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  • Users: Brynn
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  1. Brynn

    Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

    Natalie had sighed as she made her way to her room. As she entered she had noticed Thea wasn't here to get ready for the party, Natalie had raised a eyebrow at this before shrugging her shoulders. She had quickly went to the bathroom to take yet another shower today. Minutes later Natalie was...
  2. Brynn

    Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

    Natalie was trying calm Luna down and tell her that she would be ready and on time before Infinity had busted through the room and was ransacking Luna's closet pulling out a couple of dresses with floral prints and another set embedded with patterns. Infinity had then quickly told Natalie to...
  3. Brynn

    Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

    Natalie was just about to drift off to sleep until he had heard her phone vibrate in her pocket. She sighed and took it out. 1 text message from Luna. Her phone had read, Natalie's eyebrows had furrowed to why Luna would need her for. She had shrugged her shoulders and opened the text message...
  4. Brynn

    Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

    " How am I suppose to explain its not his fault Flora kissed him. I knew I should of thought this out before I came here, to late now." Natalie had internally sighed. "Ill just get straight to the point." She had thought to herself before taking a deep breath and looking Lloyd straight into his...
  5. Brynn

    St. Andrews

    7:29 now.
  6. Brynn

    St. Andrews

    I already had dinner, which was leftovers. Though at least I have a ice cream bar. c:
  7. Brynn

    St. Andrews

    Pshhh! Its only 7:02 over here, why can't it just be New Years already. The struggle. >.<
  8. Brynn

    St. Andrews

    Still New Years Eve for me. >.<
  9. Brynn

    Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

    Natalie had stood there bewildered at what Gavin was saying. After he had finished and walked away, Natalie had watched him leave before sighing. " Is it mating season or something." She had thought to herself before running her fingers through her hair and biting her lip looking at the ground...
  10. Brynn

    Realistic or Modern Matched

    Tyler Jackson Henderson " Woah..... uh hey. You're.... Tyler, right?" The girl had asked raising a eyebrow at him. Tyler slightly nodded. "Yeah, that's me." He had said offering London a slight smile. " Guessing she my match London." Tyler had thought to himself observing her a bit before...
  11. Brynn

    Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

    Natalie was feeling quite uncomfortable by how Flora was slowly creeping into her personal space. " Someone save me from Flo. Anyone?" She internally sighed as no one had came to rescue her from Flo. " Guess I'm going to have to deal with her again." Natalie had said rubbing her temples and...
  12. Brynn

    Realistic or Modern Matched

    Tyler Jackson Henderson Tyler rubbed his eyes as the taxi he was in halted to a stop in front of a mansion. He had quickly opened the door and retrieved his suitcase that was next to him and opened the taxi door. Tyler had quickly closed the door and paid the man the owed money for his drive...
  13. Brynn


    Alright. Have fun! :D
  14. Brynn

    Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

    Natalie had leaned back slightly uncomfortable by how close Flo was leaning. "What'cha doing?" Flora had asked as Natalie was slowly leaning away from her. "Nothing really, just about to head back to my dorm room or something." She had said her words slowly trailing off. "Is it your Papa?"...
  15. Brynn


    I already have my match. >.<
  16. Brynn

    Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

    Natalie was going to surely drift of to sleep, despite the chatter of people in the Common Room. She had opened her eyes at Ashton asked if anyone wanted to eat with him. " I'm good." Natalie had said mumbling under her breath. She had rubbed her eyes and checked her phone when it had made a...
  17. Brynn


    Yaay! Lunch. c:
  18. Brynn


    What if I already had breakfast. >.<
  19. Brynn

    Realistic or Modern St. Andrews

    The only sounds that Natalie had heard was the constant chatter from people outside the campus and the birds chirping constantly along with cars driving past. She sighed and decided to go back inside the Common Room. " Cause getting bird poop on me would just be amazing." She had muttered under...
  20. Brynn

    {♚} frostbite
