warmth next to him. He missed holding his body into his. Though, part of him didn't want to even touch Felix ever again. Part of him was so empty towards the other man. He was broken between love and unfeeling. Shattered between the two parts of him.
Felix scooted over onto his own side inside of lying directly in the very middle, giving him spare to crawl into the blankets as well. He turned over onto his side; Though his back was not facing Gable, he still nuzzled his face into the covers, so it was practically hidden. Sometimes his answers didn't involve any actual dialogue. Of course this probably got on people's nerves every once in a while, but it's just how he was.

He missed his loved-one too. Very much to be honest. The fighting, the arguing, the constant ignoring, it hurt both them. Felix was a really sensitive person -some people said that he's more of a girl than a man, because of how easily he got upset- so holding back tears was always a challenge. He needed to toughen up. Maybe that was why Gable had been so distant towards him. After all this time, has he finally grown to dislike Felix's personality?

He wiped away a droplet that had unnoticeably ran down his cheek just from the thought.
Gable climbed under the covers and reached out to Felix so he could hold him. His large hands found his way to Felix's hips as he lusted to have him near. He hated not having someone to hold at night. Someone to share his warmth with as he slept. "You're sick of me aren't you?"Gable whispered barely loud enough for the other to hear. "I'm not what you bargained for..."he added after a short moment. Gable was not a man to be insecure but deep down those fears rested. Once in a blue moon they surfaced themselves at full force. The insecurities washing out his natural confidence and arrogant behavior.
Felix removed the blanket that lightly covered his face above he replied to Gable's softly spoken question. He also forced himself to gain the courage to look up at his face, his large blue eyes were bright compared to the darkness of the quiet bedroom. "No...I'm just sick of all this pain. We don't really spend any time together and it just feels lonely....." he paused inbetween his sentence to brush his bangs out of his face as they slipped down. "I know it's because of your job, but you don't even take a day off." The words seemed to trail off to silence once again. He wasn't sure what else to say.
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Gable placed his hand on Felix's face and pressed his lips against his forehead. There was so much love but also so much pain. These moments they were almost back to normal but they would only last just that...a moment. "I want to be here...I do. It's just it feel so hard to be here now..."Gable said with a loud sigh. He closed his eyes trying to shake all the thoughts out of his head. He just couldn't get rid of all the pain that filled him from this failing relationship. He wanted to hold on but he thought that...maybe...maybe it just shouldn't work.
Felix scooted closer to bring his face up near Gable's, quickly returning the peck except on his cheek instead. No matter what happened, he wanted to remain at the VERY LEAST least. If it somehow didn't work out, he wouldn't want to be seperated completely. The thought of separating crushed his poor heart. He rested his head up on the soft pillow and stretched out a bit so he wasn't just all curled up like a sleepy cat.

"Okay...Gable. We'll figure out some solution eventually..." he mumbled before closing his tired eyes shut and drifting off into deep sleep.
Gable woke up late the next morning next to Felix. He groaned as he got up rolling himself out of bed. He grabbed his iPhone which was always near. Texts and calls from work. Great. He let out an annoyed sigh it would be a long day of working from home. He would go into the office but he felt too emotionally exhausted to even put on pants. So Gable just shuffled into the small living room grabbed his laptop and put himself to work. He was going nowhere fast. He kept thinking about Felix. About how much he missed his love. How much he missed his touch. He leaned back and closed his eyes the images of their happiness seared into his eyelids. An image that they would never have again. "Felix,"he whispered as he opened his eyes again. God. What happened?
Felix groaned when he felt Gable's warm body leave the bed which filled the room with a sudden chill. His slowly blinked open as he watched his lover exit to head off and start the day. He did not feel like getting up...ever. Things just seemed so difficult. Not really worth it. Confusion. Sadness. Anger. It was more depressing than getting any better. But he still had to wake up whether he wanted or not. It was another average Friday, meaning skipping out on work again would not be the best idea, well no matter what day it was. After scrambling out from under the thin covers and changing into a clean outfit, he slipped his shoes on with a sigh. Seeing Gable sitting in the living caused his eyes to widened along with his eyebrows to raise up; He hadn't expected him to stay home. He had an important job! "Hey...are you alright?" He found himself asking as he slipped into the same room. The thought of simply ignoring him seemed to be cruel, so he felt he had to just ask. Of course he wasn't alright! They were practically lower than friends at this point!
Gable shrugged as a response as he turned to his computer. "Just a lot of work and I'm too tired to go to the office,"he said as he started at the screen full of unanswered emails and finical reports. "I might just call in sick,"he muttered. Gable hadn't called in sick a single time this year even when he was actually under the weather. He would do almost anything to get away from the pain of his failing relationship. But even going to work right now wasn't enough escape. He felt so trapped within his own head. He couldn't escape. "Are you going into work?"he asked finally. 
Gable shrugged as a response as he turned to his computer. "Just a lot of work and I'm too tired to go to the office,"he said as he started at the screen full of unanswered emails and finical reports. "I might just call in sick,"he muttered. Gable hadn't called in sick a single time this year even when he was actually under the weather. He would do almost anything to get away from the pain of his failing relationship. But even going to work right now wasn't enough escape. He felt so trapped within his own head. He couldn't escape. "Are you going into work?"he asked finally.
Felix sighed deeply at his question. He shook his head no. Something was needed to be said but was being hidden. Perhapss he couldn't just find the right words to say it or maybe it was just too difficut. Well, either way he finally replied after a few moments, "I got fired. My boss just sent me the text..." This was awful. Having no job was another to add to the list of pain in his life; Also no longer receiving money, yet another point.
ooc:Sorry it's been so long!


"Oh,"Gable said not really sure what to say. Felix...fired...why? Was he really that unaware of Felix that he didn't see he was falling behind with work. He bit his lip feeling so awkward around the other male. Especially with just more bad news surrounding him. Gable stood up and stretched, "I'm gonna take a shower,"he finally said as he started to walk to the bathroom. "If my phone rings just pick up and say I'm sick,"he added as he closed the door to the bathroom.

It was not very long after Gable started the shower that his phone started to ring. The called I.D read Mr. Anderson...Gable's boss. It was very obvious that Gable was missed at the office this morning.
(Its okay. No problemo!)

Felix hesitantly reached down to pick his ringing that had been placed ontop of the small coffee table. Pressing the flashing answer button, he greeted softly, "Um, hello Mr.Anderson, yeah it's me Felix." They had met once or twice since the other man has worked there so this wouldn't be a shock. "You must be calling about Gable. I'm afraid he's come across some sort of illness last night. His voice is rather raspy also so clearly having diffculties speaking as well." He made up casual little lies as he went along, lucky for him that he knew how to tell a good lie.
"Oh! This must be Felix Gable's roommate. I'm sorry to hear he is sick we really needed him today. Well, I'm hoping to see him tomorrow tell him to get better. Have a good day Felix,"with those few words the man hung up. Gable walked out in the living room with only a towel around his waist. "Did my boss call?"he asked as he headed into the kitchen to grab himself another cup of coffee. He had no idea that his boss had just revealed to Felix he had been calling him a 'roommate' all along. That everyone at the office thought he was straight...and single.

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