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  1. SquishyBWaifu

    Looking for RP Partner

    I look forward to it. Is there anything in particular you are looking for?
  2. SquishyBWaifu

    Looking for RP Partner

    Yes indeed I am.
  3. SquishyBWaifu

    Looking for RP Partner

    Ok cool. I will make the thread and send the link to you via pm tomorrow
  4. SquishyBWaifu

    Looking for RP Partner

    Would you prefer to rp in a fresh thread or via pm? As far as character bio, RL pictures to be used or anime? I have to turn in soon as I have an appointment in the morning, but I can definitely get things started when I get back. I'll likely play a female since I haven't played one in a while.
  5. SquishyBWaifu

    Looking for RP Partner

    I can't help but shudder at the idea of furries being in this rp. Like nothing against them....but no. So I'm totally ok with you not wanting to take on that mantle. I can understand non sentient too. playing something that goes purely off instincts...while fun mind you, can get boring fast.
  6. SquishyBWaifu

    Looking for RP Partner

    Cool. We can def do futuristic then. Did you wanna do the typical war and government led to this apocalyptic setting or branch off to something caused by a shift in nature? Sounds cool. I can do that same. What do you mean by things you may not do?
  7. SquishyBWaifu

    Looking for RP Partner

    Ok so with the apocolyptic setting, I see much of those being futuristic. Is that something you'd like to try for or would you like to do something that it more present time? Do you have a gender and species preference of the character you play?
  8. SquishyBWaifu

    Looking for RP Partner

    Survival is always a plus with the dark and gritty. Really shows you a whole other side to the human mind and to what extents someone is willing to go to for the sake of surviving. Having some supernatural elements is interesting to. I mean humans are pretty wicked as is if pushed enough or...
  9. SquishyBWaifu

    Looking for RP Partner

    Alright then, well what are some settings that interest you. Perhaps we can figure something out.
  10. SquishyBWaifu

    Looking for RP Partner

    Is there anything in particular that you are looking to do?
  11. SquishyBWaifu

    Looking for RP Partner

    Hi, I haven't been a member of this site long...nor active long. I joined an rp but it ended up dying out shortly after. Right now I'm craving something dark and heavy. Not the typical happy fantasy...I just need something darker. Yes, there most certainly can be romance but I need tension...
  12. SquishyBWaifu


    Name: Aadya Vuković Age: 29 Height: 5'9" Weight: 175 lbs Class: Urban Citizen - Haute Couture Model Personality: Aadya is keenly in tune with the way things look, taste, sound, feel and smell. She has a strong aesthetic appreciation for art, and as a result is an artist in her own...
  13. SquishyBWaifu

    Roles | Form

    Forms Human  Name: Age: Height: Weight: Class: (Position) Personality: (minimum of two paragraphs) Description: (minimum of two paragraphs) Biography: (minimum of two paragraphs) The Big 7  Name: (True Name) Alias: (What you go by) Height: Weight: Sin...
  14. SquishyBWaifu

    Roles | Form

    Demon Positions First Tier: 6 Slots Open You are one of the deadly seven. Once beautiful Seraphims bathed in the grace of his love. Yet in your foolishness you rose up trying to lay claim to power that was not meant to be yours, your were cast down into the fires and twisted into the...
  15. SquishyBWaifu

    Roles | Form

    Human Positions (Higher) Bishop: 1 Slot Open You are the representation of the church in this trying time and the one whom investigates reported possessions. It is from your call the exorcists are sent. You govern their every move and only assist in the most extreme cases of possession. It...
  16. SquishyBWaifu

    Roles | Form

    Human Positions (Common)   City Resident: 5 Slots Open You live among the sky-rises of glass and steel. The busy hustle and bustle of the city is your daily life. You are nearest to the heart of the quarantine zone. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Suburban Resident: 5...
  17. SquishyBWaifu

    Blah Blah Blah Blah

    Chat away my dears while I continue setting things up.
  18. SquishyBWaifu

    RP Rules

    RP Rules Romance/ Drama/ Sex  Romance is encouraged and allowed. Who doesn’t enjoy a love triangle of sorts and the drama that comes with it? Who doesn't enjoy the drama of so and so being a whore and making established relationships strained? We are all adults here or at least I would...
  19. SquishyBWaifu

    General Rules

    General Rules Respect your fellow man.  This place is meant to serve as a retreat for those who wish to get away from the drama of both the real world and other locations on RPN. This will be a drama free zone. If you have a problem with someone, do not argue within this forum. No one...
  20. SquishyBWaifu

    Realistic or Modern ▌バキューン !!! ▌ ▌ʙᴀᴋʏᴜ▬ɴ

    <p> <img class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" alt="5a4ApT2.png" /></p> <p> </p> <p> <span...