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Realistic or Modern ▌バキューン !!! ▌ ▌ʙᴀᴋʏᴜ▬ɴ

Naruko Tennomaru


R-really? Naruko did a double take when Ryuji mentioned that school let out early the whole week. She bit her tongue to refrain from cursing, and instead gave a soft sigh. She prided herself on being prepared for anything at all, and yet here she was, neglecting to simply check the school schedule for the week. Nevertheless, she could still recover from this. It wasn’t a grievous wound she suffered.

She cast a furtive glance at the blondie behind her, and reached up to touch the bundle behind her back. She looked unfamiliar. A new student perhaps? That only meant she didn't exactly know what Oniyuri hospitality was. Naruko didn’t either, when she first came to Oniyuri. Naruko, however, came prepared. This chick only looked prepared in the same way that a basted turkey did during that one holiday whose name she couldn't recall in America, all dressed up and ready to be devoured. There was also something in the girl’s eyes when they flitted to Ryuji. She didn’t like the look. She should make this clear to the chick, and at the same time, orientate her with the ways of Oniyuri. Her hand fell, however, when Tachibana approached the blondie, and she returned her attention to her senior.

Silly senpai. I don’t need to get any bigger. Underestimation is an exploitable flaw. She didn’t even seem a bit miffed that he would misunderstand her intents, purposefully or otherwise. In fact, if anything, she seemed entertained, or at least pleased enough that she got to talk to Ryuji a little bit more. One of them’s for you. I made some for my brothers, but I just thought it’d be in poor taste if I didn’t make any for my senior. Weeeelllll, she clasped her hands behind her back and leaned forwards in a standard coy pose, since there aren’t any afternoon classes today we can still have it to go, right? She gave a short giggle, straightened up, and handed Ryuji one of the bento boxes. She skipped backwards, the remaining bento box swinging dangerously inside the bag, and waved to Ryuji. I’ll see you after school, senpai. I have something to deal with at the moment.

She turned on her heels and waltzed on over to the blondie, who seemed to have already been abandoned by Tachibana. The latter always seemed so busy, so this was always highly possible. The blondie seemed to be quite confused, though. Tachibana probably left her alone after only giving her the slightest of directions. How irresponsible. A rather dark smile came over Naruko’s face, though it vanished as quickly as it had appeared. She clapped a hand on the blondie’s shoulder, and, using it as support, twirled around over to her front, where she stumbled for a bit. She recovered, and cleared her throat, then proceeded to bow low, her hands clasped in front of her. When she drew herself up to her full height, and still a couple of inches shorter than the girl in front of her, she had a light smile playing on her lips.

A-ahaha, I don’t suppose apologies are in order? In which case, I’m very sorry for earlier. She dipped her head and straightened up again, for the sixth time that morning. You must be new here, and given by just how well you’ve grown, she coughed here, making it clear that it wasn’t just height she was referring to, you must be a second year. A transfer student, perhaps? A good a guess as any. Who would transfer in on their final year anyway? But ah, where are my manners? I am Naruko Tennomaru. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Naruko resisted the urge to bow again. While considered polite, it was becoming quite repetitive. She reminded herself that this sort of practice was going to become a regular thing if she ever made it up the ladder of Yamaguchi, and resolved herself to cross that bridge when it came. It seems Tachibana-san left you at crossroads. Do you mind kindly if I took over for her instead?



Ryuji laughed a little once more at the response from Naruko, though he had taken note of what she had said. An interesting way of looking at it, but true enough, I suppose. He mused, giving Naruko a smile and nod in agreement. "That should be fine." He replied when asking about taking the lunch elsewhere, though could not say much else as it was clear she was directing her attention somewhere. "See you around..." He replied, raising an arm in a wave of his own before watching as she walked back towards the front of the school. Once he began looking back toward the auditorium, he noticed as another new student approached, asking about the auditorium.

"Hm? Sorry about that." He replied, realizing that she had probably been standing there for a few seconds with no real response. "I'm actually heading there for the meeting, myself, if you feel like tagging along." He asked, taking a few seconds to process whether he had seen her from anywhere before. Hmm... nope, definitely new... Another foreigner, maybe? He decided, also noting that she appeared to be a foreigner as well, or she at least looked about as different as the blonde girl did from the usual native students. Granted, even though he was born in Sen'iki, with his size he also looked fairly different than a typical Japanese person, so perhaps it was too soon to know for sure, but that bit of information was not that important to him, not enough to ask outright either. With that, he then pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. "If not, if you keep going this way it'll be the large building everyone is piling into, can't miss it really." He added, not wanting to make it seem like she had to follow him if she was still looking around the campus to find other landmarks. With that, he turned in the direction of the auditorium and started walking; whether the new student wanted to follow along would be up to her.

Location: Oniyuri - Heading to auditorium

Company: Fifi

Wonder what the meeting will be like this year...

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<span style="color:#B22222;"><strong>"No need to apologize. You were in the middle of a conversation."</strong></span> She was quick to offer a smile to ensure that no harm had been done when he didn't answer right away. After all she hadn't expected an immediate answer. While her query was important, it wasn't something that urgently needed answering. They still had plenty of time. Upon receiving the invitation to walk with him to the auditorium her eyes lit up. If she were to be honest, she hadn't expected the kind act...not after everything she'd heard about this school that is. She'd actually assumed the answer would have been less than pleasant before she was either shoved off to the side physically or just flat out ignored. That's what she got for making assumptions. While it was smart to hope for the best but expect the worst, she really needed to have a bit more faith in her peers. Oh well. She wouldn't beat herself up over it. She'd take it as a lesson learned. As her current traveling companion proceeded towards the auditorium she followed his lead, managing to keep up with his long strides. She'd remained silent for a bit trying to construct a proper sentence. She'd done pretty well in learning Japanese but every so often she'd get her words jumbled so she had to put some extra thought in what she was saying. <span style="color:#B22222;"><strong>"I'd like to apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I wasn't too sure on how the entire interaction would go so I thought it would be best to feel out the situation before sharing my name. I'm Efigenia but uh... you can call me Nia if it's easier for you."</strong></span> She extended her hand, offering a handshake praying internally that she wasn't doing the whole greeting thing wrong. The last thing she wanted to do was to offend him after he was being nice enough to allow her to tag along. A few minutes later she felt a light buzz coming from her back, so she reached around and removed her phone to discover she had a message waiting for her. <span style="color:#B22222;"><strong>"Sorry, I need to take a look at this." </strong></span>After inputting the pass-code to unlock her screen she read the message. However as she read, she continued to walk along side her new acquaintance making sure to keep aware of surrounding. Sure she hadn't stepped away to read the message but she still thought it polite to at least notify him so she didn't come off as ignoring him. That would just be rude.





From: Sita



mornin’. howse the first day of school for you? which one did you end up going to?





Instantly the corners of her lips turned into a mischievous grin. She could just simply text him with a straight answer but where was the fun in that. Effortlessly, her thumb glided over the screen typing out her message.





To: Sita



Listen and take a guess.





After sending the message she cleared her through a bit nervously.<span style="color:#B22222;"><strong>"I hope you don't mind but a friend of mine may be joining us soon. You may know him. I just have to call him first...though I should warn you the method is...unorthodox."</strong></span> She chuckled lightly figuring she just might weird the guy out but hey, the results of her stunt would make it very hard to regret her decision. She inhaled deeply, her eyes flashing gold before she released a howl, her head gradually tilting back in the process. When her howl ceased, she continued on as if nothing happened. <span style="color:#B22222;"><em>Shouldn't take him long to figure out where I'm at</em></span>.

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